
Alyssum: Journey Of A Queen

It's hard to be an Omega heir, being a disappointment to your parents, the person you love, and always falling in the pit of your sister's plot. In the universe where the creatures of night such as werewolves, vampires, and witches exist, Alyssa is a werewolf. Among all the werewolves present she has the lowest rank among them. She is an Omega. Werewolves of her rank are treated as a vermin of the society. They are used as a breeding machine or for prostitution. Inspite of being the princess of her Kingdom, she is treated unfairly by the werewolves around her including her mother and her adopted step sister. When she turned eighteen she awakened her rare magical bloodline, which is similar to the first Queen of Asteros. She has to prove herself worthy of the magic at every step. She has to protect everyone in her continent from the dark creatures lurking in the shadows. Can she do it when everything she knows will be turned upside down? Follow Alyssa on her journey from a weak girl to a strong independent ruler of her country with the help of sweet but domineering and fierce Alpha who is head over heels on our innocent Alyssa.

Treasure_hunt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

#Author's_note not a story

Well, I don't know if I should write it here or not but I really wanted to.

With schools and all opened and exams coming along I was really stressed. I don't know how to balance my studies and my hobby. So, I was thinking of dropping my novel.

I was like==== 'Nobody is probably reading it".

"nobody is probably liking it, nobody is voting or commenting on anything. Maybe my novel is not good enough. I should probably drop it."

But today someone commented about liking my book which gave me hope.

I am not accusing anyone of anything. Well, I was a reader too at first before writing something and I used to read the book without voting or commenting on it. I never really understood its importance.

But since I became a creator, I realized a vote or comment was not just vote and comments. They were motivations.

Thank you Nutzasha for your comment. You probably stopped me from dropping my book. I would like to tag you on my Instagram if you have an account.

I would like to thank other people too who votes and comments, in short, motivates and supports me(the list is long). Thank you, guys. I thank you from the core of my heart.

This author's note was supposed to be after volume 1 but I guess I am not that patient. LMAO :) . Well, I am now like a 5-year-old person who got its Christmas present earlier. lol lol lol