
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Holy war, Demon vs human?!

Humanity Base , 18.

Numerous people were gathered on a huge plain, in front of them lay flowery gardens and shining fields while behind them lay darkness and wasteland, and what separated them from each other are huge and sturdy mountains.

It wasn't a small distance that can be seen with a person 's point of view, but these are two different  territories one belongs to humanity while the others to  demons, and today is the day they all have waited for.

The final day of judgement where only one side will remain in the world.

In front of a crowd of people an middle aged man slowly rose to the sky, with white clothes all around his body , the man himself looked like a God.

"Listen carefully, today is the day when All the Demonkins will pay for their sins,  Today we will slay them all freeing our holy land from their evil clutches."

The Godly figure , a middle aged man shouted from the sky as if God itself is addressing his subjects.

"We will behead each and every one of them for destroying our nations and cursing our holy land with their evil power!"

"We will cut their body in half before and will tear their limbs apart before feeding them to the animals and  endlessly torturing them in the same way they tortured our deceased brothers and sister!"

The Middle aged man Roared from the sky, all the people below him just listened to his words without uttering a word and without slightest disturbance.

The middle aged Man pauses for some time and then questions the other loyalty.

"But, before that I want to ask  your opinions, do you want to free our land from demons?!"

Asked the middle men, In response the massive crowd roared in one voice shaking the mountains and the land beneath.


"Do you want to avenge our fellow brother who died in their hand!!"


"Then follow me to end the demon trail here and now!!" said the middle aged as he unsheathed his long sword and  whistled.

Suddenly an huge griffin completely engulfed In fire  appeared in front of  him,  the Griffin  lowered his head in respect to its master, the Griffin as big as mountain itself didn't even dare to lift his head nor his eyes, it was too shocking to see such a sight, the people below were having an incredulous expression on their blank faces ,  while an strong urge of victory in their heart as they looked toward their leader. 

The middle aged man gracefully sat down on the Griffin , in response the Griffin lifted his head and roared, shaking the mountains in front.

"For Humanity , For Holy land charge!!!"

The middle aged man roared and charged forward with his griffin,  the mass number of the crowd followed him.

The number of people was so huge that even the earth itself started trembling due to their unison motion.

But they didn't even care about that, they discarded all things and charged ahead   toward their enemy.

At the same instance when the middle aged man started his speech.

In another place.

 Demon stronghold , Demonic land.

An sinister presence that can make one shudder by mere sight floats in the air , the space around him engulfed within darkness, even  the air became sinister and Demonic.

The utterly sinister Figure is the current, Demon Lord, florius.

"It's time that we cleaned all of humanity's scum and took back what is originally ours". Said florius addressing an equal or even larger than the mass of people present on humanity side.

"The World should rightfully be ours as the Strongest creature in the all of the world, instead of those inferior humans who were only born to serve us!"

"We have neglected them far enough but  now we will fulfil their ancestor wish and enslave all of the humanity once again, not even letting anyone of those scum, we will snatch their last  breath, and will rule over them for eternity"

 Said Florius , The acting leader addressing the crowd.

The crowd roared in unison trembling the whole earth by the pitch of their voice.


Feeling satisfied by the crowd response  the demon leader unsheathed his dark sword and fled even higher.

Pointing his sword toward the mountain in front of him, he roared with all his might.


Moments later , the both forces strike each other with all their might. The sturdy mountain between them has already reduced to dust in the exchange of power between both sides.

Good vs evil , God vs demon.

This is  how  another legendary war took place, As  heaven will, but surely heaven won't be going to intervene in it.

On the battlefield, the dried land is full of blood, the sea colour has turned  to red, even the vast clear  sky is engulfed in darkness.

"Demons, your doom has arrived before your entire race became extinct!" said a human warrior with snort and disgust toward the demon in front of him.

The demon on the other followed suit and shouted angrily " You puny humans dare to curse our mighty race , no one can save your race from vanishing from the face of the world not even your puny God."

Saying that the demon charged and created an opening and beheaded  the human warrior, red blood splatter from the human warrior  body , with a thud sound the lifeless body fell on the ground.

Humanity loses +1.

On another location, Another pair of fighter were engaging in a fight.

"Puny, human surrender and accept me as your master, only that way you will be able to treasure your worthless life!!" said the demon warrior in a menacing voice   pointing a spear toward the human head.

The human  spit and mocked the demon that enraged him.

The demon warrior thrust his spear toward the human but failed to even scratch it, not long after that the demon head went flying in the air  , Dark blue blood splashed like water eventually the demon body fell onto the ground with a thud sound.

The human warrior approached the demon head and spit on it again.

Your entire  demon race isn't worthy to be my master!! Saying that he moved to the next target.

Demon lose +1.

The entire battlefield is occupied with these scenarios.

Some of the people occupied the land while others dominated the sea  even the sky isn't   spared from being a battlespace.

The figures on land consist of soldiers , large in  numbers but meagre strength , while the sea is occupied by powerhouses of both sides but the real battle is Going on in heaven itself.

In the vast sky two figures can be seen Gazing at each with mixed emotion in their eyes, separated by a distance of 1 mile or so.

The space between them is in a chaotic state due to their display and confrontation  of prowess by mere eyesight's.


Tzzzz .


Thunder sparking and intense explosions resounded throughout the sky, one could only awe on the vast strength to what both of the leaders possessed.

It was then the human leader, Long xi with his beast ride griffin  beneath him, spoke in an dignified voice.

" Demon lord, your end is  near surrender or face your death!!" said long xi pointing the long sword toward the one mentioned as demon lord.

His words resounded in the vast sky even the thunderous sound couldn't help but be  suppressed by his words.

The demon lord on the other hand  sneered at long xi word.

'You puny human dare to speak about death in front of me, at first I was thinking to go easy on you, but not anymore!" saying that he take out his black sword in his hand

Instantly , an enormous dark energy came out from the sword. The world seems to plunge in darkness even long xi seems to became wary of the dark aura.

"What's this menacing aura!! How could the demon lord poses such a powerful weapon if he wasn't in a weakened state, moreover if he really does possess such a powerful weapon aren't we just cannon fodder for him?!".Long xi lamented on the sight before him, in horror  and his expression became grave by the time.

"No, this can't be. I have to stop him,even if it costs me my life! Long xi resolutely made a decision as he determined the consequences and the false information they got. 

 "Heavenly sacrifice!!"

With his words,  an white orb appeared in front of him   , the orb slowly gathered heavenly energy from the world as well from the long xi body until it started to ward off the menacing aura.

It was like that the white orb is an absolute enemy of the dark aura , like what an antivirus for a virus.

The demon lord observed all of that carefully without  disturbing the human leader; it was like he was actually letting him play his last card.

But his expression changed abruptly when the white orb made his appearance, later on he started laughing mockingly.

"Haha, You humans really are scum of the Gods, even resort to  sacrificing oneself just so you can kill me!" he paused and smirked.

"But, too bad not even your sacrifice will be able to stop me today."

"Dark Blade!!"

With his word,  all the menacing and dark aura started to converge itself on the blade. The sword became bigger by the second and not long after the sword almost covered the whole sky in long xi sight.

 Long Xi's expression sank and his complexion started to pale while cold sweat started to form on his body.

"What is that sword? How could it converge so much darkness to such a degree! no, I have to stop  him at all costs no matter what. I can't let the demons possess  our holy land, even if I have to sacrifice 1/3 of humanity."

Making such a huge decision isn't an easy task, but long xi is left with no option they will surely be dead  even if he didnt sacrifice them, but sacrificing 1/3 of humanity wont secure their win,  it will surely make them lose the war , but he still hoped that the latter would be an better option, As in that option the demon lord will be gone with them, forever.

"Heavenly sacrifice, Ultimum!!"

More and more energy started to pour into the white orb from everywhere, the white orb  started to get bigger in size while the  energy inside it also started to become denser and denser.

Both parties were ready with their trump card and the only thing that remains is to strike each other.

On one side stood the demon lord with his menacing dark blade in his hand  and on the opposite, stood long li with a shining spear in front of him.

They were about to charge at each other for the final blow,  when suddenly two heavenly bolts with enormous amounts of energy within them strike  both of them.

Their  body instantly turned to  charcoal blacked  like two burnt pieces of meat, and like a  feather their paralysed body started falling.


Both of the leaders were dumbfounded to what had just happened; they were just about to settle everything when they suddenly got struck by bolts of lightning.

There was only one thought in their mind, 


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