
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Zezen- Part 2?!

"What are you talking about the whole world is your body."

That was the last word August heard before complete silence once again.  


"Old man!!"


 He tried and tried shouting his name and badmouthed him  to get any response from the other side even if it was an angry one.

But no matter how hard August  tried or how  badmouthed he  became, there wasn't any 

 response from Zezen it was as if he wasn't even here in the first place.

August hopelessly  cursed himself on his stupidity but though he was hopeless and irritated  he  wasn't really as sad as before because  for the past 100 years the only thing he could feel or see around him is darkness only but this time  an whole world is waiting for him to explore.

So he decided to overlook the fact about zezen and instead focused his view on the world outside the screen.

The thing that He  Got reborn  as a planet is still confusing as well, highly  unacceptable for him. 

Time passed and things started to unfold little by little.

At first it was harder and strange for August but the more he observed the more he started to understand his prowess. He  was able to view the world in any way possible but sadly it was only true for a definite region.

But not Even for once August feel discouraged by this instead he became more thrilled, and slowly understood the reason why he was only able to view in a definite region.

The feeling he felt was that  of an new-born baby, who could hardly view anything beside his hand for now but that was only because he is still new to his new body.

But soon enough as time passed, August's view range also  increased slowly but surely it wasn't that noticeable at first but later on he  was ecstatic to discover that his  consciousness is still merging with the planet, like a baby who is familiarising himself with his new body.


Meanwhile when August  consciousness was still merging and expanding with the planet,  He  also remembered some of the parts  of the zezen speech, but it was completely opposite to what he was expecting, as the part he remembered was too absurd and confusing for him to understand.

The first thing he  remembered was that he is  the first of his  kind and human, to be ever chosen for this position, i.e. to be born as a planet.

From  this point, he was  sure that his reincarnation isn't just a coincidence instead he is forcefully dragged into this mess.

August was happy to be reborn again, but he hated the part when someone or something forced him against his free will.

It was also because he died at a youngan young age because of his seniors  who forced him to drink until he became sober to even stand properly  and later own when he was on his way home he got hit by a car, and died.

As For second part,  it was that crappy introduction and that cringe voice that still made him shudder just by thought.

But the third was  the most absurd and confusing  for him  which was about something having three chances i.e. three lifetime.

"Why??" Was the only thing that he could think of at that time.

As of until now August was sure that he really did reborn as a planet, But that why the third part also seems too ridiculous for him, As if he really is a planet then why would he even  need three chances of lifetime.

"It's not like someone will destroy their own world, because that the only way he could die, right?"

As the things were too difficult to understand for him for now he ignored them and instead focused on expanding his consciousness as well to unlock new features of his new body.

Time passed like air, just like that 10 years passed away, but in those ten years August was able to fully merge his  consciousness with the planet, and the moment he did so the whole world became clear to him.

Where the creatures of the planet would take months or  even years to travel from one place to another August could do that in seconds.

For him it was like he was just simply viewing his body and nothing more.

And that's how August discovered his first ability, his instant teleportation, within the whole world without any  cooldown.

He became ecstatic and his interest got doubled to unlock more prowess.

Though he was ecstatic because of his first ability he was also in disbelief after he became familiar with the current world which he decided to call as zezen.

This world zezen wasn't anything like his  previous world earth, unlike earth where humans were still struggling to cure unknown viruses and overcome pollution threat, in  zezen the things that are threatening humanity survival could easily be solved by a pill and formation.

"How astounding is that!?"

The world Zezen is three times much bigger than earth, but unlike earth where humans were on the top of the food chain because of their intelligence and technology, in zezen the food chain tally is unstable.

Zezen is a homeland of various species including elf, troll, fairies,  dwarf, demons, humans and lastly ceases.

If we were to compare them according to their number then ceaseos, an highly powerful and beastly species will take the lead, with demons on the second place and humans on the third followed by ancient species like fairies, troll, dwarf, elf etc.

Ceaseos also called mindless beasts, are the creatures that dominated half of the land on the surface, they possess unimaginable power but zero IQ To control it, but they can attain intelligence by bonding with another species but the process is too troublesome.

While demons are just opposite to ceaseos they don't have too much strength from the very start but they can surely become more powerful than any ceaseos with cultivation and their advanced brain, but the only thing that confused August  about them is that they are too simple and diligent unlike his view of them.

In third place we have humans, the most intelligent being in all of the universe but also the weaker one at the same time, though,  through their intelligence they were able  to copy every species cultivation technique and then they started their  cultivation after modifying them to their taste.

But it was also Because they copied another species' technique for cultivation instead of creating their own; their cultivation speed is too slow when compared to demons and ceaseos.

But when it comes to foundation the humans dominated every being in the world, as they have basically copied and modified everyone cultivation techniques from time to time , the so called flow that basically threaten every practitioner of the world including demon and ceaseos is out of picture when come to humans, that is also why they have very slow cultivation speed as they basically absorbed pure natural energy for their foundation.

Lastly the Ancient Races low in number  but every single one of them posses unimaginable knowledge and prowess , they are also called natural predator for ceaseos as they cultivate ancient techniques , that is  passed down from generation to generation which was simply designed to kill ceaseoses.

Though  they are strong against ceaseos their techniques became too futile  and weak  when fighting against demons.

Because of these reasons the Ancient races and humans  live and help each other to protect them against their enemies.

As August  had to  observe every single living being for at least   a week, he felt an unknown connection building inside him  toward every living  species in  zezen.

Everything was going as it should be. August  has  already completely merged with the whole planet which was quite shocking at first but it became habitual by the passing time.

Another five years passed in a blink of an eye and his  knowledge also increased by a huge margin, in all of the  five years he  only watched two species in common which were demons and humans.

As there wasn't anything for him  to watch when it come to ceaseos because they only thing he get to see their  was  endless fighting and bloodshed.

But demon and human were different, both of them trained diligently without any bloodshed or an war within  their territories,  at first He was too surprised to see demon cultivating diligently as in his  eyes demons have always been selfless and hideous being the wrost scum in all of the things that  God created ,  but with passing time his view toward them changed and  it all became normal to his  eyes.

On  the other hand,  Humans unlike demons who only focused on cultivation, humans despite cultivation they also learn different arts such as formation, weapons and martial arts, forging and magic.

Watching them is the only thing he  loves as he doesn't have another option instead of doing that.

Thing we're going smoothly although the ceaseos did  attack humanity's cities from time to time but it always ends  eventually with casualties of course.

August  started loving this new world even before He  knew it, this world have it all adventure magic and independence but most importantly the world is totally free of war.

But even if all the things are normal and there wasn't any sign of any war nor any planetary destruction  , for some reason the words three chances keep Bugging him  all the time.

And it was when he was too sure that zezen words are only ridiculous in itself, something strange happen week later  a high demon trespassed In one of  humanity  stronghold  to gather some herbs that could only be find in human territories as an order from the demon king  but he ran out of luck not long after he arrived in the human bases and Got killed, which was too obvious, well who will let someone trespass in their territory. 

At first it all  seems too normal to August.

vote with stones as it would inspire me to write more chapters.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts