
Alyistians : Children of light

Kamahn ``lyric" Brown is of the Alyiastian world. He must realize his true potential as a leader. Unbeknownst to him, his destiny dictates that he is the rightful king of the Phoenix Empire. Whoever takes the throne will rule Alyistia. With the throne firmly in the hands of an army of darkness known as the Shaturaan Legion led by the twisted Dark Lord Vetrann and his temptress Violette Urvienua, Our hero must travel and free every territory of Alyistia in order to find and assemble his elite team of grand warriors. The Champions of the other four kingdoms of Alyistia. Together, they must unite the five fallen kingdoms of Alyistia and defeat the 700,000 strong legions. This will return Alyistia to its rightful king and worldly balance. Or so the Phoenix Scrolls foretell. But first, the Heroes must return to Alyistia. In order to do that they must find each other on earth and most importantly learn who they truly are.

Demii_Renchi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


As he peered over the balcony and out to his empire, he could not believe his eyes. Before him, hovering ever so elegantly, was a stunningly bright Phoenix. It flew away gracefully, soaring and swooping between each building of his empire. Suddenly, darkness arose from the valley like a typhoon. Engulfing the once mighty phoenix, until nothing remained but only black darkness. Hopelessness and grief filled the air. The atmosphere fills with the stench of death. The sadness was so thick he could choke, but then, deep in the void. A speck. One singular pixel of light, barely noticeable, but he could see it. It sparked hope. And then…. Blinding fire.


As the sun blazed through his dorm room, Kamahn became aroused by the illumination beaming through the blinds, and onto his face. As his body started to reanimate, Kamahn recoiled away from the rays with a groan. He turned over, cowering into his pillow, attempting to stop the day from starting.

In the other room, Eriin lay on the bed. She had just woken up. There she lay looking at the ceiling. 'What the hell happened last night' that is all she could muster to think. 'Think. Thinking hurts!' "Ahh!" She whimpered quietly as she slowly sat up in the bed.

Twisting her face as the pain of the hangover set in. She leaned back against the headboard and looked around the room. Through her squinted eyes, she could see that she was alone in the room. She then noticed the water and aspirin by the bedside. After guzzling an entire bottle of water and two aspirin. Eriin felt more refreshed and could now focus. She looked down at her legs. Her new pants were around her left ankle. After looking around once more, she realized she was in Kamahn's room. "Where is he?" She pondered.

Eriin closed her eyes and stretched. She began preparing herself to stand when her hand brushed her vagina. She felt the lips of her labia, the slight stubble of her pubes, and the soft skin of her mons pubis. Her eyes snapped open as she gasped aloud. Do you know what she didn't feel? She didn't feel the cute black lace thong. The thong that is barely hanging on the footrest of the bed in front of her. Eriin scampered to the washroom, grabbing the thong along the way and knocking the pants off of her foot. Her face flushed with the memory of last night.

Crimson veins spread through her eyes as they filled with tears. All the emotions began to typhoon her memory. She stared into the mirror, "Bitch, what the hell did you do!" She barked at herself with a muffle. "You let that Bougie Bitch get inside your head, now you've gone and...'' Eriin could no longer hold back the flood of tears. "You fucked Kamahn like a sloppy drunken slut" Reaching up with her right hand, she pushed against her forehead as her fingers raked through her hair.

Then suddenly she clawed her hand down her face as she went out in pain and filled with anger. "And then he left me here … vulnerable… and horny... Ahh," before she realized what she was doing, Eriin had thrust her fist into the mirror. The glass shattered, nicking her knuckles and causing them to bleed. She let out a wail of pain, then stifled it immediately.

He could hear Eriin start to awaken. Kamahn tried to force himself back to sleep, but to no luck. He hoped that she wouldn't remember. That it would be easier. Then he could hold the secret of what happened to himself. That way, no one else would get hurt. He barely slept. He tossed all night as he wrestled with what would happen today. Kamahn's head instinctually snapped up when he heard Eriin gasp and run into the washroom.

His stomach was now in knots. He sat up on the edge of the bed. Looking at his closed bedroom door he said to himself "might as well prepare myself for the inevitable." Kamahn stood, moving his blanket and pillow to the throne. Then began to collapse the Davenport and return the cushions. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash, and Eriin cried out in pain. Kamahn dropped everything and bolted to his room. He pushed the bathroom door open to see Eriin sitting on the toilet crying. She was holding her hand and wrapped it in the tee shirt. She was trying not to cry out loud, but once she saw Kamahn she broke.

"I'm sorry I fucked up. I ruined everything. And now you hate me." Eriin cried out. Those words struck Kamahn like a bolt from Zeus. Shattering his heart more than the mirror was. Without even saying a word, he rushed over to the sink and retrieved the first aid kit from the drawer.

After turning on the water, he grabbed Eriin's hand and began to clean it. Using a pair of tweezers, Kamahn removed each piece of glass from her hand. Once cleared he looked at Eriin saying, "this will hurt a bit, okay."

She huffed at him in annoyance, "don't think I can hurt anymore 'Mon" Kamahn cut his eyes at her, trying to figure out if she was annoyed with him or herself.

He splashed the alcohol on her hand to disinfect it. Eriin winced in pain. Kamahn chuckled, "Hey, you remember when we were younger, and I was trying to teach you how to skateboard? You had just barely mastered how to ride when you tried to Ollie and nearly face planted. You scraped up your knee. I took you inside and cleaned you up just like this" he looked Eriin in the eye and then asked. "Do you remember what I said to you that day?"

Eriin flinched once more and looked at the tub, she thought back to that day. "You told me, 'Glory is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.' and that no one knows this better than the mighty Phoenix. Then you told me that everything I'd ever want was on the other side of fear. That it's ok to be shaken up. It's even ok to be a little afraid. But" Erin swelled up with emotion. "But to never let fear stop me. And to be never ashamed of failing. It's just an early attempt at success." When she looked back at Kamahn he'd finished patching up her hand. Then, just like when they were kids, he sealed the healing with a kiss.

This infuriated Eriin." How could you just leave me like that, Kamahn?" She barked as she snatched her hand away. "Then you left me alone. I woke up alone. I thought you were still gone. I thought you hated me!"

"I could never hate you, E. You mean more to me than you'll ever know. I just." Silence consumed Kamahn's every thought. How could he explain? Now that he knows that Eriin feels the same, you'd think it would be easier.

" Wait, are you serious, 'Mon? You mean to tell me that the master wordsmith Lyric, The man who could pull a speech about fear out of his ass as a kid. The man who smoothly talked to one of his Idols last night. That guy is speechless? Now of all times!"

Kamahn looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, saying, "I just don't know the right move here!" Eriin didn't know why she was so furious and hurt. He obviously still loves her. Just not the way she loves him. She stormed out of the washroom and headed for the kitchenette.

Kamahn took a deep breath and followed her. "What do you want me to say, E? I don't know what to do here!" He said in defeat.

Eriin stopped in the middle of the living room and turned around to look at Kim. "I want you to tell me that you love me! Like I love you! I want you to hug me and kiss me! Tell me you feel the same! Or even yell at me! Tell me you hate me! Get angry! Something! I want you to do something. To say anything!"

Her words stung him like acid. Without further hesitation, he marched over to her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed their bare torsos together. Looked her deep in the eyes and gave her the most passionate kiss he'd ever given anyone

"I love you, E! More than anything or anyone else! I've wanted this for years now. Last night, I didn't want to stop!" He released his grip and moved away gently, "but I don't think we can do this. There are too many factors. What about Mom"

Eriin felt her heart get tight the more she thought about it, the more he was right. "I don't care Kamahn! I will never love anyone else. I honestly think Mom would be happy that we're happy. Or we could just stay secret. You wouldn't have to commit to me. Just give me time when you can. That's all I ask. I just can't lose you, Kamahn."

" You could never lose me, E. I don't know how any of this will work. But I am willing to give it a shot for now. But we have to promise each other that we won't fuck this up. And if things start going sideways, we will handle it together as adults. I don't want us at each other's throats, E."

Eriin felt relieved," I promise this stays between us. And whatever happens, we will work it out together. Now, can I kiss you again? I've been waiting a long time or that."

" Okay, but we need to get dressed after I have to take you home unless you want to go out in that sexy ass outfit again today" he teased with a devilish grin.

" Shut up!" She said, giggling as she trotted across the room and pounced on Kamahn. They fell to the throne, knocking off the linens, the kiss that followed was world-stopping. I'm talking about fireworks in slow motion. The type of epic kiss that is the peak of every girly love movie. The kiss was so good, Eriin's pussy got wet all over again. It was at that moment they both realized she was still completely nude, and Kamahn's pants had slid down a bit when they landed.

Eriin pulled back and begged with her eyes. Kamahn bit his lip slowly then nodded and lifted his core a bit. She slid his pants down a bit more to expose his throbbing shaft. Then she placed his hand on hers, and for the first time together they slid him inside. Once it was inside, Eriin slid all the way to the base of his shaft. She finally felt complete. They didn't move much, they just sat there making out. Completely lost in time, happy. The two were so entangled in each other that they didn't hear the knocks on the door.


"What the hell, Jessica?" He was pissed. How could his own Twin conspire against him? "Why would you agree to meet with that asshole without asking me?" Antonio felt betrayed. His sister knew, she knew that lyric was his worst enemy. That lyric constantly overstepped and took everything that Ant worked hard to get before he even had a chance to reach for it. "You know how much I hate that entitled prick. Now you want me to sit and play nice while he manipulates you all into giving him exactly what he wants. No, thanks."

Jess was starting to get annoyed. " Ok, first of all, Kamahn isn't going to manipulate anyone. Second, if you two stopped being idiots towards each other, you might actually be friends. He is a nice guy. But that is a discussion for later. You're going to go because you love me. And I want to keep peace in my Soro. That won't happen if my brother is fighting with the brother of my Soro sister." She walked over to him as he sat leaning back in the swivel chair on the front porch of the Sorority house. He was now sulking with his hood covering his face. His eyes squinted at the light as Jess pulled the hood off. "So, are you going to put on your big girl panties and handle this meeting like a professional? Or are you going to keep fighting and bickering every time you see him?" Antonio looked away in protest. He hated when she was right.

"Look at it this way." Jess stated, pleading her case, "If we go to this meeting and things do go sideways, but you actually put your best foot forward. It would prove to everyone that you were never the asshole in this story. And if all goes well, you two can tell the board it was all a misunderstanding and will never happen again. Either way, it's a win-win for you."

Antonio turned to look at his sister. He really hated when she was right. " Fine, I will go. But one, you owe me. And two, if it goes left, you really owe me." Antonio stood up, pulled his hood back on, and walked back to his dorm. "Fine, just be at Muddy's no later than 12:50p. The meeting starts at 1p." She asked. "Fine" he answered as he continued his morning run.

Jess looked at her phone and the time read 11:13a. She needed to get ready. She knew she'd be able to rely on Erin, and she truly believes that Kamahn is a good guy. "I really hope this whole thing goes well," she said to herself as she walked back inside. Jess walked upstairs to her room, and as she did, she decided to check in with Erin. She walked to her room and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. "I'll just text her later." She said as she continued to her room.


After knocking for what felt like ages, He looked at his phone again. The time read 11:08 am. Eriin told him to arrive by 11. Luckily, he had a key. Sean unlocked the door and proceeded to walk inside. "Lyric, what the hell, Uce? I've been knocking for Ten-" Sean had been turned to stone by what he'd seen. There, in front of his very eyes, his best friend and the love of his life. Together. Naked. And are they FUCKING?!? "What the actual fuck Lyric?" He yelled, throwing his key across the room.

"Shit," Eriin said, pushing herself off of Kamahn and bolting to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. "What the fucking fuck?" Sean belted in a yawp. His mind racing and blood boiling, Sean attempted to regain his composure. He walked over to the far end of the couch and slumped into the farthest seat.

Kamahn fixed his pants back onto his waist. With a very deep sigh, he stood, rubbed the back of his neck, and turned to look at his friend Sean, "look ghost sit down and calm down please, and I will try my best to explain what is going on. Obviously, this is awkward. But it wasn't something we planned. You have to Kno-"

Sean rose to his feet abruptly. "You were just fucking E'. And you knew how I felt about her. You straight up bitch made. So, I don't want to hear any of the bull shit you talking right now, uce. Oh, I forgot uce means brother better stop saying that before you try to fuck me too! You know what, you both can just fuck off. I can't believe y'all and that bitch in there, I'm glad I never got a shot, I thought she was wife material, turns out she's just another ho that'll fuck anything "

Eriin, now fully dressed, stormed out of the room. She walked over and slapped Sean across the face. "You are way out of pocket right now, Sean. Calling me a ho is a low blow and fucked up." Her anger seemed to subside quickly and turned into remorse. She then looked down at the grown and said."But you are right about one thing. This is all my fault, I'm the one who got too drunk last night. I was jealous because Bianca was hitting on him way too hard. Then last night, I threw myself at him. He was a perfect gentleman about it, and stopped me. He even slept on the couch. So stop being a dick for a second and let us explain everything."

Sean sat back down and rubbed his jawline. He was right, at least he could hear them out before passing judgment. They've been friends for too long for him to let it just end. But there was one thing Eriin said that wasn't making sense to him. "Wait, who the fuck is Bianca?" he asked with a very confused look on his face.

Kamahn walked over to his entertainment center and opened the center door, revealing his custom FangGang record player and part of his vinyl collection. He fingered through the records until he found the right one. The vinyl had a picture of a 23yr old Bianca, Her body mostly nude except for a dragon scale bikini. She is holding a panther helmet in her hands while standing in the middle of an oasis. The title of the album reads "The Morning After, an ode to me" Kamahn stood and turned "This Bianca uce!" he said, still unable to believe it himself.

Sean jumped out of his seat, "no way. You've gotta be lying. I know I said 'Laddies Love Lyric' but come on, this is just not fair." The three hashed things out, then kamahn got cleaned up and changed. As the three prepared to head out the door, Sean grabbed them both and pulled them in, saying. "I'm still a little pissed about all of this, but we're family, and I've got your backs no matter what. We'll work through the rest in time.