
Altair’s Adventures

First time writing, I am purely writing this for my own fun. I am no expert when it comes to most, if not all of the stuff I write about. If I'm not making it up I'm either basing it off other web novels I've read, so some things might not make sense or might be incorrect. I have work and won't be able to write much so I don't really know when I'll be able to update. I hope you can understand. This novel will contain Yuri and I'll stick with mostly slice of life since I don't believe I'll be able to do any real fighting scenes since my writing isn't anything great. Might use flesh magic on Mc to make her able to do the deed, however she will dispel the effects afterwards, just a heads up for those who don't wish to read such stuff.

NeoNeopolitan · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


As the wheel spun I asked, "so why?" the figure stopped paying attention to the wheel and asked back" why what?"

"Why was I given this chance? Am I special in some way or another?" as spoke I could see his body tremble, so I looked up to see him holding his laughter. Making me want to slap him crossed his face, I, of course, like a civilized person refrained from doing so.

It wasn't because I had no hands to use or because he would end me before I could do anything. Definitely not any of those above, after all I am a decent person. After he stopped laughing, he looked to me and said "The reason is simple, you were part of one of our experiments, however you died before you could achieve any of our goals and although you did not achieve your intended purpose we decided to take pity on you."

"I see, now, why was I chosen to participate in this experiment to begin with?" I asked curious about the answer. He said" well the answer is simple really, you lived a life with no purpose, you lived life as if in a loop, you would wake up, take a shower, go to work, eat food, get home, shower, sleep, repeat. "As he spoke, he showed me my life in fast motion, repeating the same events over and over again."

He continues " Your life had no meaning, no purpose, so we decided to use you who had no purpose and assigned you a purpose, for multiple reason, one of them is that you we easier to guide and control if you ever did something that would cause us issues." "Is that so, are you guys gods or something?" I ask him, he looked at me and rolled his eyes and said "wow how did you come to such a conclusion."

Before I could complain about his attitude he said" hurry and tell me when to stop the wheel or I'll just toss you out of here" "Oh right, STOP" I shout. I watch as the wheel turns and stops at ten. "Oh, you were quite lucky, must have been all that money you spent on Gacha" " Ugh, don't remind me" I say as my soul seems to dim a little.

"Alright, now tells me your wishes" he said as he looks at me.

I ponder and say, well my first wish is I want a world/dimension where only me and those I chose to allow can enter and energy's, herbs and natural resources from worlds I visit can spawn/appear/grow, as well as an infinity dungeons.

"Sure, I guess after all it's one item, Next" he said "Well, my second wish is the power of creation. That allows me to create Skills, Titles, Ability's, as well as items. "Granted, Next." he said

"Third wish is a body that will evolve rapidly and adapt to anything without issue. Fourth I always wanted Mystic Eyes of Death Perception which allow me to see both lines and points of death and which allow me to kill even concepts. "Alright, Next"

"Fifth is Immortality which will make it so that I can still be killed, but won't die of old age and will stop aging in my prime condition, and for me to be able to grant it to my trusted companions and being able to take it from them just in case. For my sixth wish is Elder Blood cause it will allow me to travel to different worlds and passive regeneration, oh right make it so that I can't be tracked or trapped by the wild hunt or anyone, Also make it that no one can experiment with my blood or clone me." " I'll make it happen, cause clones do sound like a pain."

"Seventh wish is a taming Grimoire with a god level taming skill, that allows me to store familiars and which allows me to see all their evolutionary paths. Eighth wish being an ability to copy skills, ability's, and status of others for myself but I gain an enhance version of the skills. Ninth wish is a library of heaven's path with infinite gold pages where, when I visit a world I get all their knowledge for example, if I went to the Harry Potter world, I would get all their books on magic, potions, wand making, and Etc. No matter what it is, light, dark, forgotten or lost, secret or public, I will get all the knowledge." "Tenth wish is Great Luck and Charm that works only on women."

"Alright, finally, now chose your Appearance and world you wish to be put in and where in the timeline." " Alright so appearance I wish to look like Altair from Re:Creators even her eyes as well, however can you beautify me more abit more" I say. " Mmm, how about like this." " say the body type, can you give me the body type of Scheherazade from FGO, she has an attractive body type" "sure, here I'll even make it so no matter what, it will remain the same even if you exercise to an extreme or if you lose weight" "Thanks"

"Alright, now for the world and time?" he asked and I responded with " The world is DxD and I want to be the same age as Artoria Pendragon"

"Ready to go?" "As ready as I'll ever be" I responded, "Oh, before you go you didn't choose your background, so how about I give you a small challenge and in exchange I will give you an upgraded version Holopsicon and all of Altair's ability's as well as your first tamed being and you will also be allowed to keep all your memory's. "What's the Challenge?" I ask wanting to know

"I will create your background, all you have to do is survive till you find the lady of the lake and since you won't know where she is I'll make it so you instinctually know you are going the right way, However, you won't be able to use some of your wishes, numbers 1,2,5,7,8,9 till you get to her." " I accept since it seems interesting"

"Now, Good bye, " he shooed me away,

Before I could open my eyes, I could smell the flames and the pervasive stench of death, as I opened my eyes I saw an encampment burning and people being killed. As I stand there stupefied and stun I see a man running towards me with a disgusting look in his eyes. However, before he got any closer there was an explosion near us that killed him and send me flying and hitting my head against a rock, knocking me out cold, and the last thing in my mind being "And That was the Second time I died."