
Alyssum: Journey Of A Queen

It's hard to be an Omega heir, being a disappointment to your parents, the person you love, and always falling in the pit of your sister's plot. In the universe where the creatures of night such as werewolves, vampires, and witches exist, Alyssa is a werewolf. Among all the werewolves present she has the lowest rank among them. She is an Omega. Werewolves of her rank are treated as a vermin of the society. They are used as a breeding machine or for prostitution. Inspite of being the princess of her Kingdom, she is treated unfairly by the werewolves around her including her mother and her adopted step sister. When she turned eighteen she awakened her rare magical bloodline, which is similar to the first Queen of Asteros. She has to prove herself worthy of the magic at every step. She has to protect everyone in her continent from the dark creatures lurking in the shadows. Can she do it when everything she knows will be turned upside down? Follow Alyssa on her journey from a weak girl to a strong independent ruler of her country with the help of sweet but domineering and fierce Alpha who is head over heels on our innocent Alyssa.

Treasure_hunt · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Poor is guilty until proven innocent!!!

Alyssa and her group went inside the school building to attend their next class. Alyssa's locker was a little further from her friend's locker. She said her goodbyes and proceeded to open her locker. When she touched the locker, a stinging pain spread from her palms to her whole body.

Alyssa examined her palm which was now red and swollen. Blisters were forming on her palms. She examined the locker's handle to find that it is coated with molten silver. Silver is fatal to werewolves. Even when coming near any silver material can cause rashes to appear on the skin, forget about touching it.

Alyssa knew that it was a masterpiece of Violet. She never leaves any chance to hurt her. Holding her hand, Alyssa went to the washroom nearby to wash her hand. As soon as her wound came in contact with water Alyssa felt a burning sensation on her palm. She screamed in pain.