
Hierarchy Triangle

Altera High School, the school everyone wants to attend but only a few are accepted. In this school, your reputation and place on the hierarchy triangle depend on how strong you are. There are 4 top tiers to the triangle the Ace which is currently Caleb, the Queen is Amari, our King is Charlie, and our empress is Emily but she doesn't talk to anyone she is known for being powerful but cold. At Altera, everyone is always training to be the best and be one of the 4 tiers. And I Alex have been recently accepted along with my friends Blake and Lilith. Today's our first day and we already made an enemy, of Valerie and Marie the bullies who think they're better than everyone else. While we're all walking to class there was a person dressed in black passing by, but I could only see their eyes, they were blue-green. Their eyes stood out because of the all-black outfit of a hoodie, jeans, and mouth mask (yes she was wearing shoes). When I made eye contact with them they just disappeared or maybe their ability was invisibility I don't really know. When we got to class I sat down in a seat behind Lilith and to the left of Blake. That's when I realized that there was someone sitting in the seat to my left. To my surprise, it was the person dressed in all black that had disappeared the hall. I tried to talk to them saying "hey" but they ignored me.

Then the girl sitting behind me, Amari said "I wouldn't bother talking to her, she never talks she's basically mute" and I responded, "she? Why doesn't she talk?". Amari seemed surprised and didn't hide it she then said: "Forget I said anything". I was confused but didn't say anything and just stayed quiet. After class, I went to lunch with Blake and Lilith and told them about what happened in class but they didn't, believe me, they then told me that I just talked to the Queen. But if I'm being honest, I didn't care I asked: "Why does everyone have to be on a tier and why does everyone's reputation depend on the tier they're in?". Blake was surprised at my question but answered: " That's how the government made our society it was made that way for a reason...right?" I responded saying "I don't know but it's just not fair".