
Alpine Crescent Academy

After losing her parents, a date with her boyfriend goes terribly wrong when she finds her boyfriend cheating on her with a werewolf. He forces a bite on her, and 18-year old Layla Gibbous is forcefully removed from everything she once held dear and is tossed into a new life at a school for the wolves of the night, Alpine Crescent Academy. As she learns more about her new abilities, she feels like she is being watched from the shadows. When she keeps running into a mysterious and devilishly handsome man comes on campus, Layla can't help but get close to him. If he is the one in the shadows - is he here to protect her or hurt her? At the academy, she is taught more about the history and the two warring factions of wolves: Nestati and Vosak. Can she stay out of the fight? Or is something more at work here, like fate?

book_neurosis · Fantasy
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134 Chs


One final night tearing through the library and consuming the long history of supernaturals. But my searching for bits of knowledge and anything that could prove useful had to come to an end. 

My time is running short. 

And I mean that in more than what Morwenna had alluded to, that I will not survive long with blood infected by both factions at war inside of me. 

I also mean that the time that I had bought for myself with Morwenna and to fix my mistake is running out. 

That is why I find myself prowling through the hilltop ruins of a palace in Greece. Nekromanteion Archeron, an ancient palace found along the Archerontas River. Besides the word "nekro" referring to the dead and the belief to be tied to an oracle, the place is described to that of the likeness of the myth of the Styx River that ferries the dead to the Underworld.