
Always and Only You

Kissimiluv · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11


The smell of flowers is so soothing. It's nothing like the roses, it is many flowers. So many that I could not name them all. I am weaving through the plants, not caring where I'm going. I will find my way back eventually. It's so beautiful here. But it is the opposite of the library. Every twist and turn is like a blade twisting in my chest. Every thought I have is painful. I hear footsteps behind me and I instinctively crouch into a protective stance. It's Robert. I roll my eyes.

"You scared me." I say, relaxing my stance. I look into his eyes. He looks upset. Angry really.

"And you have scared us! Mother is worried sick about you, father blames himself for your sadness, and I just want to know what's going on so I can help you!" His reply is more startling than his anger. Could my sadness hurt them as well?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know I wa-"

"I found the papers." He interrupts. "I read only one but it was enough. Enough to convince me that I needed to talk to you. It's time you tell us your story."


He read my memories?

Tell my story?

All 17 years of my life?

His words leave me dazed and speechless.

Tell them all what had happened to me?

Could I even do it?

Would they be mad?

Would I cause war?

Questions run through my mind faster than a horse in full gallop.

"I have just one question that needs answering now." Robert says. I have a feeling it will be the one question I never want to answer.

"Who is Cahalle?" I feel my carefully put together heart ripping again at the sound of his name. There is so much pain. Tears begin falling.

"Cecilia, who is he?" Robert asks more forcefully.

I look him in the eye, with only one answer to give.

"The man I love."


Her words echo in my mind.

The man I love...

She is no longer crying, but the pain is raw in her eyes. If it's the last thing I do, I will make him pay! He has hurt my sister, broken her obviously once sweet gentle heart.

"...And the man I can never have." She says, before fainting from a broken heart.