
Chapter 1

Random multiverse.

[Zoom ×N¹⁰]

Random universe.

[Zoom ×N⁸³]

Glittering points of light and slowly spinning nebulae of all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors lay upon a vast seemingly infinite canvas of black.

[Zoom ×N⁹⁷]

Milky Way Galaxy.

[Zoom ×N¹⁹⁵]

Solar System.

[Zoom ×N³⁰⁰]

The third planet from the sun. A beautiful blue and green orb that also happens to bear a striking resemblance to #HT-C935-1109-463, also designated as 'Earth' by native species;only bigger.

5.3 times to be specific.

[Zoom ×N³⁰¹]


A certain patch of green like the numerous other patches reveals a tropical forest.

[Zoom ×N³⁰²]

Rustle. Rustle.

Two squirrels.





Unknown location.

In a dark room(?) where the only source of light is a giant rectangular device reminiscent of a plasma tv.

The device seems to be playing an extremely realistic video of two adorable little squirrels rutting like there's no tomorrow.

In fact the image was so clear that if you paused the video, squinted your eyes and bent your head a certain angle then you could see the tiny fleas hitching a ride on the horny bastards.

From the TV's(?) light, a shadowed hand can be seen grabbing a smaller cuboid device with one of its faces covered in buttons.

The hand aimed the device at the TV(?) and pressed a red button at the top right corner causing the room(?) to be silent and shrouded in complete darkness.

The situation persisted until a deep yet melodic, ancient sounding voice broke the silence.

"Sigh ... I did not need to see that."

The voice sounded neither male nor female yet still sounded like both.

It was both soothing and eerie.

It was warm and emotional whilst sounding cold and indifferent.

Long story short it was indescribable.

°POV ???:

Looks like Project OPNEET failed successfully.

Good news is that I now have an overpowered camera.

Bad news is that I still need to split myself to access other realities. Emphasis on 'access'.

I found a way to enter different realities but I can't do shit. I'll be like a ghost.

I can see and hear everything but interacting with said reality causes my split self to just dissipate.

If I so much as ruffle a leaf or cause a tiny nearly imperceptible disturbance of airflow? Poof!

I disappear.

Thanos style.

Sigh ... It's still better than death by boredom.

What's a little pain when my sanity is at stake?

The hardest choices require the strongest will.


*Manifests a giant sharp looking knife* SCHWINNNG!

Here goes nothing.





Self mutilation for the win. Yaaay!.

*Takes baseball throw pose*


I honestly have no idea where this is going.

Elderdrascreators' thoughts
Next chapter