

Book 1: Love's a Distraction; Book 2: The Fight; Book 3: The Crown; Epilogue/Book 4: The Aftermath

"Run, run, run!" A soldier cried behind everyone else. People were practically walking while kicking their butts at this point.

I heard a big swoosh and screaming; I looked around. There was a giant cannonball heading right towards us. It fell behind where momma and I were, but it hit many other people. It shocked me. All I could see were hundreds of dead people, bodies all mushed together as if they were mashed potatoes.

Some people who weren't completely smothered by the cannonball were groaning in pain and screaming for their life.

I tightened the grip around my momma's hand and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

It was pitch black, and it was raining outside. Most people were severely injured, and many died.

"This way everybody!" The King yelled from the front of the crowd. He led us into a thicket of forest and out to a beautifully black clearing behind a mountain.

Everyone stopped to rest. The rain was heavier outside, but now it had ceased to a light drizzle. Momma turned to me and hugged me, feeling all over my skin to make sure I was undamaged.

The King raised his hand and flicked it, in the blink of an eye, a big hut stood before us, providing shelter.

"Everybody's welcome in, come now," The King said and we obliged. The hut was much bigger from the inside than from the outside and it had multiple tables with food scattered about on them.

We feasted and then started the healing process.

Many people were hovering their hands over their injured loved ones. Their magic is only so strong that they can save people who are almost dead, not completely.

I saw yellow orbs and white orbs. Green, orange and purple orbs. Every color orb except blue.

The King has special powers, powers like no other. He has blue orb magic, the rarest type of magic in our Kingdom.

The second-rarest type of magic is red orb magic. My mother has red orb magic. As for me? I didn't know what type of magic I had, I wasn't of age to know yet.

I tugged momma's hand.

"Momma, why were there cannonballs being flung at us? Did we do something wrong?" She looked me in the eyes with that beautiful fake smile of hers and got on her knees to level with my height.

"No, Thena, we did nothing wrong. People are just jealous, they're jealous of our special abilities," Momma put out her hand and turned it upright as a red orb took form. The orb was radiating heat, and it felt nice.

I leaned into momma, as I could feel the magic inside her burning widely.

"Momma?" I ask, buried in her chest, savoring the warmth of a mother's love.

"Yes, Thena?" She pulled me away from her chest and played with my hair. Putting little red glowing orbs in it as if it were a decoration.

"Can you feel the magic in me like I can feel it in you?" I asked and momma planted a kiss on my forehead, smoothing it over with her finger.

"I can feel a powerful magic in you, hunny," My eyes grew wide and my smile grew wider. Just hearing that made me feel the magic in myself too briefly.

"Will I be a red orb user like you momma?" I asked, and she pursed her lips, then plastered on a smile.


Coming soon!

I'm starting on book 2 and still editing a lot of book 1, so yea, give me about a month.

Anyway I know I was very flakey with the last two pieces that I did, but I promise I will follow through with this even if I don't want to.

Green_ducklingcreators' thoughts
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