
Psst. There's only one chapter so sos.

"Am I dead?"

My grey, monotone surroundings were warped. My head was spinning. "Am I dead?" I repeated, louder this time. It was then I realised that I couldn't breathe. I was sinking!

My arms flailed, swishing around in the murky water. I fought to keep my breath, trying to stop the precious bubbles of life slipping through my mouth.

My heart sped up, it was urging my arms and legs to do so too. Why? I wondered as the last vestiges of my consciousness slithered away. Why? I wondered as I sunk beneath the Thames.

I saw, I saw it, I saw the push. When they pushed me from the bridge. I saw my mother hugging me on my 12th birthday. I saw the goldfish being buried. I saw my friends, my family, my memories. I read an article once, in the Sun, this doctor said that in the last 30 seconds before death you see the important bits. Was this what was happening to me?

Well I didn't like it. It made me feel bad for those left behind. My memories continued to come like water rushing into me, filling my lungs with good and bad. Death is surprisingly peaceful, calming, consuming.