
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs


After some more chat with old xi August left the martial academy and headed toward his mansion in the outskirts of the city.

Inside the mansion, August was pondering about his further plans to become stronger.

"Hmm, now that I am almost an student of the martial academy the next I have to do is to enter security department and for that I have to become stronger."

August didn't know the qualifications to be a member of the security department but he did know that he won't be able to enter with his current strength.

Moreover, he was only accepted as an outer disciple ,   not even an official student of the academy.

"Sigh, it seems I won't be able to become stronger without cultivation." August sighed, he was not against cultivation, it was just it was too hard for him.

The cultivation technique that was passed to him wasn't an ordinary one, instead it was an ancient heritage of all the peers that were the owner of the world before him.

August was just a normal mortal back on earth, who doesn't even know about human cultivation technique, not to  mention a technique that belongs to heavenly bodies (planet.)

He was totally blank about it.

It was also the reason why he was looking for an alternate way to become to strong while he can also tried to cultivate.

But Given current circumstances he won't be able to wait any more.

"Tsk, well let's try our best." August said, he closed  his eyes while posing as Buddha, in an instant he was disconnected from the outer world.

"Hmm, so the first chapter is about knowing the void."

 August said as he read  ancient text  in his mind.

"The outside world is opaque, one won't see through it.

Look with your spirit not with your eyes , if you do so you will know the void."

August recited the heavenly chant of the cultivation scripture  , immediately after a large amount of natural energy started to converge all over his body.

As a normal mortal , August is still far away from opening his meridians, according to this world knowledge there are a total eleven meridians inside an human body only by opening all of them could one achieve greatness  and tread on the path  of cultivation.

The eleven different meridians belong to different parts of the body , the purpose of opening the meridians is to let the natural energy flow through a human body, later on the same natural energy will slowly harness and increase the strength of the cultivator.

 The natural energy went inside August body along with breath  and  went on rampage inside August body.



Kacha~~~~ !!

Aaah!!!!, August cried in agony as the violent natural energy forced open the meridians inside his body,and it was more painful cause he wasn't even prepared for it.

[Cold blooded skills have been activated.]

The system voice chimed inside August's mind , but he wasn't able to hear it because of the immense amount of pain.

 Meridian, are the basics that are required to be fulfilled to be  a cultivator, because of its importance it is usually performed or done with some Guidance and in the watchful of a senior.

When one meridian is broken or damaged, their dream to be a cultivator will be severed before it's start.

As such when opening one's meridians it is highly recommended to use pills and request a senior to help you with the matter , to avoid future regret.

August was also well aware of all this, but he wasn't prepared more like he was surprised. August has been trying to cultivate the same technique in both of his lives , but no matter how hard he tried three wasn't any progress.

At first he thought that may be because of his lack of knowledge about cultivation, but this was proved wrong as he wasn't able to Achieve any kind of progress  even after acquiring all the knowledge of the world.

Even now when August reluctantly tried to cultivate once more, he wasn't really thinking about any progress , not to mention a result.

The meridians opening incident shocked him, but it was more like a painful shock.

August cried as the natural energy pushed open his meridians in the body , first heart then  lung followed by kidney and  Spleen.

August screamed in agony as  his meridians were being ripped apart one by one.

"Pain!! , damn it, too painful!!!" August let a low voice through his teeth.

His face was pale because of pain and his mind was on the verge of breakdown.

"No , if this continues, I won't be able to remain conscious." August said warily knowing it would be game over for him if he loses his consciousness now.

There were still three meridians left, which aren't open yet but Given the amount of pain he is going through it would be impossible for him to bear it to the last.



The natural energy made its way toward Gall bladder meridian  and forced open it in one go.



Followed by  urinary bladder meridian.

As the process was nearing to end, August screams were also getting low , as he was losing his strength and control of his body.

On..e! Mor….e !! Just one more!!! August said his voice trembling with pain and agony.

He was barely hanging, his strength had already been depleted,  the same goes for the energy inside his body, the only thing which was keeping him conscious was just his sheer will power.

Will to live.

He never felt such pain In his three  lifetime, not even on his death , when the planet was destroyed completely.

The natural energy continues to forward toward the last meridian ( intestines).


With a single push the last meridian was also open, and with that August also collapsed on the ground , unconscious.