
Altered Mind (MHA)

If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence. In a world where that statement rings truer than ever. What would you do, if you had the power to control people? Would you try to be a hero? A villain? Perhaps you would choose neither and live your life like normal... but the temptation will be always there. Shinso Hitoshi SI in the world of My hero academia. # Mind-control # Dark MC # Brainwashing #Quirks # Powers # One for All # All for One #Multiple Quirks (On Hiatus) Disclaimer:- P.S (I do not own this cover art, it was drawn by mishroom. To the artist, please inform me if you would like me to take it down.)

Anubis_Creationz · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Element of Surprise

A/N : New Schedule Friday & Saturday


I really hoped that my costume came out the way I expected it to, especially the support items I asked for.

Yes, I had requested several, seeing that after today. Class 1-A was going to find out about my quirk.

With the element of surprise gone, I was going to have to put in much more effort in the future.

I made my way to the locker room and sat down, I opened the suitcase and saw my costume, it was dark purple and black.

I requested a dark purple trench coat, with a light weight reinforced carbon fiber body armour, which was completely black in colour.

Next, I picked up my mask, and started putting it on.

I had put in a request, for a mask that could manipulate the pitch of my voice, giving me the ability to mimic someone else's voice.

And, since my quirk didn't work through recordings or any kind of electronic device.

Dozens of carbon fiber plates that when tuned could vibrate enabling me to manipulate my voice. I called them persona chords.

I also put in a request for capture tape, similar to Aizawa's. Mine were indigo, and were much sturdier than Aizawa's.

I look around seeing I was the only one there, I extended a tendril made of sludge, and fused it with the capture tape. The sludge sunk into the capture tape, turning it into a darker color.

I activated it and the capture tape expanded around my neck.

I made it move around trying to get a feel for it, they weren't as accurate as I would have liked them, but it will have to do for the mean time.

My hands then went towards the two eschirma sticks I requested. These bad boys were quite similar to the ones used by the police for crowd control.

I submitted a request for them, and had to pay extra to get them along with the capture tape.

Luckily, money wasn't an issue. Thanks to the generous donations of a few corrupt businessmen who happened to displace a couple of hundred thousand yens. When asked nicely.

I also had an assortment of things, that should prove useful. A few smoke bombs, a couple of flash gernades (weakened) as to not damage any retinas or cause permanent eye damage.

A sound recorder, and lastly an emergency battery pack for my eschirma sticks. Yes, I requested electrified ones.

I deactivated the sticks and sheathed them on my utility belt, my persona mask around my neck and pulled on the cloak.

I left out the hood because I'll be honest, it looked ridiculous. I replaced it with a dark purple visor that matched with my persona chords.

I came out the locker room and out into the opening, I saw everyone ready and waiting on me.

"Whoa Shinso awesome costume!" Kirishima complimented me, I turned to him, his costume was the same as the anime.

"Thanks, yours is pretty good." I returned the compliment making him rub the back of his head. "Thanks its pretty simple, I can't really go for a body suit like you guys."

"Alright listen up everyone, now that you're all ready, let's get started with combat training!" All Might announced as everyone looked at the number 1 pro hero, Iida in his Ingenium costume raised his hand.

"Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam, does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again?" Iida asked.

"Not quite, I'm gonna move you two steps ahead, most of the villain fights you see take place outside, but in reality, the real battles take place indoors." All Might explained,

"Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs." The pro listed out, "The most intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows."

"For this training exercise you will be put into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles!"

"Isn't this a little advanced?" I look to the side to see Tsuyu Asui in her Froppy costume.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield. But remember you can't just punch a robot this time, you'll be dealing with actual people now!" He said.

My classmates started to ask questions but I stayed quiet until All Might stopped the questions.

"Time is limited and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!" I see All Might hold up a box.

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asked.

"Well life is unpredictable, you can't always choose who you work with on the field, this will help us prepare for that scenario." I said.

lida nodded, "Ah yes that makes sense, excuse my rudeness." lida bows, I rolled my eyes.

I stepped up and took a ball with the letter C from the lots, I waited for everyone else to draw from the box.

Jiro came up to me holding a ball with a C on it as well, "Looks like we're on the same team." she said.

"That's, good." I said.

I look to see Midoriya and Ochako in the same team, and it seemed most of us ended up in the same teams. Well, except for Mineta who seemed to be missing.

'Looks like he ended up in Class 1-B. ' I thought to myself.

I look to All Might who was drawing lots from the hero and villain boxes, he then drew two balls for each team.

Seeing that me and Jiro would be against OJiro and Kaminari, I felt relief over not having to face todoroki.

He was the strong silent type, which means getting him to talk might prove difficult, not to mention both his ice and fire were a weakness to my sludge quirk.

"Everyone can head to the monitor room to watch," Everyone agreed and I looked to Kaminari who was staring at me, not glaring at me, but staring, like he was trying to figure me out.

I blinked as he turned and went with Jiro to discuss their battle plan, that was odd..

( Chapter End)