
Altering My Destiny

Shinji Takumi breathed his last breath filled with remorse, wishing he could turn back time and correct his mistakes. However, fate had something different in store for him. Shinji opened his eyes to find himself reincarnated into the very world he had once lost himself in – Abyss Adventure, a game he had always been passionate about. Determined to seize this second chance at life, Shinji vows to rewrite his past and make the most out of his new world. But will the game world live up to his expectations? With his eyes set on the prize, Shinji embarks on a journey of self-discovery, determined to find the happiness and fulfillment he had been searching for. Will he succeed in his quest or will the challenges of his new life be too much to bear? Join Shinji on an epic adventure as he navigates through his new world, braving through trials and tribulations, and discovering the true meaning of life in this thrilling light novel.

Qmaruu_Eim · Fantasy
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5 Chs

CH02: Unfamiliar Life

Shinji woke up to the sound of chirping birds outside. He felt well-rested and refreshed, but as he opened his eyes, he realized he was still a baby. He looked around and saw the familiar face of the woman who had held him before. She was changing his diaper with a gentle touch.

???: "Good morning, Shinji. Did you sleep well?" she asked him with a smile.

[ Apparently, it's been seven months since the day I was born as Shinji, ] thought Shinji.

Shinji tried to respond but could only coo in response. He felt frustrated that he couldn't communicate properly.

The woman finished changing his diaper and picked him up, holding him close to her chest.

[ During that time, I was able to cope my situations and finally accepted that I was actually been reborn to a new world, ] Shinji continued to talk to himself.

???: "Today is a special day, Shinji. We're going to have a family gathering!" she said with excitement.

[ And this gorgeous woman is my mother, Hina Takumi, ] exclaimed Shinji to himself.

Shinji looked up at her with curiosity, wondering what a family gathering would be like.

As the day went on, Shinji met many new people, all of whom were his family. He was passed around from person to person, each cooing and tickling him. He found himself enjoying the attention and the feeling of being loved.

[ Though I'm enjoying the atmosphere, it's still annoying to be carried all the time! ] Shinji grumbled to himself.

[ I was born on the Takumi Family, a middle-status noble family, ] Shinji explained to himself.

As the evening approached, the family gathered around a large table filled with food. They all sat down and began to eat and talk, but Shinji couldn't participate in the conversation.

[ It's so lively, kind of weird feeling, ] he observed.

He watched as his older sister, Miya, giggled and talked with their parents and grandparents. He felt left out and wished he could join in.

[ Takumi Miya, my older sister and also my only sibling, ] Shinji thought

[ She always plays with me, so I won't feel lonely. What a great sister. ]

Hina: "Don't worry, Shinji. You'll be able to talk soon enough," his mother whispered to him, sensing his distress.

Shinji smiled up at her, feeling grateful for her reassurance.

As the night wore on, his mother carried him upstairs and laid him down in a crib, tucking him in with a soft blanket.


[ Finally! everyone goes to sleep! ] Shinji exclaimed to himself.

Now I can secretly goes to read more books again.

Yes, I've read tons of books since coming here. Even thought I'm a baby to them, I'm actually a 29 year old unemployed dude.

[ Even after months reading a book. I'm still surprised I can actually write and read. I can't speak though,] Shinji thought sadly.

With all that said, I have discovered that this world is undoubtedly [ Abyss Adventure,] the game I always played after getting fired from my job and my last game anyway. At first, I was shocked and excited since it's my favorite game, but this game is different. It has magic and swords, like those fantasy things. It's cool, I admit, but in this game, it is hard to master magic and swordsmanship.

For example, in an average family, only one or two of their members could hold magic. Magic is very rare and hard to learn. In the normal game, it's called mana, but in this game, it's called Yon. Yon is like stamina for magic, and it's needed to use magic. To learn Yon is much harder than mana. Mana is low-tier magic, while Yon is higher tier. If you're able to learn Yon at a young age, without a doubt, you will become a powerful Yon master in the future.

Since I was only a baby who had trouble even walking, let alone using magic, I couldn't possibly do that. So, in the meantime, I'm going to read some books about how magic works. In the game, it's only simplified, but now that I've read a lot of magic books, I realize it's much more complicated than I viewed it when I was playing the game.

Thinking back, how was I able to cast a 5-tier magic spell when I was only at level 20? That's cheating! In this world, people can typically cast their first 1-tier magic spell when they're 9-11 years old. It takes double the time to learn the next tier, which is 4 years for another tier, then 8 years for another tier, and so on.


[ I guess, this is really legit. ] Shinji thought, looking ahead of him.

A blue pop-up window appeared, and he wondered why it showed up since he wasn't the one playing. But he guessed he was still labeled as a "player."

The window displayed:

[Takumi Shinji]

Level: [ 1 ]

Abilites: None

Skills: None

- Stats -

Agility: 3

Magic: 0

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 5

Shinji wasn't surprised that he had no talent in magic, but it was still too early to decide. Suddenly, a book caught his attention.

"The Furious Gangma?" This game was actually a book he had read in his previous life, an action-story book. But why was it here, in a different world?

As he tried to open the book, an error message appeared in front of him in the same shape as the pop-up window.


<Player's interference has been identified>

<Proceed to punishment>

[ W-what ? what all of this ? Punishment ?] Shinji wondered, feeling confused

[ What have i done ?? ]

He waited for a while, but nothing happened. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and realized this was bad.

[ If they know I'm reading a book, they're going to think I'm a crazy baby for sure- ]

he tried to finish his worries, but he fell asleep before he could.


Awake, my vision was still blurry, but I could see my mother and father standing in front of me. However, it seemed like they were not on good terms. I wondered what had happened.

[ Huh ? ] Shinji thought.

In front of me was a cake that read "Happy 7th Birthday!".

[ What? I'm sure I was just a normal baby earlier, ] Shinji muttered.

Wait, maybe time has changed drastically? Is this the punishment the screen wanted to tell me?

[ Ah, damn.. ] Shinji looked down, frustrated.

[ I wasted seven years doing nothing. ]

But I shouldn't give up just yet. I must not forget why I am here. Since this is a familiar world to me, I should have advantages that I can use. So don't be so depressed, me!

Hina: " Are you okay Shinji ? Are you not enjoying your cake ? " his mother asked with a worried tone.

Shinji: " No, mother, I'm sorry to have made you feel that way. I'm just not in my usual mood today," Shinji replied.

Miya: " If you dont hurry up, I'm gonna finished it, you know! " his sister Miya spoke up.

[ Miya.. I guess she's 11 now, right ? ] Shinji thought.

[ Time goes too fast for me. I guess I need to plan ahead for the things I want in the future,] Shinji exclaimed.

Feeling uncomfortable in the atmosphere, I quietly finished the rest of the cake and went back to my room.

When I was about to head back to my room, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

???: "Did you forget?"

???: "You're supposed to start practicing with the sword today."

I turned around and saw my sister, Miya Takumi.

[Since I was only made aware of this now, I guess I'll play along for now.]

Shinji: "Really? Thanks for reminding me, Miya."

Miya: "That's Miya Onee-san for you!" she spoke, warning Shinji.

[Hahaha, she's quite funny, I guess.] Shinji thought, smiling.


As we walked towards the training ground, Miya started to explain about the sword training.

Miya: " You know, Shinji, father used to be a great swordsman. He won many battles and tournaments in his younger days. And now, he's going to teach you how to use the sword. "

Shinji: " Really? I had no idea. "

[ My father, Takumi Masaru, is a well-known swordsman in this kingdom. Just like Miya said, to be trained by a master swordsman is a blessing. ] Shinji explained to himself.

Miya: " Yep. And if you become really good, you might even surpass father one day! "

Shinji: " Wow, that's a big goal. But I'll do my best. "

As we arrived at the training ground, my father was already waiting for us. He greeted us with a stern expression and handed me a wooden sword.

Masaru: " This is your first training sword. You must learn to master this before moving on to the real thing. "

Shinji: " Yes, father. I understand. "

[ Swordsmanship, huh... In the game, it's easy to level up swordsmanship. You just need to kill a monster with your sword, and the experience points will rise. Well, since this is real I don't know how hard it is. ] Shinji thought.

[ Maybe this stat window will help me ? ] Shinji continued.

[ and to know that, I must focus on this training. It might help later in the future. Since the 'tradegy' might struck soon. ]

As he finished his thoughts, his father said,

Masaru: "Good. Let's begin."

And so, my training started. My father was strict, but he was also patient and encouraging. He taught me the basics of swordsmanship, how to stand, how to hold the sword, and how to move. It was not easy, but I was determined to learn.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. I practiced every day, rain or shine. I got bruises and blisters, but I didn't give up. I wanted to become a great swordsman like my father.

As I progressed, I noticed that my movements were becoming smoother and my swings were becoming more powerful. My father noticed my progress as well and began to teach me more advanced techniques.

Masaru: " Looks like you're ready for it. "

[ Here comes what I've been waiting. ] Shinji thought.

Masaru: " I'm going to teach you Takumi Sword Style. Our own family sword technique. "

[ Takumi Sword Style' is one of the most powerful sword styles in the game. Just like I thought, the content is still the same. ] Shinji explained.

Shinji: " I'm ready for that, father. "

Masaru: " Good. Now, look closely at my movements. "

As Shinji looked closely at his father's movements, Masaru demonstrated a stance that he was once familiar with.

[ The Takumi Stance. Such a simple stance but it terrified many players back then. I can't believe I'm going to learn it! ] Shinji thought.

Then, Masaru unsheathed his sword and drew it in the air. Masaru then concentrated on the sword, and a blue-ish glowing aura appeared on the sword.

Shinji: " Whoa.. "

[ This is better than I expected! ] Shinji thought excitedly.

After a while, Masaru finally sheathed his sword back into its cover. Without much effort, Masaru was able to demonstrate the stance to Shinji.

Shinji, however, was left with an excited and determined expression to learn the skill from his father.

Masaru: " Awesome, right? You'll be able to pull it off if you keep training. "

Masaru: " For starters, I'll teach you how to perform the stance and concentrate on the sword." Masaru explained.

Shinji: " Yes! "


I have forgotten how long it's been since I started practicing with the sword. My movements and swings have become more precise, but I still can't seem to make the blue aura appear on my sword like father did, Shinji thought to himself.

Shinji: " Hah..," exhausted, he wiped the sweat from his face with a towel and looked at his stats.

[Takumi Shinji]

Level: [1]

Abilities: None


Takumi Sword Style


Agility: 9

Magic: 0

Strength: 12

Intelligence: 19

Shinji: "My intelligence has increased due to the books I've read, I guess. My strength and agility have also increased quite a lot," Shinji mused.

Despite exploring the system thing, Shinji found a dead end and had nothing new to report. Other than swinging and reading books all day, he didn't particularly practice anything, and it had become quite boring. However, he knew that he had a long way to go to achieve happiness.

Suddenly, his older sister, Miya Takumi, interrupted his thoughts.

Miya: " Shinji! Father called! " she shouted from outside the practice room.

Shinji: " C-coming! " Shinji replied, and he quickly made his way to see his father.


Upon arriving, Shinji saw his father sitting on a chair, enjoying the afternoon view through the big glass wall. Hearing the door open, Masaru glanced back at Shinji.

Shinji: "You called, father?"

Masaru: "Yes, I would like to know how your training is going?"

Shinji: "Ah, if it's about that, don't worry father. It's going great."

Masaru: "Are you still unable to summon the blue aura?"

Hearing this, Shinji looked down and couldn't meet his father's gaze.

Shinji: "I'm sorry to disappoint you father. I still seem to be unable to do so."

Masaru looked at his son with a slightly disappointed expression.

Masaru: "It's fine. It's only been seven months since you started practicing the sword style."

Masaru: "It's okay to take it slow, but...I'm thinking of bringing you to enter a dungeon so you can gain experience. Though, that has to wait."

[What? Dungeons? I need to go there immediately!]

[From what I remembered, dungeons near this area have valuable artifacts that can boost your stats.]

[It's OP in the game. So to make my life easier, I need to get my hands on that artifact immediately!]

Shinji: "Can you tell me which dungeon you are going to, father?"

[I need to know!]

Masaru waited for a while to think about his decision and ultimately decided to tell Shinji the name.

Masaru: "It's Governor's Lair. Have you heard of it?"


[No way! It's a steal if I get the 'Light Ball' artifact!]

Shinji: "Is there any way that I can accompany you in the raid, father? I'm dying to experience what dungeons are like."

Masaru: "I don't think so, unfortunately. You don't meet the requirements to enter."

Shinji: "I see...Then, if you're finished talking, can I go back to training?"

Masaru: "Ah, yes, sure. You can go back to training now."


[ I was lying if I said I don't want to enter the dungeons. I was acting the whole time, pretending to be interested, but it doesn't matter if it's with Father or not. I'm going to get that artifact! ] Shinji thought mischievously.

Miya: "Um, are you okay? Your expression seems a bit weird," Miya asked with a worried tone.

Shinji: "A-AH! I'm okay! I'm okay!" Shinji replied awkwardly, trying to diffuse the situation.

Miya: "Sure..." Miya said, unconvinced.

Shinji then awkwardly left the room, hoping to leave the uncomfortable atmosphere behind.

Miya: "Ah, I'm thinking about it. Why don't we spar?" Miya suddenly suggested.

Miya: "I want to know how skilled you are."

[ Ugh. Seriously now? I was just about to plan and leave this awkward atmosphere. ]

Oh well.

Shinji: "Sure, you'll be shocked when you see it."

Miya: "Really? Then let's not waste any more time."

With that said, Shinji and Miya headed outside for their first sword spar.


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