
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Survival part-1?!


"How could he appear inside my consciousness."

"And more than that how could that mighty and arrogant Asmolodous be such a small child?!"

August thought to himself, but unbeknownst to him the child he was talking about is actually listening to all this.

And he is sure digging his own Grave.

Asmolodous who have already heard everything roared in anger.

"How dare you call me a child!!!"

"You puny human!!!"

The fire around the small version Asmolodous started burning more fiercely it was like he could destroy the whole planet at this instant.

On the other hand August severed with fright when he heard Asmolodous voice, but some time later he showed something Incredible and unbelievable to eyes.

In the middle of his consciousness the small Asmolodous started hitting the space beneath him and spewing fire all around but unlike what he had in mind. 

 The current Asmolodous seems like a cheeky brat to him.

His fear faded away the more he observed Asmolodous , the mighty Asmolodous who could turn the whole world into ashes is looking rather cute in his small version.

"Damn it, if not for your authority as the master of the world I might have already killed you."

Said Asmolodous gritted  teeth.

Listening to Asmolodous word an sudden confidence build up  inside  August, though he wasn't totally aware of the situation.

 He is sure that in  his current form Asmolodous don't possess any threat to him nor to  the humans of the world.

"Ahem! Can you now stop your tantrum and answer some of my queries?" Asked August.

But Asmolodous didn't pay any heed to his word though he stopped beating the space and spewing fire. He totally ignored August as if he didn't even hear his voice.

August didn't really feel offended in any way, why would he, he   isn't someone of high status like Asmolodous, beside his status as the master of the world what other thing does he have in his possession?.


On the other hand Asmolodous is a king, he ruled over hundreds of thousands of spirits in his Kingdom and has been living a luxurious life.

But now August has robbed him of all those things after summoning him here,  who won't be offended by this.

But even if  he summoned Asmolodous and robbed him off his luxurious life he wasn't feeling sorry for him, because he needed Asmolodous for his own survival.

And when it comes to survival August would summon 5 powerful beings on par with Asmolodous if he had to.

August wanted to live this life without being oppressed by anyone, even if he had to die he would die fighting for himself.

Unlike his previous life back on earth.

"Well, it would be Good if you could help me but given your arrogant nature I don't think It would be possible." said August after observing Asmolodous for some times who is still behaving like an ignorant child.

"Sigh, Well I think  I could only ask for Xexon help them, Given his mentality he would mostly likely help me unlike certain someone." August declared mockingly.

He knows how much Asmolodous hates Xenon, so he decided to use xenon to gain Asmolodous favour.

And as he expected not long after, the silent and ignorant  Asmolodous who have been ignoring August for quite some time talked again.

"Don't bother Xexon have already ascended to the upper world he won't answer your call no matter how hard you try and the same goes for the other  three  king's spirits. '' said Asmolodous in a low voice.

August was quite shocked  by Asmolodous reaction, he was thinking that Asmolodous would most likely curse him and he might as well try to kill him again.

But opposite to what August was expecting Asmolodous answered rather  quietly as if he wasn't in the least angry.

Meanwhile August processes Asmolodous answers that hold many hidden meanings within it.

Xexon and the other spirit kings have already ascended to an upper world.

Then does it mean that there is another world just like?

But if all other spirit kings have already descended to the upper world then who would help me now?

And what about Asmolodous?

If all the spirits kings were able to ascend to the upper world, then why, why Asmolodous is the only one who responded to my call.

Does it mean that Asmolodous wasn't able to ascend to the upper world?!

August became aghast as soon this revelation hit him.

In his view Asmolodous has  been the most powerful spirit king in all of the spirits, but now the  spirit who he deemed as the strongest was unable to ascend to a higher world.

This news was quite shocking for him, though he didn't know the reason behind why Asmolodous wasn't able to ascend, he suddenly started feeling sorry for him.

For some reason he started viewing himself in Asmolodous, powerful but incompetence.

For sometime only silence roamed.

August was feeling soory for Asmolodous and was also cursing himself for teasing him while Asmolodous just kept quiet the whole time.

"But you don't have to worry about them, even if all of them are gone you could easily summon their children for help." said Asmolodous, finally breaking the silence.

August hummed in response but In truth he was too ashamed to speak anything.

After this everything progressed quite fast ,  with Asmolodous help August was able to summon the other four spirits and bound with them  quite fast than he expected.

He also learned many things about his new body from Asmolodous and the reason behind his small version.

According to him, the owner of the world has to start anew with  every spirit. He  himself has to teach the spirit as   his disciple and not only that no matter how much of a powerful spirit the other is, once summoned by the owner of the world they would revert back to their previous form from where they have started everything.

Asmolodous also talked about the previous owner of the world, Zezen, his master from time to time quite happily.

But the only thing he talked about zezen includes how harsh and strict zezen was, especially toward him.

August days flew like air while training the spirits and listening to Asmolodous stories, and just like that 10 years passed.

Meanwhile when August was busy training spirit he also looked for the reason behind why the demon had to trespass into humanity's stronghold.

Was it just a coincidence or someone does it on purpose, but no matter how hard he tried he wasn't really able to figure out the reason behind it.

And that is why the holy war was initiated once again.

Currently Asmolodous is looking down from the sky, below him numerous people were gathered into two different sides separated by mountains.

"Hey Asmolodous, who would you think will win this time?"asked august.

Asmolodous who also seems to be looking at the ground replied in a mature voice.

"Hmm, it would be a demon considering their number as well as their cultivation, if my estimation is correct that this battle would most likely end within a week."

"But why is there so much strength difference between both sides?" Asked August in confusion.

"Master, that is something that you have to understand yourself. I can't answer your question no matter how many times you ask." replied Asmolodous humbly from within August consciousness.

August shifted his view back to his consciousness which is currently shining with different light inside it, he looked at Asmolodous who has grown into an adult man just like he showed him in the picture in the temple ten years ago.

Beside him stood other 4 spirits just as tall as Asmolodous but when it comes to power and strength none of them is  a match for him.

August could only sigh after  seeing  the other spirits mature enough from small children.

"Time sure flies very fast." August  thought to himself.

"Yes, master  it sure  does' ' said the other four spirits in unison except for Asmolodous.

Alen laughed after listening to them, and then he shifted his view back on the ground which now seemed to turn into a bloody battlefield.

"Hey Asmolodous, why can't we just stop them here and now even before their battle concluded, won't that be a better way." Asked August after watching the unpleasant view before his eyes.

"We can't master, the holy war isn't something you could just intervene in, it's a cycle that is sure to happen every decade."

"We could only defend ourselves or we can try to  stop such a situation that will lead to such a conclusion before it's occurrence."

"But we can't intervene with the holy war nor we side with one of them." Concluded Asmolodous the other four spirits quietly listened to every word carefully, it was as if they were unaffected and quite familiar to the situation before them.

"Hey Nize, why does the master always chat with uncle Asmolodous instead of us?" Asked air spirit.

Nize , the water spirit refuted him and answered in a low voice.

"Shhhh,  don't say something like that, uncle Asmolodous  is much much more knowledgeable than any of us, he is also the most powerful one so it's normal for him to be a master favourite." 

"Oh, ok."



Don't forget to drop power stones for more chapters.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts