

A scream was heard so loud it could pierce your ears. it was a scream of a son for his mother, who was just found murdered in the bathroom. The night before Mike and his mom carol had a huge fight.

"Was it my fault? If not then who did this?" Mike thought.

Moments later his dad came rushing in, covering his ears, almost crying once he saw the body. Following him was his brother and two sisters

"Are you ok?" They all said in unison.

Mike felt as if he had just killed someone, but he knew he didn't , he couldn't, wouldn't even dare. For his mom was the strongest person he knew, physically. His brother who always gads it out for him, said "you did this didn't you ! YOU MONSTER!". Mike's sister , who always trusted Jacob stepped behind him and started to cry

"How could you ! I hate you!" Lana , his younger sister began to wail. "Hush now, we don't know if he did it." Nicole said softly, his big sister , who started to dial 911. You could tell she was badly keeping it together. As the police arrived the family of now 5 stepped back. Around the same time Akari was arriving. she had heard about what happened from her mother who was in the police force.

mike was still, he felt empty. his whole family had turned on him thinking he killed his own mom, now even his best friend had showed up. Mike's dad looked at him with disgust. "You filthy creature. Even killing your own mom. I should have thrown you out a long time ago. our family has no use for a n illegitimate child".

With that statement Mike went dark. He couldn't handle it . He ran out the door and ran to his special spot, only Akari knew about. As Akari caught up, she got a stomach ash , and turned back. Mike saw this and thought even Akari was disgusted at him. So He left….

This is for a few special friends:

Akari, Lana, and Nicole


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