
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 13. A Fleeting Guest

"I'm home." Two words I usually never say unless under a certain condition has been met. A few years after the incident with my family, and going through some other problems with Ohgi, I eventually switched homes and started to live by myself.

However while the house was mine on papers, the safehouse I made shelter of was once unused property that belonged to my mother's close friend.

That friend was named Judy Sakai. She was the only person who took me and my sister under her wing when for some reason the other members of the family abandoned us.

However that, while I still holds a grudge, is nothing more but stuff in the past to be brought up at a different time. Going back to that one condition I mentioned earlier I noticed a familiar lady waltz about through the kitchen coughing slightly.

A thick char of smoke emminated from the countertop stoves. Seems like Judy was cooking up yet another tragedy. She barely heard me call out since she was busy trying to avoid triggering the smoke detector.

"Welcome home, darling~" Her cutesy voice sounded pretty halfass, but then again she was busy fanning the oven and the smoke. "That joke is getting stale." I took a deep sigh while undressing my shoes. "Aw.....let me indulge in my little pleasure."

After taking six or seven small steps into the kitchen I really wish I had a hazmat suit or atleast a gas mask to shield myself from the overpowering smell of charcoal. "One of these da---- **cough cough**, your going to burn this hous---**cough cough**"

I could barely finish my sentence before my throat, and sinsus was assualted by irritation leading to a series of coughing. Cutting midway I rushed towards any of the nearby windows and raised them up high. The sounds of the fan in the living room whirred into existence after flipping some switches in the living room and kitchen.


"JESUS WOMAN! YOU TRYING TO BURN THE ONLY HOME I GOT!?"----"Tch. I knew I should have just gotten some takeout." Judy chewed a bit on her thumb's fingernail giving off a slight 'tch'ed semi-glaring expression.....

Why does that remind of someone....

Thankfully after twenty minutes have passed the smell truly disappated. During that time the back of mind was worried for the worst case scenario. Atleast we didn't need to phone in her friends in the fire department.

"The hell was you even trying to cook this time!?" Slight frustrated, I peered inside some of the cooking pots and checked the scorched contents. Only shrivelled strands of black pellets and a lethal dose of charred sludge remained. Was this supposed to be rice? Then whats with the ooze??

"Rice and curry?" Like a goddamn clumsy catgirl in a moe-moe slice of life anime, she whacked her hand on her forehead in a 'oopsie~~tehee' manner. If it was anybody else Judy probably would have caught a whole backhand slap across her face....okay no that's a bit too harsh. ATLEAST some serious scolding or two. At any case despite my loud volume I wasn't exactly mad per say.

From the looks of things my face was still blank, but if one was to observe closely, the corners of my eye slightly twitched in annoyance. Eventually I sighed and took a seat. "If anything this serves me as a reminder to get a rice cooker."

"Its been almost a year hasn't it? I'm surprised you haven't got one yet."----"Budget issues, and other priorites. Don't worry about it."----"You do know a rice cooker is alot cheaper to use then doing it over the stove right?......."


I stretched myself out on the chair before resting my face on the cold wooden table. I seriously could use a nice warm shower right about now. Right about this time I would already be in there soaking up the warmth, but right now I got some elusive company in my presence.

Judy was a forty six year old female with an appearance ten years younger. Her job does involve police to an extent, and even her attire mimics that of an officer, but in reality her line of work wasn't being a straight up police woman.

Its bit complicated to explain, but she works with an intelligence organization who aligns themselves as outside partners. Imagine the C.I.A but more or less mercanary orintated.

This 'organization' that will go unamed gathers vital information around the country, and even dabbles into the art of espionage and some hitman tasks, should the situation deem it necessary. They have no public image, and even amongst the high ranked officals only a handful knows of their movements, nevertheless have the authority to give them missions.

The main point however is that in this business, Judy is a seasoned veteran to them. She is one of many who is heavily called onto the field by the higher brass. Her tasks also has long duration periods. Its no surprise when it lasts days, weeks or even months. During that long period there is only so many chances to contact her. In fact calling her in the first place brings about some sort of unneeded jeporady, in terms of secrecy, to her missions which is why they are kept to a bare minimum.

Because of this I usually have to fend for myself for quite some time, and ever since a certain situation happened two years ago, my loneliness has mutlipled.

Due to these facts, I dared not go to another room since well I didn't want to risk having her leave. I wanted to be right here in front of her, in a place where I knows she exists, simply relaxing.

"Good thing I brought some food from work." Though it was nothing on the level as rice and curry for dinner. They was nothing more but snacks. Instant ramen, some candy, canned vegetables etc,... etc...

However, while I wasn't on the level on Gordon Ramsey or any renowed chief, I was able to atleast cook something edible. The problem was it was almost one in the morning, and I was exhuasted as hell. Dinner would probably have to wait for a long while. Doesn't help when I realized tomorrow was a school day and there was homework to do, and turn in.

"Sooo.....how was your day?"----"Decent I guess?"----"You sound conflicted. Oh yeah...today's your first day at school isn't it?"-----"Second day...."

She face palmed herself. "Shit....Sorry." She had planned on being there for his first day. "Regardless....today was eventful compared to yesterday?" To be honest there was not much to say about the first day when I arrived. Although already knowing the major infrastructure, I still accepted a tour.

The thing about that tour was that I was thrown straight into it during school hours. I only attended two classes, homeroom and math before the school day ended. So I never really managed to bring a first impression to anyone which then of itself is bittersweet.

After all, like any other student there was only one reason I was attending school. That was to graduate. Whether I had friends and/or acquaintances never really mattered. Maintaining a low profile and merely blending into the background and acting normally, while it may have been the borish route, was the perfect way to get through any and every social events without trouble.

Without worrying about friends that may or may not betray your trust, or having to exert extra effort on maintaing the relationship, you can focus on the better problems at hand. Such as studying and finding ways to keep distance with any people who can become.....problematic.

That was the plan of attack....or defense(?) I came up with, and one I planned to stick with since day one. However day two may or may not provide to become troublesome for future events to come.

"Alucard....Orion....Shayna....Vicious Two." I mumbled a few words underneath my breath. "Who they? Friends?" Judy asked but I barely heard since I was too lost in thought to reply. Friends...no with the way things happened in the cafe it would prove that I would need to watch my back alot more often than I anticipated. With the way how things somewhat escalated, the thoughts of second doubts bubbled a bit beneath my mind. Regardless these thoughts didn't mean much to me right now so I ignored it.

"How long you been here?" I snapped back to reality while shooting out a question. "Pretty early. Maybe around six?" So she was here a few hours before I got off school. That's alot of time I missed out with her.

"Ugh.....fuck this. I'm going for a shower."----"Want me to go in with you~~?"---"I perfer my bath to not smell of an old lady, and wrinkles."

Judy chuckled and looked at me closely. Relax. I already knew she didn't mean anything perverted by it of course. She was used to giving me baths and hand washes whenever I got sick or tired back in the day.

She handled the parential chores for us when my actual parents were busy with other matters. Though that was when I was a younger child.

....a time when I was more capable....

Besides she spoked in a completely joking manner, so most likely neither of us took it seriously.

"My my. How much my little nephew has grown~~"----"Leave me be....."


About an hour or two had passed. Me, being tired as I am, almost fainted once or twice in the bathtub. My eyelids were starting to grow heavy. However my body had pretty much grown, in an unnatural and most definetly unhealthy way, to live on without the average amounts of sleep.

Of course I am no super soldier who can just contiune on only gasoline or electricity so eventually my body would shut off once or twice every now and then. My senses would be completely paralzyed as I unconciously drifted off to slumber. When, where and for how long it happened was three questions was only answered after I woke up. The ten minute sleep that Ohgi woke me from earlier was a prime example.

I checked the clock on the wall....Two thirty three in the morning it seemed. Right now, I was in the kitchen whipping up some EDIBLE ramen and cut vegetables. After all I didn't have much rice on standby.

Judy seemed to be chilling in her room attending to some of her personal items. Well techincally....they was all weaponry to some degree. Since the bathroom I was using shares an adjancent wall with her room I was able make out her talking in a very important and professional tone over the phone.

I knew she was to be dispatched again. Though it felt too short and cruel, I do have to remember she was here for almost a whole day.....

.....Guess I'm just forced to dealt with the facts. I remembered her complexion and body posture when I left to go take a bath. She was most definetly getting tired and could use a vacation or three, but she seemed to be fine on a physical standpoint.

She was still capable of doing tasks, as long its not cooking, and doesn't seem to be physically drained. Either way I believe it wouldn't hurt to give her a shoulder massage when she walks back into the kitchen. Judy was seating by the table drinking a small can of dilluted beer. Can't get drunk before the job after all. Her face looked a bit tired, yet somewhat restless. An expression I know all too well. After all I think I'm still wearing it.

She looked towards me who was cooking by the stove before getting lost in her own thoughts. The silence that filled was slightly cut by the sounds of cooking. Exactly fifteen minutes passed before somebody decided to break the silence. "Hey kid?"

"Whats up?" I asked responding to her curious tone. "Do you have any dreams?" For a second those words went through one ear and out the other. "You know I don't sleep often."------"No. Not those dreams. I meant like goals, or aspiriations. Anything comes to mind?"

I pondered upon that for awhile. My train of thought eventually went down from present tense towards memory lane. Thinking back on it, there wasn't much that resemblemed that of a long term goal. Besides simple training here and there, there wasn't any hobbies I had that could blossom into any career. Even my job didn't call for any special traits besides simple math calculation and elbow grease. Something that any capable person can do.

"Not really. Why?" Judy sighed and scratched her hair for a second. A sense of slight frustration eminated from her expression...maybe pity?

"Listen kid. You about to grow up to be a man correct? You can't just live your life without any plan of attack. You gotta make something out of yourself while you got long and plentiful years ahead of you."

"The heck is that supposed to mean?"

------"Don't play dumb. I just need you to understand you only got one life on this earth and you only got one chance to build yourself a proper future."

Her tone sounded like she was just doing unnescarry mumblings so it went through my ears again. "Where is this advice coming from?"

No response. The sounds of fried rice and shredded cabbage sizziling replied in her place. "Does this have something to do with work?"

"....Don't worry about me." Her reply didn't answer my question but probably the train of thought I was leading to. Another period of silence filled the room, but atleast it was accompanied by the classic smell of ramen and rice.

Before long we enjoyed a decent dinner. However from dinner to bedtime we never exchanged any more words besides "thank you" and "see you later".