
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 9. A Miracle Indeed




.......? Did he miss? But thats impossible! This professional hitman looking bodyguard was aiming at damn near point blank range! Hell it would be harder to miss at this distance!! My ringing ears was proof of that!.....wait...

Ringing ears? I can....still hear?

"I'm alive?" The man shot close to my face, but not even a graze licked my flushed cheek, as the full bullet only collided with the thick brick pillar behind me. The small chunks of debris falling to the ground made the dull sound.

"Listen, Ohgi." Not like I could really hear clearly. This was my first time in a long while where my ears been so close to a gunshot. "We may not have friends for long, you and I, but I know how your family raised you."

"Your not a bad kid, and you have common sense unlike most people here these days. I would hate to burden more parents with the responsibilty of burying such a good child....so I'll just leave you with a warning alright?"

"...." Even if I had something witty to say, I couldn't respond. I'm still trying to process what was happening...

You pull up to my front door in the middle of the night, present to me a crime enough to make my heart stop in its tracks and then you leave it off with a jumpscare and a FUCKING WARNING!?

"Uh....yea....." I'm just left speechless. Eventually my eyes started to grow cloudy by something moist. Like a waterfall teardrops had flushed my vision. Despite this I didn't blink. It all felt like some werid hallucination. I felt like if I did, this momentous miracle would flee into the unknown.

....look.... if all of this was just a dream then this would be cruel. Just give me the bloody truth and wake me up from this. I was still paralyzed, left motionless like a statue, but I yearned for somebody to pinch my cheeks. Though there was no Zeno to smack me about when I need one the most, my body settled for the salty sting of the tears.....am I allowed to blink now?

Who the hell am I even asking? God?

"Have a good day at school tommorrow." Kotori followed up before reapplying her shades. The driver rolled her window up for her. She snapped her fingers and the car drove off the parking lot in a more calming manner then the last customer.

When the car sped off into the distance, I dropped to my knees. All my strength

to stand disappeared like magic... hell it felt like the gravity around this area had gotten two times heavier.

While I lived through to some serious dangerous incidents and accidents that left me badly wounded, this was the first of the few times I have been on the recieving end of attempted murders. I was hoping I could  accept a swift set of bullets to come in and just take me.....however no matter how much a person can prepare by 'willing' themselves forward and accept the outcome for what it is, it's not something no normal human can do right one the spot.

Especially if the person is just seventeen years old.

After I comfirmed the car left and I finally was left to my lonesome my body gradually fell into ease. My mouth quivered slightly, swinging itself in the motion to the idea if I should laugh I 'survived' or just keep it shut.

Deciding not to test my luck, or tempt fate in any cruel way, perhaps chosing the latter wouls be the safer option. I grabbed the sleeve of my collar and dabbed my eyes.

The salty smell of the tears lingered for awhile....just how much was I crying during that time? I stook back up, the gravity field from before disappeared. An excessive burden or rather the major pressure seem to pass over like a tidal wave.

But why was I kept alive? It made no sense. Wasn't these people like the mafia? People who would kill anyone who seems like a potential threat? None of this made any sense to me....maybe it would if brain could think clearly. I took a minute or three trying to steady my breathing.

As confusing as all of this was, there was some truth in this that I could understand.

I'm still alive and breathing without an injury to my name, besides the annoying ear ringing.

According to what Kotori said earlier.....was it possible that my parents have connections that even I wasn't aware of? Regardless of whatever things may be, or what secrets that has yet to be revealed, I was still alive and that it was getting late.

However my nerves were shot, and even if I tried, I probably couldn't walk straight.  Maybe chilling here for an hour longer might not be a bad idea.

"....?" In the corner of my eye, I noticed some sort of feminine looking pouch on the concrete. "Kotori's wallet....." Did she drop it outside by accident?

Well it doesn't matter. Kotori was probably miles away and its not like I can just contact her until tomorrow.....




.....With slight hesistation I opened the contents inside. No cards, no reciepts or paper of any kind. All there was nothing but half a thousand bucks and the soft fragenece of.....strawberries?

....Okay thats odd... Even a mafia boss keeps a wallet and some sort of ID on him if he plans on moving publicly don't they? Maybe I just watch too many movies.

Either way where was this wallet even from? I could tell it was Kotori's because thats where she pulled out the bill from to flaunt her explanation, but afterwards she put it back in left pocket which on the opposite side of the door facing me.

The only way for it to have been out here was if it was intentional.....

...Don't tell me... was this some sort of gift?