
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Ohgi Act 2 Chapter 16 "Jobs" He Says........

That damn bastard! Can't believe Zeno just left me outside not even bothering to tell me that class was starting! Honestly I feel like this was some sort of prank.

I didn't even have the time to yawn before noticing they was about to close the front door on me. With the school being jammed packed with students, it was getting harder and harder to manuver about. "Damn it....where is the locker!?..." I mumbled aloud to myself trying to swim through the seven seas of the bustling students.

As much as I wanted to smack him right now we are taking different classes today. So there will be few opprotunities to pass by each other until something like Lunch happens. Guess I will beat his ass later..... if I can.

After a bit of struggling against the 'current' I managed to swim towards my locker and skim through the lockdial. A few moments later a small yet sastifying click told me it was unlocked.

Gym shoes, some binders, homework....What else....oh yeah! Since I got math class today, I better grab some calculators and other like-minded supplies. It took me about a two or three minutes or so to resupply the items needed.

Usually it wouldn't take me this long, since I barely carry much in the first place, but students kept brushing past me, distracting me of what to grab. I don't know whether it was intentional or by accident, they have been giving me violent shoves. Hell even the loud noises of the crowd was enough to turn one's train of thought into static. Well it doesn't matter I suppose.

I glance over my phone's clock one last time before beginning to close the locker door. Once I did, I noticed a pretty looking girl in the corner of my eye. Seems like she was rummaging through her locker's content. She seemed around my age, maybe a year older? Her beautiful long hair had caught a majority of my attention.

....okay maybe her chest too.....

Thats odd.... I had this locker of mine of mine for two years now actually. I would have noticed a long time ago if there was a cute girl who owned the next one over. Is she a new student?

.....No. I glance over her school uniform real quick without looking suspicious. She's wearing the female's junior uniform, but then again there is always a chance she's a transfer.

The last thing I noticed before going back to my business was that she began tying up her violet hair into a ponytail.

Wonder if I should strike up a convostation with her one day....


Its been an hour or two since I attended classes. From the looks of it today's math class didn't seen too rough so I'm happy. However I have been noticing a couple of vile glances being tossed my way for awhile now.

These glances were familiar. They came from the deliquents who worked with Orion. The same 'gang' those bastards from yesterday was affiliated with. Their glances didn't seem too hostile but they was watchful. Watchful as if they are expecting something from me some time soon.

'Expecting'.....yes that was the perfect word to describe it. Minding my business in my seat, I flipped through a couple of notes I jotted down for homework. In that moment, I got lost in thought again. Tomorrow would be the deadline wouldn't it?

I glance over my shoulder. Some of Orion's men was looking at me from at the back of the class. I wonder if that bastard Vylad would personally pull up for the transaction.

Vylad.....That man would be the leader of that group. At first glance he doesn't seem menacing, but he is a shrewd and smart character. There are some rumors going around school he is actually from a highly powerful family. If that was the case it would explain why the hell he and some of his 'personal' lackeys got deep pockets.

The hours eventually went by through the day. With the first period coming to an end we was allowed about a half hour break.

This break period is a little rule this school likes to do every so often to help the students decompress their brains. In other words its a stress reliever tradition, so to speak, that help keeps this school somewhat popular with the children.

I check my wallet one more time. A couple hundred bucks to my name, but even without a thorough examination I could tell I'm a few dozen short.

A dozen short they won't easily tolerate. Knowing them coming up without the exact amount would be no different then just asking for a fight. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if they asked for double if they caught word from what me and Zeno did to them yesterday. And I can't just ask Mom or Dad to pay off the remainder. Guess I got no other choice but to call up some connections and ask for a couple of them 'jobs'. But that's a matter to be dealt with later. For now my main focus is too find Zeno, and whoop his ass.

Yes, I'm petty enough to still be salty by that, but its not like I'm truly mad. If anything the actual plan was to drag him by the ear and give him the rundown on the clubs.