
Am I a Demon or Angel

When having to choose between split parents it's hard enough, but when one is Satan himself and the other is a high ranking angel it's harder. Follow Luna as she finds out where she belongs.

snakeshed_studios · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Just My Luck

I can't believe Juilan almost got me caught. Luna can't find out unless I tell her first but I'm planning to wait a few days. Out of all people Juilan knows how it feels getting something sprung on you. Julian's landlord decided to put up the house he is renting up for sale. Now he needs to move somewhere else before next month.

How can I tell Luna that I'm in a secret relationship with Juilan. I need to call Juilan and discuss this matter with him but first I need to drop Luna off at school.

"LUNA ARE YOU READY?!?" I yelled

"I'm coming" she said

"Well hurry up Luna, you don't want to be late on the first day of school."

"I know Madison" she said

Thankfully by the time I packed my lunch for work Luna was ready.

"Now are you ready Madison?" she asked me

"Funny and yes I'm ready too so let's head out."

"Do I look okay?" she asked

"You look great and as long as you find someone to help you get to your classes you'll be more than okay." I said

"Okay thanks for the tip." Luna said

"Anytime, now just be yourself and you'll find friends in no time." I said

"It's kinda hard to do when I'm not in my skin but yeah I'll show them my personality." she said

"Go girl." I said

We sang three songs on the radio and we were already there.

"Bye, have a good day." I said

"Thanks you too." Luna said as she hopped out of my car.

I was only driving for six minutes and my phone started going off. Great, someone's calling me. I took one of my arms off the steering wheel and answered the call.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" I yelled into the phone

I decided to put the phone on speaker to hear Juilan better.

"Don't be upset, baby. This is great now we can sleep together without me having to sneak over." he said

"Is that all your thinking about right now? Luna is going to freak out when she sees that my secret boyfriend is living in our house." I said

"If you're so worried about it then text her now and let her know." Julian said

"She doesn't have a phone." I murmured

"What planet is she from?" he asked

"Just don't worry about it, I guess I'll have to tell her after school because I have no choice thanks to you." I said

"See you later. Love you.Oh and I let myself in." he said

I hung up without saying love you back. Was he crazy? Cause he wasn't listening to me at all.