

Everyone knows the feeling of falling in love for the first time. Well, this is my love story.

When you're young, you care less of everything around you. One day I was outside minding my own business when I saw this handsome young man riding his motorbike to my neighbours house. I asked my friend, who he was and she said: it's my nephew Vince. I was interested in him, not knowing he already sat eyes on me the first time he saw me. As we all know at a certain age it was not appropriate to be in a relationship. I was a junior and he was a senior in highschool. But the butterflies were both ways. We introduced ourselfs and started talking. Each time in the afternoon when I heard his motorbike approaching I was happy and the butterflies were starting. At that time we had no cellphones, all we could do is write letters to eachother. He likely spended the weekends at his nieces' house so we could see eachother more. As always when something beautiful happens times doesn't stand still, it goes by so fast that wanted to be together much longer.

On our first date we went to downtown, grabbed something to eat. As we went into a clothing store he saw his mother. He walked over to her and explained who he was with and to say hello, but she gave me that look as if I were poison to her son. It was not a happy moment for me, but he never explained what she had said to him. As we walked further we ended up in a park and sat down, talked about our future and how we were happy together. We kissed for the first time and it felt so good inside. As time passed we had to go back home and always thought about the moment we had.

As months went by it seemed everything was complete, but all of a sudden my grandmother had past and we had to move. I was upset by the decission but the house was sold. Before the new owners claimed the house we had to move. I had to ask my father for permission so we could see eachother. As I asked my father if Vince could come and visit me, he asked: is he your boyfriend? I replied: no, we are just friends. Than he gave me the lecture of life. But at the end he gave the permission. So I drew a map for Vince how he could find me at my new address. As the day came to move he stood there watching very sad and waved goodbye. I could not wait for the weekend just to see Vince. Weekend was here and Vince kept his promise to come visit. It became each weekend and we grew closer together. In secret we became a couple.

I never had a good relation with my stepmother, so my father decided to send me to live with my aunt in the city. It was no problem, but I had to tell her that Vince and I were a couple. It was not a problem but we had to be safe. He came by everyday after school and he slept over in the weekends. One day we were all alone in the weekend and we made love for the very first time. It was one of the greatest moments of our lifes. As months went by he became friends with my neighbours who also had motorbikes in common. So we spend a lot together in the weekends watching movies and eating take out. Sometimes he went out with the guys. For some reason something changed.

One day I was at my friend Tanishas' house, who lived accross the street and I felt weird inside. I saw from a far that Vince was home and talking on the phone. As I came closer to him and tried to hold him, he removed my arms and walked away. I wasn't feeling good, so I picked up the phone in the other room and I heard him talking to another girl. I was devastated. My world fell apart. But I took the courage and asked him who he was talking to. He said: I was having a conversation with an old girfriend from my hometown. I had heard she wanted to commit suicide. I asked Vince if there was any one else besides him to help her. He said nothing and went to play with his motorbike. He was a different person now. One day he was in the shower and I saw his little blackbook, which I was not allowed to see in, it was in the wardrobe and I opened it up. What I saw really broke my heart. Girls names with phone numbers and birthdays. I asked Vince: when is my birthday? He replied: what kind of a question is that? Do you love me, I asked. And he said: ofcourse. Every saturday after extra school he hung out with the guys in downtown just to look at girls passing by. Tanisha's brother said to him: dude what are you doing here waisting your time, you have a girl at home who loves you dearly and is waiting for you. But his friend Mike replied: let him be, he is still young. He has to enjoy every moment of what he is missing.

I thought everything was fine until Vince didn't come home for one week. I thought he stayed away because of school. One day I called his niece and asked if he was there. In the background I could hear his voice shouting: if it's Gaby, I don't want to talk to her. His niece said: please say something to her because she is worried. Vince came to the phone and broke the news: it's over between us, and hung up the phone. My world fell apart completely and dark thoughts came to mind.