
Am I in MCU?

The guy who lost everything got a second shot in life. It can by harem who knows. I don't.

Snowball · Movies
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They say once you have mastered being alone, you are ready for the company of others, that doesn't make it easy though. When everyone's life journey separated from your own, when the only heart beating in this house belonged to you, it wasn't something most could take. For there are days when the brain becomes a cold fire, perhaps that is what others call panic, but when you are alone, who are you going to call? I guess the good news is that in time, after many unpleasant days, you are okay. Then you find joy again, or maybe it finds you. After that, your journey can change, take on new and exciting adventures... I wish I could wave a magic wand and not be lonely anymore, but there are some things you must learn the hard way.

This is part of what a family is about, it's not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.

Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. When you are alone, they will come to you. When you feel down, they will cheer you up. When you are hurt, they will protect you. But don't get me wrong.

There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall, but there is not lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you're down.

Some people will only 'love you' as much as they can use you. Their loyalty end where benefits stop.

__ MC POV__

We've just met each other, and my first words are like that. For sure, there are people who could say my statement about family is bullshit. But who can understand me? When that's what I feel. Of course, I have memories of my past life, but I have memories of this too. When I was alone and lonely and my only refuge was science. If I don't have people to protect in this universe, why should I care if Thanos snap his fingers? Do you think I can't survive that?

The easiest way would be to find myself in a different dimension. That would ensure my survivability of Thanos' snap. How could I do that? The answer is Mystic Arts or science.

Traveling between universes through the Multiverse is incredibly difficult and usually requires a lot of energy. Yet several shortcuts do exist. The Masters of the Mystic Arts use Sling Rings to travel between dimensions, as long as they can invoke a clear enough image in their minds as to where they want to go. However, it has been shown that some dimensions can be accessed without the use of the Sling Ring, but only by extremely powerful and knowledgeable people. Notable dimensions that have been accessed without the Sling Ring are the Quantum Realm, Dark Dimension, Astral Dimension, Mirror Dimension, K'un-Lun Dimension, and the Soulworld.

Here I am hack of the multiverse who watched it all in movies and can use slings rings to go where he wants of course first I need to learn how to use them, that is a problem. My best shot is K'un-Lun Dimension. The mysterious mystical city of K'un-Lun is located in a different dimension and can be accessed on Earth from a range of mountains in China. Easy, don't you say?

There are, however, two other ways that could ensure my survivability as well. The first one is to make a deal with Thanos. Thanos said he was a man of his word. Dr. Strange made a deal with Thanos not to kill Iron Man in the snap-in exchange for the time stone. Iron Man survived the snap so I can assume that Thanos allowed that to happen. Doing the same sort of thing with Thanos would ensure that I don't die, but making deal with Thanos is a little stupid.

The second one is the hardest one. Somehow become insentient or inanimate. Thanos' snap only affects sentient beings. Things that can perceive or feel things. If I don't then I could survive the snap because it would not target me.

Moreover a subtle detail in Avengers: Infinity War hints that the snap didn't really kill anyone at all - and implies that Thanos isn't dead. According to the Ancient One, anyone who uses the Time Stone to explore the future will be unable to see past the moment of their death. That was confirmed by Endgame when the Hulk attempted to take the Time Stone from her. Although the Ancient One knew that she was destined to be replaced by Doctor Strange, she had no idea the threat of Thanos was approaching, or that Strange would trigger an Endgame plan involving time travel.

In Infinity War, Doctor Strange was able to use the Time Stone to see "all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict" - all 14,000,605 different futures. That includes timelines in which Scott Lang never escaped the Quantum Realm, and the Avengers never got the idea to use time travel to restore Thanos' victims. But in those timelines - and probably in the majority of those 14 million futures - Doctor Strange was never restored. So how was he able to see past his own death? Logically, if a person using the Time Stone can't see past their own death, but Doctor Strange could see all the futures that flowed from the snap, it must mean the snap didn't kill people at all. It did something else.

The most reasonable explanation is that the snap functioned akin to transporters in Star Trek. In Star Trek, a transporter converts a person or object on a molecular level, transforming them into an energy pattern. This energy pattern is stored in a memory buffer, then transmitted to another point, where it is converted back into matter.

Snap seems to have stored details of their form somewhere, on some plane of reality - perhaps the Quantum Realm. That's why, when the Hulk snapped his fingers, people returned exactly as they were; their clothes reformed as well, the things they had in their pockets, even items as esoteric as Bucky's cybernetic arm or Falcon's wings. By this logic, nobody was truly killed when Thanos snapped his fingers - instead, they were shunted into a sort of cosmic cold storage.

The funny part here is that the universe was saved by rat. Yea, I said this right. The rat was the instrumental one that brought Ant-Man back and there would be no time travel without him. I just saying that Avengers won by luck, but let's get back to the conversation. I will think more about it later.

Nice first impression, there is nothing else to say… really they look like someone ran them over by a truck first and then stuffed their mouth with cotton candy. This phenomenon couldn't really be described in one word. You could only search for an answer in a few of them like shocked, stared, astonished, and dumbfounded.

All in all, I'm not surprised. A man comes to them. He claims to be Tony's brother. He leaves with a text about brotherhood and now what just accept him into the family?

But who can boast that he managed to ram up Tony from talking? Probably just a few people. Now I also belong to them. Ahh, I'd like to take a picture of them now.

"Tony, I'm going to settle in New York. If you would like to visit me thereafter settling your mind for further talking, visit me there. I am sure you will find my new address" I looked at Tony again and finished my speech "I understand this is too much information and you need time to sort it all. If you don't want to see me anymore, I will understand too" Then I looked at Potts and said "I've heard a lot about you, Miss Potts, Tony owes you a lot. Please forgive me but I have to go. I still have a lot of work to do with matters related to the new place of residence. I hope to see you soon" I turned and headed towards the exit door.

I paused for a moment and, after a short thought, added "Tony, Obadiah Stane is selling weapons in the black market. One of the buyers is Ten Rings. I hope you know what to do with this information" Then I left and headed back to the taxi that I had arrived here some time ago.

"To the airport" I said quickly. The taxi driver started off and soon I had a ticket to New York in my hand.

The airport was a cocoon of steel, the walls were elegantly curved and wrapped around to create this inner space. And the beams supported so many windows, let in so much light, that in the daytime it is as bright as any summer's day. It didn't take long to go through the gate and reach the plane.

I comfortably sat down in the airplane seat and put eye sleeping mask. Suddenly, someone sat next to me.

Suddenly a questioning voice sounded in my direction from the seat next to me "First time on a plane?" I recognized from a voice that it was a woman.

"How do you know?" I asked back.

"It's shoes. Most people take comfy pairs when they take 5 hours flight" she replied.

"So that gave me away" I chuckled.

"So what handsome man like you was doing in Los Angeles?" she asked.

"Didn't do much. I had only met my brother after many years of separation" I replied sleepily.

"Interesting. I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet. My name is Natalie Rushman and yours? " Natalie replied.

My brain stutters for a moment and my skin takes in more light than I expected they can absorb, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. I FCK UP!

See you tomorrow :)

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