
•Young Love•

Young Ruby's POV

Im Lost! Im was looking for my pet dog he ran to the forest, i chased him but it seems like im lost. I dont know what to do how ill go out i don't rember the way!

It was not too long that someone came to my rescue. He was handsome or cute same age as me probably im glad that he helped me.

We got to know each other more. Everyday he visits me but one day he left, he said he will move i was sad when he said that but we made a promise that we'll wait for each other he gave me a ring for him to know who i am i Treasured this ring.

I waited...

And waited....

And waited...


i given up...

5Years has passed im now in highshool 4th year to be exact. I think i saw him with a girl i cant tell if its really him but he does simbolized him. I never wore the ring again i dont want to keep my hopes up on a past promise.

I dont know why am i still keeping my hopes up im sure that kid has forgotten me so i must do the same i should i?

"What if" thats the word that is stopping me i kept arguing with my mind im so exhausted thinking about this. But still question's run in my head.

What if he rember's ?....

What if all i saw was a misunderstanding?.....

What if he really kept his promise?...

Am i just really keeping my hopes up?.

Have i already given up?

Was i sure?

Have i really did?

Things really do change...

Words and people change's you..

From this day on i wont rember him, i will forget him and continue my life is now lifeless in cold as a person i dont feel anything feeling emotion's will just make you confused in this worlds people can use your emotion to drive you to do something good or bad...

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