
Am I a System?

Void was a human that died tragically and was given a second chance at life. This is not like the other rebirth novels that you have read. Ever wondered what it would be like to be your own system. Imagine the endless possibilities. Well, come watch as void shapes his own future. Join me and watch this novel transform into one of your best reads. P.S don't own the image

DeathCreepGod · Games
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38 Chs


The Warden was happy with his findings already. The Nascent Soul of the ice queen and cultivation has been miraculously transferred to Crow. The warden wanted to see if the nascent soul could be fused with his body as well but based on the intel from Crow. He knew he would have died if the woman with the special healing powers did not help.

He initially thought there was something wrong with Crow. He had long use de-possession talisman, but it did not react. In addition, he had thoroughly examined Crow's mental state, but nothing was amiss.

The warden was a shrewd man and would not accept an easy meal. He sat down with his hand at his chin. After thinking for a while, he spoke.

"It seems the nascent soul of the Ice Celestial has somehow been transformed into an artifact. It should be a special artifact. Until now there are no artifacts that can increase anyone's cultivation much less fuse into a cultivator's body. While they are some that can be implanted to increase or replace a body's function. It is still not on the level as this"

The Warden had tried before to remove and locate the nascent soul in Crow's body but other than discerning its location with special tools. He could not see anything tangible.

"The only drawback is the pain of integration. Crow had almost died. Therefore, anyone that can survive the power of the artifact will be granted its power" the warden nodded. He would have to do more research into this but knowing this was good so far.

This meant his fear of Crow's life being in danger was all for naught. Crow had been with him for a long time and they have been through many dangerous situations. Ever since the boss brought crow back from that mission.

He turned his head to Crow who had been silent all this time and nodded. Crow nodded to him and slipped back into the shadows. Only the warden noticed but Crow was happy and relieved.

Cruden was confused but he did not mind that crow entered the shadow. He knew it was Crow's favorite place besides he could still tell crow was in the room. The maliciousness was being better hidden, but Cruden could still detect it as strongly as ever and he could also see the words <nascent soul> hanging in the shadows.

He could tell the mood had changed but the atmosphere did not lessen. This time it was crow who spoke.

"There have been many developments. By now, I know you are aware that the ice celestial that you fought is dead. Unfortunately for you, it was only one of her clones. The whole nation is in a state of panic. It is believed that demons are slowly invading. In fact, they are believed to already be here. They started off as whispers on the street but now everyone is convinced. To make matters worse, there are wanted posters circulating with images of the demon child that vaguely match your description."

When Cruden heard this news, the hairs on his neck rose. The whole city must be out looking for him. He was about to start panicking but the warden's voice came in time.

"Don't worry, the image on the poster only matches the description of the form you took that day. As a matter of fact, there are no images or mention of Crow or the girl and that can only mean one thing. Only a few seconds of that last interaction between you and the Ice celestial's clone was sent back to the original body"

Therefore, unless you take that form or use your powers, no one could be able to recognize you. The Warden wanted to see that form, but he knew now was not the time.

The warden had done intensive research on the matter. He had paid a huge sum but it was worth it. Based on the information, he knew the original body of the ice celestial was a peak nascent soul cultivator when last seen around 150 years ago. He deducted based on the lack of information on the poster and the fact that the ice celestial has not personally acted. She must be heavily injured. It was the only possible outcome.

"I am not sure how strong that form is, but as we are now, none of us is a match for the ice celestial's true body and her celestial palace. Therefore, our safety is of the utmost importance" the warden stepped away from Cruden and sat back down.

"On your last mission, not only were you too naïve and rash, but you also acted without consulting with crow, you broke the one rule of the assassin guild, to escape and you almost failed the mission. Therefore, you will not be allowed on any solo missions"

Even though the warden was not shouting, Cruden could tell the warden was very angry.

The warden raised his voice, "this is an order, under no circumstances should you show anyone your powers other than to the people in this room. As you are now you bear little resemblance to that figure! If you ever take that form again. It is to kill!"

"In addition, there is a huge problem with that power. With the help of your friend, you were able to heal quickly but you were still unconscious for 19 days, it can only be said that the power is too powerful for your body, and you should take better care of yourself"

Cruden did not like the idea of killing innocent people, but he knew the warden was just looking out for him. It reminded him of the young miss from the mansion all he could do was stay quiet.

"The responsibly of who lives, or dies will fall on you Cruden" Cruden heard did not dare raise his head.

"Crow, if he doesn't understand the seriousness of the situation. I order you to Kill anyone who sees his power. I hope you understand this is for your own good" Cruden didn't respond but slowly nodded.

Cruden raised his head with tears in his eye.

"I am not a demon. While there are many things I cannot say for now. I assure you I mean no harm to any of you. I also know that the Ice celestial will not stop until I'm captured. So, I will be very careful from now on. Thank you for not abandoning me"

Crow stepped out of the shadow behind Cruden and rubbed his head.

"What are you talking about? We have a blood feud with the ice celestial and besides if we wanted to get rid of you, we would have handed you in when you were unconscious for 19 days"

Cruden wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled but then was greeted with a punch on his head from Crow. "So, Stopping acting so soft".

Cruden was going to retaliate but then he heard the warden laughing. Cruden looked at Crow but even though he could not see his face. He had the weird impression that crow was smiling. Crow was not the one for being sentimental so he turned around and walked back into the shadow but before his body disappeared, Cruden could have sworn he heard Crow say, "thank you".

19 days ago on an island far away.

The real body of the Ice Celestial had been preparing for years to make a breakthrough from the peak nascent soul to the Cosmic Spirit stage. It was the realm above the peak nascent soul. Once a cultivator had reached this real, they will be able to traverse space and touch upon the realm of laws. At this stage, the pure essence of the soul is achieved and integrated completely into the body where the spirit and body become one.

It may seem like a small step but for a peak nascent soul to step into the Cosmic spirit stage. They must go through the process of soul-shattering. A very dangerous process as the name implies where the soul is broken down to its very essence. This process is used to find the spark of the soul. The spark that resulted in the formation of said soul. Very ironic, a nascent soul cultivator cultivates to nurture and strengthen the soul only for the next stage to require its destruction. The chance of success is less than 25% and it takes many years of preparation to increase those odds. That means one in 3 out of four peak nascent soul cultivators never make it to that stage.

The Ice celestial was in seclusion attempting to step into the Spirit Cosmic Stage. She was very confident and had utilized her clone to run some errands for her while she was in the closed-door cultivation. On the day of the battle. The body of the Ice celestial which had not moved for years suddenly shuddered and coughed out a mouthful of blood staining the whole floor. She immediately acted using her finger to tap multiple areas on her body and she was finally able to catch a breath

She knew immediately that her clone had been destroyed. She was waiting for the images of the encounter that cause her clone to be destroyed to be flash in her brain but what assaulted her was an intense headache and out of nowhere, she felt a tug on the connection she had with her clone. Her cultivation was being forcefully stolen. Luckily, she acted quickly cut the connection.

She took a moment to stabilize herself. She had never experienced anything like this or heard of anyone encountering such a backlash from a destroyed clone. In addition, the memories she received were completely broken and the only useful information was a scene of the last few minutes before her body was destroyed. As soon as she saw the scene, she came up with the same conclusion as her clone that Cruden was from the demon race.

Her mind raced, without all the information, she could not properly access the situation, but she knew she had to inform the committee of her findings. She sent a voice transmission to one of her underlings. In a few seconds, a man draped in white icy amour appeared.

"Go to the north, to the Wuhan Continent and inform the committee members that the demon race is invading" the ice celestial ordered urgently. She put the talisman to her head and engrave the image of Cruden and sent it to the man

While the issue of the demon race was important. The man cared deeply for the ice celestial. The man did not move immediately, he could tell something was wrong and wanted to ask further but the Ice celestial voice rang out angrily. "That is an order!".

He was helpless about the situation, but the man nodded and disappeared.

An angry sigh rang through the palace. It would not be wrong to say the Ice celestial was worried. Her clone was an early nascent soul equipped with an earth artifact. Even if she was no match for her opponent. She should have been able to escape. She was aware all the Cosmic spirit cultivators of the earth have already left in search of the laws. Therefore, the other party must have used a forbidden technique. She wanted to immediately act but she was gravely injured.

She gritted her teeth angrily. She had just been at a crucial step in her cultivation and had also suffered a vicious attack. She would need a long time to recover. She had never suffered such a defeat

Before swallowing some pills, she vowed to make that rascal pay