
Am I a System?

Void was a human that died tragically and was given a second chance at life. This is not like the other rebirth novels that you have read. Ever wondered what it would be like to be your own system. Imagine the endless possibilities. Well, come watch as void shapes his own future. Join me and watch this novel transform into one of your best reads. P.S don't own the image

DeathCreepGod · Games
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38 Chs


When Valencia had entered the hall. She had a brilliant idea as soon as she saw the fountain. If She can infuse her powers into water then it will be very easy to supply to every townspeople in the village. There was nothing to lose.

She stepped forward. Her voice was clear and angel "Is there any major water mass in this city, somewhere with a controlled amount of water?"

No one dared underestimate this little fairy now.

Lucy answered instantly after hearing the question. She had an idea of what Lenci wanted to do.

"There's this a fountain here and at the center of the city and a few wells throughout the city"

Valencia thought about it and the one that best suited her needs was the fountain in the center of the main hall. But how does she ask the elders and chief to leave? She couldn't just do it in front of them.

Valencia stood there awkwardly and so did the elders. She was uncomfortable ordering people around and she had never really requested anything if anyone. She slowly walked over to the fountain but she did not say a word.

The fountain was found in the far right of the room. It was large and beautiful. It had h the e typical outline of a normal fountain but the engravings were so articulate.

The village chief didn't know what was going on but he was no fool either. "Would you like to use this fountain little fairy?"

She nodded her head vigorously. She really liked that name. Little fairy. She preferred it ten times better than little bastard

Early she was talking so confidently but now she was being very timid.

"Okay say no more little fairy". He looked to the elders and adjourned the meeting. Some of them were unhappy and had a bunch of questions but the 5 elders could not disobey the village chief. Before they left he commanded.

"Also not one word about this little fairy, we wouldn't want to offend our guests" all the elders nodded and left. Only Valencia, the village Chief, and Lucy were left.

"I have other matters to report on village elder, on my way to ask for help from the royal family with senior brother Troy. He tried to kill me. He almost succeeded. If it was for the help of Lenci I would have died". It was obvious she was angry.

She and her senior brother had known each other for years. She could not understand his actions.

The village chief was greatly angered. He never foresaw this outcome. He had a feeling there was more to what was happening on the surface to his village. He needed more evidence.

The only people that knew of their trip to the palace were himself and the elders. He doubted Troy acted by himself.

There were snakes around him and he would take care of them when the time was right.

He smiled and rubbed her head tenderly, "I'm glad you returned to us safely, especially with such a wonderful gift". "You are in charge of protecting her and her accommodations while she is here"

She smiled and agreed. The village chief has always doted on her and treated her as his daughter. He was her everything.

I am going to leave. I have some matters to attend to. He then turned his head to the little fairy and thanked her again and walked out the hall.

Lucy ran over to Valencia and hugged her. They were both happy that the pearl had worked. It was good for their excuse but they need something more practical. She explained her plan to Lucy. Then proceeded to implement it.

There were a lot of things that she was experiencing for the first time but she had no time to be overwhelmed. She had never had so many people depending on her. She had never felt useful.

She pushed those thoughts at the back of her head. Bright light once again emerged from hands again and a new pearl appeared. She dropped the pearl into the fountain but nothing happened. The pearl just sank to the bottom.

She placed her hand directly into the fountain and tried infusing her powers directly but after a few flashing lights. Nothing changed. she was beginning to get frustrated and sad. The last time she remembered being this sad and frustrated was when she heard the news of her mother's death.

She reached for the Holy thing that kept her sane whenever she got overwhelmed; the only thing she had from her mother was the butterfly pendant that she always wore around her neck. she held it tight between her hands and proceeded to try again. This time she poured everything she had.

That's when it happened


Butterfly's Kiss: the user is able to bless any liquid with the holy attribute. <stackable><cost 5mp> <duration 6 minutes>

a beautiful white butterfly emerged from her hands, it grew larger and larger with every energy she sent.it flew and circle around the hall and then landed on the surface of the water. The water in the fountain shined brightly then gradually calmed down but the only difference was the undeniable aroma that was now present in the hall.

She stared at the notification that appeared in her eyes then at the butterfly pendant in her hands. She was very happy. She had acquired skill and just the skill she needed. she hurriedly put the necklace back around her neck.

Lucy stared at Valencia back. She had witnessed it from start to finish. Miracles kept on happening anywhere this little fairy was. She was unsure if it worked but she decided there and then to forever follow Valencia.

She was so happy she couldn't contain her excitement but that's when she realized she had expended too much energy. She was too weak and fell to her knees. Lucy was there to catch her.

Lucy was so worried. It was not the first time she saw valencia collapsing but she was concerned nonetheless. "you have got to stop overworking yourself, you need to take some rest"

"I will rest as soon as your people are healed. I have succeeded. we have to hurry and get the water to everyone. I can feel their suffering" just give me a minute and I will...

"No", lucy had cut her off before she could finish. "Sit here and I will rally up those that are still able to move to come to gather the water and then distribute it". "Just sleep"

Valencia couldn't hold out anymore and immediately fell asleep. Lucy lifted her up and carried her to her room. she made sure to tuck her in tightly and then got to work.