

Kaizen is an Off-grid kid who lives in the slums of Japan, but something is off with his parents, something tragic happens to Kaizen and his off to discover a whole new mystery and uncover the real truth that unleashes his true potential I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as Dojo

DojoHimself · Fantasy
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Ramen again?

My name is Kaizen Ryunohi, I'm just an ordinary kid who lives in the slums of Osaka... My mom (Raven) is a housewife and my dad (Kosuke) works in construction but he barely makes enough money to keep us going, my mom secretly leaves the house for unknown reasons and comes back late before my father's shift ends, I rarely care about anything but my mother's disappearance is quite the mystery for me...

My life is not easy but I make the most out of it, going to school is a pain in the ass... I have to endure constant bullying for six hours. Whenever I complain to my parents my dad always steps in and says "We Dragons would never admit defeat, we strive until our heart is pulled apart even then we still would fight till our blood dry"... I mean who would say that, and what does he mean by dragons?


(7:30 AM)

A new day starts off and I can already tell that it's going to be a nuisance, mom is probably downstairs preparing breakfast, and my dad is forsure still sleeping as usual... What a drag. For some reason, I started to hear everything more clearly over a distance, I can also smell and distinguish differently, and my eyesight increased drastically... Is this puberty?

I stretched and went on to brush my teeth. Took a shower but we never seemed to have hot water and it was apparently cold to mom but I myself never realized that and my dad never seemed to bother as well. I walk down the narrow stairs and see my mom with a smiling face and a beautiful stance...

[Kaizen]: Goodmorning

[Raven]: Ah, you there... How was your sleep?

[Kaizen]: Not as good as dad's it seems, heh

[Raven]: Oh speaking of that...

I saw my mom grabbing a hot scorching pan and walking calmly towards her bed... I felt as if she was the devil himself with the way she was entering her room, as I was thinking profusely of what's going to happen. I heard a loud thunk and my dad waking up with a howling scream that sounded as if it was a roar of some kind.

[Raven]: Why in the flying fuck are you still sleeping?

[Kosuke]: Calm down honey... little kai is literally outside

[Raven]: *Sigh* Just get ready and go to work already

[Kosuke]: Fine Fine

As I saw my parents exit their room, I packed my breakfast into my bag and waited for my dad to get ready so we could walk together. My family doesn't have a car but recently my dad likes to walk me to school because his construction work is not that far off my school district. We would often walk in silence, mostly because I wouldn't have anything to say, I'd be thinking about how horrible my day will be because of those bastards who seem to get a hard-on whenever they pick on me. We had just turned to the last stretch of our walk to my school when he asked me.

[Kosuke]: You know son I've always known you to be quiet but for some reason, you always seem to be extra quiet on our walk to your school.

[Kaizen]: What is there to talk about? School? We've been over it before dad…

[Kosuke]: Sheesh… Ok, whatever you say. I just wanted to pick your brain a bit before we split ways, you're almost 13 now so you must be thinking about girls hahaha, right!?

[Kaizen]: Only thing I'm thinking about is the day that I'm finally done with school

As we got closer to the school I spotted Reiki waiting and waving for me outside the school as he always does.

[Kosuke]: oh look, It's your friend Reiki!

[Reiki]: Hello there Mr. Ryunohi

[Kaizen]: Cut it, let's go Reiki

[Kosuke]: What is the hostility for? He just greeted me

[Kaizen]: Dad, he lives next door to us… I'm pretty sure greetings can wait

[Kosuke]: You go ahead If you can't wait

[Kaizen]: Fine, I'll see you later...

[Kosuke]: Hey Reiki, hope Kaizen is keeping you out of trouble

[Reiki]: Why do you assume I'm not the one keeping him out of trouble

[Kosuke]: Because I know what type of person you are hahaha

[Reiki]: I mean that's true, Kaizen seems to always fend off the bullies from me

[Kosuke]: hahaha, off you go then and remember… If there is anything strange with Kaizen, call your father

[Reiki]: ehhh?... Okay then, have a good day Mr. Ryunohi

I was in class as Reiki entered we heard the bell ring and the teacher greeted us. It was science class and we learned a lot about the human body and as usual, the good-for-nothing idiots were laughing when human genitalia came up… Fucking useless junk.

I was interested in the part where the teacher talked about puberty and from then I kept noting every single thing she said, none of the effects I had were mentioned in her statement on puberty, and out of curiosity I asked.

[Kaizen]: Excuse me?

[Teacher]: Yes Kaizen?

[Kaizen]: If someone went through a body change and all their senses were enhanced, is that also part of puberty?

[Teacher]: Oh? well, there is a term for that and is not included in puberty.

[Kaizen]: If I may ask, what is that term called?

[Teacher]: It's called "Metamorphosis" but that doesn't happen to us humans, in general, it happens to reptiles, insects, and other animals like amphibians and arachnids

[Soku]: hahaha, fucking idiot thinks he is Spider-man or something

[Teacher]: Well Soku, Do you know what type of animal spiders are?

[Soku]: Pfft, They are reptiles...

After he said that the whole class began laughing including the teacher, the fucker was so confident, I felt embarrassed on his behalf.


As the first part of the day ends we go into the break period, Most people like this period but I just hate it so I choose to stay in class most of the time. I walk down the stairs into the big open area that consists of students running around and a canteen to buy sweets and snacks. I was walking casually until Soku and his gang of dimwits approached me…

[Soku]: Hey come look at this fucker!

[Kaizen]: What do you want now?

[Soku]: Hahaha, you poor little shit… did you think I'll let you go after you laughed at me?

[Kaizen]: The whole class laughed at you, are you going to go after each and every one?

[Soku]: *Grunt* Do you want me to beat your ass till you cry?

[Kaizen]: Do I actually get a choice this time wow I'm lucky, You can try but last time I remember you cried because your hands swell up the very next day.

[Soku]: You're pushing your luck Kaizen.

[Kaizen]: And you're pushing about 100kg. you're overweight, go join the sports club since you have so much energy to spare.

The veins on Soku's face popped and his fists clenched in anger as his friends giggled at my joke.

[Soku]: I'll give you one more chance, apologize for laughing in class.

[Kaizen]: Are you going to ask the teacher to apologize as well?

*Why the hell should I apologize for you being stupid, this bastard wants an apology? He can get it when the flame in my chest freezes over. Why the fuck did I think that, what does that even mean*

[Soku]: Go get this fucker, beat him to a pulp!!!

[Kaizen]: Shit!

I saw four of these idiots launching at me with ferocity and that fucker standing there smirking at me like he owns the school, It was inexorable to let them off my shoulder and that they would eventually come after me

As they were approaching me, one started kicking me and the other three started punching heavily, I felt the impact on my face and body but never felt any pain or even a sliver of what I felt in the past…

Eventually, the teacher apprehended ME and those bastards for starting a fight during the break period and we were suspended for three days, that's three days of peace for me but that's just unfair and I'm sure my mom wouldn't be happy about this but knowing my dad he will probably congratulate me for not stepping down and brush it off like what he does every time I get into trouble.

The school is about to end and I'm terrified of what my mom is going to think or rather even do, every time she looks at me like the abyss is staring at me, should I not tell her or should I not even show up to home today?

(3:15 PM) *School bell rings*

[Kaizen]: I guess this is it... God, I hate school.

[Reiki]: Tough day huh?

[Kaizen]: Had worse...

[Reiki]: These good for nothing dog shits are still bullying you?

[Kaizen]: You think I care? and if I did, what am I going to do about it?

[Reiki]: Fight back. getting beaten up is embarrassing, how do you think you'd get a girlfriend?

[Kaizen]: For the 1000th time Reiki, we are middle-schoolers! getting a girlfriend for 2 mins isn't worth it for me

[Reiki]: Pfft... love is in the air my friend

[Kaizen] Only thing in the air is your grades, when was the last time you paid attention to class

[Reiki]: Why are we talking about this again? And I heard you got suspended, aren't your parents are gonna be mad.

[Kaizen]: My dad, probably not but my mom's a whole different story. Honestly, I might just stay at your place for the next three days just to avoid whatever weird punishment she'll think up.

[Reiki]: as much as I wouldn't mind that you know my dad wouldn't allow it, "Dragons must face all their shortcomings head-on" is what my dad always says.

[Kaizen]: The fuck is wrong with our dads and their dragon fetishes? Dragons aren't even real.

[Reiki]: I don't know but it's kind of inspiring in a weird way. Let's just go home

[Kaizen]: You're just as weird as they are and Yeah let's go

Reiki and I were having fun while on our way home and while we were on our last turn to our alley we saw a gang of people who seemed off and shady to me and Reiki. I looked at them and with a long gaze and they stared back at me, Reiki told me it was the yakuza and we were on their turf, so I just brushed it off and went home.

(3:40 PM) *Entering the house*

[Kaizen]: I'm home!

[Raven]: Hey there, how was your day?

[Kaizen]: Terrible and to be honest with you… I ah, I got suspended for 3 days for being involved in a fight that I didn't even start

[Raven]: Oh I already know that, I just wanted for you to tell me yourself

[Kaizen]: How?

[Raven]: The School contacted me and told me that you were getting picked on and that you started the fight but knowing you, I know you wouldn't even bother anyone at school so I just left it as it is

[Kaizen]: Oh ok… *LETS FUCKING GO*

[Raven]: This just means you'll have plenty of time to do those chores you've been ignoring

[Kaizen]: AH NOOO *Damn it, I was hoping on having a nice long quiet weekend*

I went upstairs and changed my clothes, as I was getting hungry the smell of my mothers cooking aroma reached my room upstairs and my stomach growled Because i haven't eaten all day, You can guess why. I went down and there was my mother preparing food for both of us to eat while we talk about our day

It was the same food my mother cooks every day, her specialty and it was ramen, ramen every day? Yes, I've had ramen every day for the past years and although I was bored of it, it just never seemed to be the same taste every time… It's like I'm eating something new every day

[Raven]: Dinner is ready hun

[Kaizen]: Coming! *It's Ramen again?*

You know what, no matter how hectic or fucked up my days can be at least I can rely on one thing being the same.