
Always In My Heart

When I first met you, you were so beautiful that I was unable to move away my eyes from your smile. Everything around me seemed to brighten and I feel as if the time around me stayed still and I forgot to even breathe. But why after he came, you seemed so distant, or was it always has been an illusion that I created for myself for my own self-satisfaction? Why when everything is getting worse, you did not look at me? Was our relationship means nothing to you? Why? I can feel in my heart, feeling stifled, as I feel severely depressed. I really cannot help it, even if I will lose my life, I will never let anyone tarnish you. No matter.

Aniel_Clorwine · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Takero glanced at the two empty seat in the class, he then looked at that cheerful girl, Wani. Wani chatted with her other friends, two of her friends that are absent are totally not on her mind. Takero shook his head. He felt rather displeased, and thus choose to not join her team whenever there were group task.

And thus halfway through the day, wani noticed that Takero is avoiding her, she wondered why and asked him during their lunch break. Though Takero just said that he want some quiet time for today.

Thus the class soon ended, they were all going back home, Takero bid goodbye to everyone as he walks out with his backpack. He feels rather bored today, so he thought of going to the city center to play around for a few hours or so.

To go there, he need to ride the train, so he did, on the way going there, a few stops before the stop at the city center, a pair of couple came in. As they came in, talking to each other, a trace of surprise were shown in the girl eyes.

Takero raised his brow again, he recognize that girl, though she changed her style a little bit, Takero still managed to recognize her. Thus that guy sitting next to her, Takero can guess who that is without the need to look at him.

Despite knowing that Takero saw her and Raikal, she acted like she did not notice and didn't tell Raikal. While Raikal was having a pleasant conversation with Qiza, enough to not notice his surroundings.

Though three station passed, and Takero are still not getting off. Qiza glanced at Takero, worried that Raikal would feel sour when he sees Takero during their time out together. And seeing Raikal nodding off a little, and knowing that there is quite a few more stations to go by, Qiza pulled Raikal head to lean on her shoulder, not caring if Takero saw her action or not.

Takero watched this pair with interest, and whistled when he saw what Qiza do. "So this girl liked him huh.." Takero instantly understand Qiza plan.

Raikal, knowing nothing, while feeling tired for waking up early, slept while leaning to Qiza shoulder. He doesn't feel any feeling of wanting to reject her or push her. Qiza subconsciously smiled, as she patted Raikal slowly.


Finally arriving at the station that they wanted to go to, Qiza shook Raikal shoulder as she calls his name to wake him up. Bit half awake, he followed the person who hold his hand, to get off at the station. Though he yawned as he looked around with a confused face, "..?"

"Raikal, really, were arrive at the aquarium now and its our last stop, so freshen up, okay?" Qiza took her napkin, she wet it with an unopened mineral water, and stand on a bench to help wipe Raikal face with it.

"Uh, c-cold..!" Raikal instantly feels fresh, "Well, thanks though."

"Yeah, no problem, lets go." Qiza hold Raikal hands again and leads him to the Aquarium entrance. Takero followed behind them silently, as he watch their interactions with each other.

As they walk around, they took pictures, of the fishes, of themselves and sometimes Takero accidentally entered the picture. He don't know why but he feels that these two really are like a real couple. Whatever it is, those two really ignored him.


A whole day out, today Raikal looked at the mirror, he wear his school uniform as usual, combed his hair a little bit, letting it cover half of his face, taking his bag, he went out, walking to his school.

Outside, someone waited for him with a smile, to walk together with him to their school. But never would he expect Qiza to drags him to a public toilet, with a wide grin. "Q-qiza, why are you dragging me into that toilet too??! It's a female toilet."

She know Raikal would try to run, so she hold onto Raikal's uniform collar and drag him more effectively.

They weren't actually entering that toilet, seems like Qiza just want to bring him to the back, a part which are somewhat hidden from view. Qiza chuckled, and she pushed Raikal to a tree, with her standing in front of him, her hands blocking his path to the left and right, forcing him to look at Qiza.

"Qiza, really, you.. This is so awkward." he looked away. "How does someone shorter do a kabedon.." he complained.

And Qiza laughed, "I just want to fix your appearance." She smiled and then poke his cheek, "i love you so much, and you are so so handsome.. But you cover your handsomeness make all my friends looks at me weirdly." She pouted.

"Qiza.. You know i thought of you as a friend.." Raikal looked down, "I still can't move on..." He sighed.

"Shhh.. I know, its okay." She smiled, and leans up and kissed his cheek. "I'm not serious about just now, i just want everyone know how handsome you actually are, so that i can always be proud that i'm in love with you." She chuckle a bit. "So let me style your hair, alright?"

"Uh, okay.." He nodded, and thus with a flick of her hand, a comb appear with some hair gel. She combed his bangs, making it look neat by combing half to the side and another half to the back, ensuring his whole face is out in the open. His brown eyes watches her as she busy her self with his hair, and in the end he cannot help but laugh a bit and muttered a thanks with a smile to this friend of him.

"W-what are you laughing for..! Humph..!" Qiza pinched his cheek, but instead of stopping, he laughed more, but Qiza in the end, smiled and she then pinched his nose, which causing him to snort as he was still laughing when she pinch his nose. "Well, lets go to school." She hold his hand and they walk together calmly to school.

-To Be Continue-