
Always and Only You

Kissimiluv · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

I am shocked beyond words. A princess...

All this time I was his equal? No, even if I am his equal, it will not help. I cannot change his heart with a title.

"Cecilia, are you alright?" Robert asks me. I glare at him. Words aren't needed for the message I am conveying. He blushes and looks at me apologetically.

"I am fine thank you." I am still a bit miffed about his not telling me but I will soon get over it.

"Come my dear, we have much to talk about." Mother says. I cannot help but smiling at her and follow her to a room not far down the hall.

"I'm sure you're wondering how you went from princess to orphan." She sighs. I'm not actually but I nod knowing she needs to tell me. She sighs again, "It's a long story." She warns before beginning her story.