


I open my eyes against the glare of the florescent lights. They hang haphazardly by the ceiling above where I lay, a hard lab table under me making my back and wings hurt.

Yes you heard that right, wings.

For the last few years I've been a lab rat for a group of rogue wolves. I'm rarely fed properly and everyone sees me as a punching bag or toy, it sounds cliche but this is my life.

I look around and see no one is in the room so I sit up, letting my wings free of my weight, one wing is black and the other is white.

I rub my wrists where I must have been strapped last night and look at the puncture wound in my arm.

What the hell did they give me this time?

A hecka strong blocker, my little wolf, Scarlett, says.

(As some of you know I was originally human, but ever since I was kidnapped that has changed drastically. Now I'm part avian, wolf, tiger, and who knows what else? I can hear both Scarlett and my inner tiger, Snow.)

"Blockers?" I say silently, searching through my mind for what that meant.

Snow sighs, They block you from shifting Bunny.

I smile at my nickname given by them, "Thanks Snow. Sorry guys, I know y'all like being out." I pout my lip out and they laugh at me.

It's cool Bunny, Scarlett says softly, you couldn't have helped it.

I nod, they're right. The rogues keep me weak so I can't fight back. If it weren't for Snow and Scar I don't know where I'd be..

I feel Snow purr and feel Scar's sadness. We'll get out of here Bun, I promise. They both say and I smile, knowing they could try all they wanted but knowing we were trapped here.

I tone them out as I head footsteps coming down the metal steps. I shiver and curl into a corner.

I see John's form come through the doorway and he smiles when he sees me.

"Get done with your nap Evey?" I look down at the floor making him laugh. "I guess your still grumpy aren't you?" He brushes his hand across my face softly where a big gash is slowly healing. "Did I hit you that hard?" He smiles when I don't answer. "Want me to again?" I shake my head slightly and he laughs louder. "Why don't you tell me not to?!" He screams in my face making me whimper.

I try to move away from him but my attempts are futile, he slaps me across my face, sending me spiraling to the side. I curl into myself as he kicks me in the gut.

He laughs likes maniac as he continues to hit me, pulling my hair and kicking my ribs.

When he gets bored he leaves me laying on the floor, shaking, bleeding and bruised. I eventually fall into blissful darkness.

The next few days go by and the rogues seem on edge about something, I hear a few talk about an attack that is coming, some even mention moving.

I'm sitting in my room playing I spy with Snow and Scarlett when I hear a loud crash, I hear some rogues start screaming and feet pounding as they run.

I bolt up and look through a crack in my door, what I see stuns me.

Wolves are everywhere, tackling rogues, not quiet killing all of them. Some wolves fight the ones that have shifted.

I watch for what seems like forever, mostly every rogue is passed out, dead, or have ran. One of the new wolfs shift, he is dirty blond and tall from what I can see, more shift with him but some remain in their wolf form.

The man begins to bark orders and the rest start to tie up some roughs that are still alive, others they just quickly kill, snapping their necks making me squeak in fear.

I hurry and cover my mouth but it's too late, the blond guy starts to my small door and I hurry away, covering myself with my excuses of a blanket in hopes of hiding.

I hear him burst through the door and sniff, he pauses probably because of my weird scent but soon he walks over and pulls the blanket from me. I begin to shake in fear as I look up at him but he only looks at me in wonder.

When he makes no move to grab me I scuttle to my corner and curl myself into a ball there. That seems to snap him out if his trance.

"Who are you?" His voice is kind but I don't trust it.

I look away and hug myself. He sighs and continues asking me questions that I don't listen to.


I tell my men to capture the rogues who look like they aren't too injured and to end the rest. They comply and when one of the rohues are killed I hear a small sound come from one of the rooms I hadn't noticed.

I walk over to it and hear movement so I break down the door. The room is mostly empty, some dirty clothing and stuffed animals and a small, moving cloth. I walk over to it and lift it off of a small body.

I stare shocked, it's a girl no bigger then the towel that was covering her and she is as thin as a pole, shaky, and dirty. The most surprising thing is she has black and white wings growing from her back, they rip through her big shirt that hangs below her knees.

She looks up at me with blue eyes that remind me so much of Ella and hold so much fear that I almost cry.

The girl moves suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts. She curls into a corner, hugging her knees to her chest and shaking.

I feel terrible, what happened to her?

"Who are you?" I ask, keeping my voice calm so as to not scare her more.

She doesn't answer me, instead she looks away and seems to zone out.

I sigh and pick her up, she stiffens slightly but relaxes after a second, she's so light I barely notice she's there.

I walk out and my Delta, Zero, looks at me surprised. "What the hell is that?" He exclaims loudly making the girl start to shake again, she cringes into my chest and I feel protective twords her.

"She is a girl," I growl, running my fingers through her hair tangled to calm her. "Whatever happened to her must have scared her so keep your voice down." I look back at the small girl, her dark hair is parted and splits between her wings.

"Would you like to go somewhere warm?" I ask her and feel her nod eagerly against my shoulder. I smile and look to Zero, "Finish up here, give these bastards what's commin' for them. " He nods and tells the rest of the men.

I take the girl and buckle her I into my Jeep, "Let's get you home hun." I say.

She looks up at me and whispers, "Bunny."

"You want me to call yo Bunny?" I ask, happy that she spoke.

She nods eagerly, "Also could you-" she breaks off as coughs rack her body.

"Shh," I say quickly and grab her a water bottle, she eagerly drinks it.

"M- my ring, in my room." She says softly. I nod and run to her room, seeing two rings sitting in her corner I grab them and run back to where she sits, smiling in the car.

I give them to her and she slips both onto both her middle fingers, they look too big but she doesn't seem to notice, or care. She looks at them smiling brightly and nods at me as way of thanks.

I smile down at her and turn on the Jeep's heat. We drive for awhile and eventually Bunny falls asleep.

Hi again! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Isn't Max so nice?! Eve is free now! Please comment what you think.

Till next time! <3