
Chapter 1- Clone, a broken skill

In the peaceful village of "Sun". Farmers and their family can be seen working in the field. Its planting season and most of them are planting the plants. On the west side of the village of sun we can see a boy working in the field trying hard to plow the field. Even though the field is large he seemed to be working alone. The age of the boy is 10 his name is Leo.

"What a good day"

Leo stops plowing the field and rests for a while. He is praying to god as it is his 10th birthday.

In this world every child at the age of 10 gets their gift. They decide whether the future of the children is an easy life or a hard one.

Leo is an orphan whose parents died due to a stampede that occurred in the village. It's when a goblin lord was born in the neighbouring forest. And his family's field is near the forest because his father was an adventurer He didn't mind having the field near the forest where mostly goblins and other low ranked monsters live. but a goblin lord was unexpected

His Father was not strong enough to defeat the goblin lord. But by trading life he was able to defeat it. My mother who was helping father defeat it was heavily injured and died after some time.

The farm leo is plowing is the farm of his parents.He lived until now with the help of villagers who gave him food. Leo used to help in others farm to repay the kindness but when he was age of ten he decided to farm on his land instead so that he would not be a burden to others.

Now because of past experiences the village monthly invites adventures to subjugate monsters in the forest so that the past does not repeat.

"Acquired the Clone gift"

The heavenly voice that Reminds us of our 10th birthday gave me my skill. Its clone skill.

When you get a gift you can check on your status



The only thing we can see is our gift and level.

In this world we gain level as a result of our actions. From working in household chores to defeating monsters we gain experiences to increase level. It's proved that Defeating monsters gives us more experience than other work because of this adventurers exist.

My skill seemed to be to create a clone which can be controlled.

I imagined Creating clone.

A Clone was created quickly

It's the same as me But he was naked

"cancel cancel"

The naked clone created panic and i tried to cancel the clone

it disappears like wind.

making sure that nobody else looked here i continued plowing .

The sun seemed to set i started walking home

neighbours seemed to start saying hi

"hey leo how was the field"

"it was good but I had to do more work as the field was left alone for alot of time."

"Hey Leo come to my house"


After getting home i changed my dress and started walking to the neighbours house .

"Happy birthday Leo"

they all applauded me for surviving. But nobody asked me about the gift. It's because a gift leads to problems It's common sense to not ask about other gifts until they tell. After dinner i returned home to sleep.

Roosters sound reminds me of the time to wake up.

i used my gift to make a clone and made him wear a dress and started walking with him. people seemed to be curious about my twin but they returned to Work. i Went to my neighbours house to borrow extra rake.

In the field we can see that two Leo's are plowing the field

Leo found that the stamina of clones is much more than his as the clone never stopped plowing. In the evening leo returned home but decided to leave the clone in the field for it to plow. The next morning when i went there i found that the whole field has been plowed by the clone. Then i started planting seed with the clone. it was fininshed the next day.. Through the seeding process i started to notice that something is amiss. my stamina seemed to increase as well as the strength. Then information about the gift increased.

"The experience earned by clones is transferred to the main body"

understanding that i started to think about ideas to increase the experience




Because clone was working 24/7 the experience i earned was more. After the seeding was done. my work decreased so thinking that experience earned will be reduced i started thing what my clone could do.

Next day i went to my neighbour to ask him to make the clone help them on the farm. While i was working on my farm For a month my clone started helping others in the village. Everyone face is very happy these days as my clone is a endless working machine.

From plowing to seeding. And watering plants my clone is doing work for the farm. I Started to notice that each day taking care of my farm seemed to be increasing as the skill of farming is increasing everyday.

Now my clone is more agile that the more farm worker is done each day. In the clone only stamina is abnormal all others are directly depended on me thus my 10 year old strength was only is starting point but now that iam increasing my level my strenght is also increasing.

While walking home villagers started to smile towards me.

"hey leo thanks today my work ended so fast as your clone helped."

"leo your clone is awesome"

"Leo sent your clone to my farm next day"

people are happily speaking to me even though they were friendly but nowadays they are more happy. my clones working even at night at those farms. even weeding. at first i didnt notice but now that i think about it the clone can see well at night otherwise how do they work at night.

my level seemed to rise faster than other now my level is

-- Status



Today i decided to increase my clone as i noticed that when my level increased to 5 i am able to summon another clone. Next day i went to the blacksmith in the village i decided to learn other skill because farming will take time but other skill such as blacksmithing tailoring will help increase my income while iam free.

Next day with my new clone (i had to borrow cloths for him from neighbour) i went to black smith. i Decided to sent clone to work in black smith. then i returned to farming. When i returned back to blacksmith.

"hey your clone is weird no matter how many times i teach him to classify ore they didnt do it properly"

When the blacksmith said this information about my skill seemed to increase.

"the clone takes more time to learn new skill compared to owner. But if owner has the skill then that skill gets directly shared with the clone."

Because i have never worked in forge and dont know anything about ore the clone is lagging. Even though this a disadvantage as long as i start to learn then the clone will catchup with me in instant And its not as if clone will not learn skill with its unlimited stamina if it trains 24/7

it can increase its skill.

"Blacksmith Rock it seemed first i will have to learn to increase the skill of clone"

"Oh.Then tomorrow you come to the smithy to learn."

Next day i sent my clone to water my field and i went to smithy

"Hey Leo "

Other apprentice in the forge saying hi

"Hey leo will you takeover our smithy like how you have taken over the farm" Tin who is of same age as me jokes. i used to work in Tins farm for sometime i had become friends with him at that time.

"come on when leo will create swords 24/7 we will have many sword to sell even now they say that there is shortage of swords in royal capital due to adventures if we can create many new sword we can sell more swords making our smithy famous will help increase customers who will order new swords."

Another apprentice Jhon chimed in.

its happy that they are not against my clone taking over their work.

i was learning to classify ore for the next week.

"How is the study "

"its not bad, now i can classify ores."

"Then next you will learn to forge for that you will also need to increase the muscle" Rock started teaching me some basics like simple throwing weapon making.

"even though Leos Gift is not directly related to blacksmithing i think that your unending stamina will help forge through."

Just like that my training days increased now a clone quckly waters the field does weeding and eliminates pest in my field after which he comes in to smithy to forge with me. Now that i know to make knives the clone can also make it. during nights the clone will make knife now my black smithing is increasing everyday. but it was a little hard compared to farming as i was doing farming for many years but blacksmithing was a skill for me.

"In a month i was getting more precise and throwing knifes have become a standard for me

compared to Tin who have gift of blacksmith i was way off as Tin's gift seemed to help him increase his skill of farming. He have learned more that 3 weapons making and Rock seemed to say Tin is Genius.

But my determination never waivered thus i was learning smithy fast. Then the days came when Crops seemed to be harvested.