
Am I not the Villian?

Synopsis: Andrea, a modern-day reader, unexpectedly finds herself transported into the pages of a fantastical novel where she assumes the role of a princess destined for a tragic fate. Determined to defy this predestined path, Andrea grapples with her impending engagement to the stoic Crown Prince, bound by ancient kingdom rules. The Crown Prince, duty-bound by tradition and the need for stability, reluctantly accepts Andrea as his betrothed despite his reservations. Andrea, aware of the dangers she faces until the novel's hero arrives, seeks ways to secure her survival. She forms an alliance with a mysterious man who becomes her knight after aiding her twice, offering her protection and support in the unfamiliar and perilous courtly world. Meanwhile, Andrea contends with her three step-brothers: the eldest harbors affection for her while the others harbor resentment. As she navigates political intrigue and personal challenges, Andrea discovers hidden allies and adversaries within the kingdom's intricate web of power. As tensions escalate and Andrea's determination to rewrite her fate strengthens, she faces pivotal choices that could alter the course of her story forever. Will Andrea find a way back to her own world, or will she choose to forge a new destiny in this captivating but perilous realm?

Zellatrix_Phoenix · Fantasy
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4 Chs



Andrea and Aric were seated in Andrea's chambers, the flickering light of the candles casting long shadows across the room. The day's events weighed heavily on her mind, and she knew she had to share her plans with Aric.

Andrea took a deep breath and turned to Aric, who was watching her with a calm, attentive gaze.

"Aric, there's something important I need to discuss with you," (Andrea said, her voice steady but serious.)

Aric nodded, his expression unreadable. "Of course, Lady Andrea. What is it?"

Andrea hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Today, when I met with the crown prince, I made a bold request. I asked to become his advisor."

Aric raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "An advisor? That's quite a significant role."

"Yes, it is," (Andrea continued.) "The prince was... taken aback by my request. He said that if I want to prove myself worthy of the position, I must pass a series of tasks."

Aric leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued. "What kind of tasks?"

"I don't know yet," (Andrea admitted.) "He said they would start the day after tomorrow. But I'm certain they will be challenging."

Aric nodded thoughtfully. "And you want my help to pass these tasks."

Andrea met his gaze, her eyes reflecting determination. "Yes. I believe I can do it, but I know it won't be easy. Having someone skilled and resourceful like you by my side would make a significant difference."

Aric was silent for a moment, considering her request. Finally, he nodded. "I'll help you, Lady Andrea. But I need to understand more about why you want this position. It's a risky move."

Andrea looked away, her thoughts swirling. She couldn't reveal the truth about her origins, but she needed to give him enough to understand her determination.

"The position of advisor would grant me influence and protection," (Andrea explained.) "It would allow me to navigate the dangerous politics of the court and keep myself safe. I believe I can make a positive impact, but I need to be in a position of power to do so."

Aric studied her for a moment before nodding. "I see. Your reasons are sound. I'll do everything I can to assist you."

Andrea felt a surge of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Aric. Your support means a lot to me."

Aric gave a small, reassuring smile. "We'll start preparing tomorrow. Whatever tasks the prince sets for you, we'll face them together."

Andrea nodded, feeling more confident with Aric's words. She knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with Aric's help, she believed she could succeed.

As the evening drew on, they continued to discuss potential strategies and plans. Andrea felt a growing sense of camaraderie with Aric, a bond that would be crucial in the challenges to come.


After discussing their plans for a while, Andrea shifted the conversation to a more personal matter.

"Aric, do you have a place to stay?" (Andrea asked, her tone casual but concerned.)

Aric shrugged slightly. "I have a small room at an inn in town. It's not much, but it's enough for now."

Andrea frowned, considering this. "That doesn't sound very secure. Especially with the tasks and challenges ahead, you should have a place where you can rest properly and where we can discuss plans without interruption."

Aric nodded slowly, understanding her point. "It's not ideal, but it's what I have. Besides, I'm used to it."

Andrea hesitated, then made up her mind. "You should stay here, at the palace. There are plenty of rooms, and it would be more convenient and safer for both of us."

Aric looked surprised. "Stay at the palace? Are you sure? That's quite an offer."

"Yes, I'm sure," (Andrea insisted.) "This way, we can work together more effectively. And it would also mean you're close by if anything urgent comes up."

Aric considered her offer, his expression thoughtful. "If you're certain, then I'll accept. It would make things easier."

Andrea smiled, relieved that he agreed. "Good. I'll arrange for a room for you. This will also reduce the interactions with... certain individuals around the palace."

Aric noticed her hesitation but didn't press for details. "Thank you, Lady Andrea. I appreciate your consideration."

"You're welcome, Aric," (Andrea replied.) "And please, just call me Andrea when we're in private."

Aric nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Very well, Andrea. Let's make the most of this arrangement."

As they prepared to call it a night, Andrea felt a sense of optimism. With Aric staying at the palace, she knew they could face the challenges ahead with a united front.