
Chapter One

"Bzzzt, bzzzt, bzzzt!" That's the alarm for school. Upon waking up my brain replays the last few scenes of my dream. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cozy, warm, haven that is my bed. As parts of my body were gradually turning on, I realized today was my big trip to the Oli Oli Museum. I leaned over my bulky blue clock. I switched it off. Suddenly my body's systems were all on go. At this, I pounced from my bed like a hunting puma. I was already feeling fired up for the day. Oli Oli was a spacious indoor sanctuary where there were hands-on activities for families to come together, play, and bond. Kids are free to wander, wonder and discover in spaces designed to foster their creativity, curiosity, and imagination. I didn't know much about it but this was all I heard from everyone else. My friend went there once and she told me that it was good wholesome fun. She told me there was an air gallery where you could create your flights (I don't know how) and learn about aerodynamics. There was a similar water gallery too and a future park. This was going to be an educational trip.

Under the shower, I thought about the Kho Kho championship that was approaching. For three years my blue house had won back-to-back and I was counting on our win this year too. Now I was in grade eight, almost a senior. Our P.E teacher will announce the name for the captain and vice-captain post and I had given my name for the position of vice-captain. Last year I secured the best defender title and I was extremely proud of it. Now if I were to become the vice-captain I would be thrilled about my achievement. I looked around my modern, tiled large contiguous, contemporary bathroom. I glanced at the two sinks, the marble flooring, and the rug. It was a full bathroom. I quickly exited. The day dawned crisp and clear. The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The best part about my room was the furniture and layout. I have a bed right in the middle of my squarish room, which takes up quite a bit of space, but I like it that way. You may find me laying there reading a book in the natural light coming through my window, which is my main source of light. There is a Fresco bedside table, a sliding cupboard and there is a mirror hanging on my off-white walls above a small table. The accessories in my room are small but big enough. It is filled with different kinds of art and photos. On the wall is a black outlined photo frame with photos of me and my family and our holiday to Australia.

My senses are all over the show when it comes to my room. It smells like fresh vanilla because of the bowl of dried petals and shells that have been smothered with air freshener. It feels warm in the morning because of the natural light that comes streaming in and in the afternoon it feels cold cause of the sun moving to the other side of the house. It looks good with all the light colors fitted into my room, and with the dark blankets covering my bed. It's nice to get up to something like that. The fresh air circulates the room which gives me a sense of new relaxation. My bedroom looks smells and feels great.

After I got dressed this was a polka-dot gaudy shirt with straight blue pants and a yellow sleeveless open sweater I went downstairs for breakfast. I was wearing ankle boots. When it comes to casual wear, I tend to shy away from avant-garde looks. I mostly stick to trendy, simple ensembles that stand out a little. I don't like outfits that are screaming too loud. Unlike my little sister, who was eight and fashionable from an early age. Her wardrobe smelled of perfume and ballet shoes mostly. She was very girly and I was described to be the boyish type. Well, I was a lot into sports and wearing Nike most of the time. I even had a Nike bag that my dad bought me last year.

As I was going downstairs I saw dad and Amelia at the breakfast table. It smelled of eggs and French toast. My dad looked at me and said hello to me.

"Hey Dad", I said gleefully.

"All set for the excursion?"

"Yes, Dad", I replied straightforwardly.

"Have fun dear. And take a lot of pictures of the museum and let me know", he said interestingly.

My dad was a senior architect at Icon Architects & Engineers. This massive house that we lived in was provided by the company. I lived in the town of Beaufort which was a well-developed and sophisticated town. This was where I was born. After breakfast, my dad dropped me at Beaufort High School in his four wheels Toyota Matrix. I am lucky that my school follows up both; a wonderful school building and strict discipline for quality education. My school has a big colorful, multi-story building. It has wide spacious rooms. The boundary wall also looks very beautiful. My school is a campus school. There are separate sections of KG level students, primary, elementary, and high school students. It has all facilities inside. In the mid of the school building, there is a big auditorium hall. The auditorium hall of my school is used for various school purposes like celebrating events, and festivals, and for other extracurricular activities. It is very large and spacious. The classrooms at my school are spacious and airy. Its windows are wide and colorful. There are charts, graphs, and other wallpapers on the walls of my school building. My school has an excellent building structure. The multi-story building serves all the students very well. I was proud of my school. I was enrolled here since kindergarten. My school was very sophisticated and it had everything in it.