

“The recent Hexenbiest invasion. It seems that the town itself was not damaged, but is it true that no Hexenbiests have attacked the town since we lost our minds?”

“Yes. It's been peaceful since the overcast receded. As for us, we thought we were being saved by Hero again. ......”

But" Marklo understands that his impression at the time was wrong. Albert and Carnelia's expressions were dark, as if they even despised the peacefulness of the people at that time.

“Apparently not. I heard that you fainted, but you didn't just run out of power?”

“Yes. Let me walk you through it step by step.”

Albert and Carnelia will give a chronological account of the situation at the time. That a large number of Hexenbiests attacked. Unlike conventional Hexenbiests, the horns on their foreheads are of a different color. The strength itself was not much different and could easily be killed. And about the presence of the Erlkönigs who were waiting ahead of them.

“The Erlkönigs”