
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · Fantasy
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61 Chs

7: Epilogue

"Every beginning has an ending. And sometimes the stories you know don't usually end but continue towards another path and extend to another tale. Life might not go like you want and most of the time it will be hard but you have to keep going. Because one way or another, our stories are just threads that interconnect together." The young boy looked up the adult that he was sitting on with confusion as the young kid scrunched his button nose while thinking.

"But Gram Uncle Ramram, tol..." The young boy crosses his brows with a pout as he crosses his arms. "...tol me that..."

"Fraze what are you telling little Gust now..." A man wearing a black sweatshirt approached the duo with a cup of coffee on his right hand. "I don't want him to think one of your tall tales to be true. You dont want another monster in the closet fiasco again." The man smirked.

"Really, babe." Fraze gave a seductive smirk back as he looked up at the man standing beside him. "And Gust is old enough for a little cuddle tale. Aren't you baby boy?" He looked at the kid on his lap.

"Donnie said amma big boy!" The little boy exclaimed as he spread his arms wide. He huffed his little chest out with pride.

"See. Gust-gust can handle a little cuddle tale or two..." The man smirked as he patted the head of the boy. "And besides, didn't a certain someone tell one baby that he needs to grow up soon..."

"I didn't said such things..." The man standing gape and smacked the man's shoulder.

"Ow, that hurt babe!" The man fake hurt as he can't stop stifling his laughter.

"Just shut up, Fraze. I don't want you scarring my nephew for life." Another man approached the pair with a prominent scar over the left side of his face.

"Unca Khal!" The boy beamed at the man and jumped off Fraze' lap and dashed over the his uncle.

"Gust-gust! How's my little man?" He picked the boy and swings him back and forth.

"I'm not little anymore, Unca Khal." The boy pouts as the man stopped swinging. He cradles the boy in one arm and pats his light auburn hair.

"Yes you are." The man smiled. "You're one big boy! Even bigger than your daddy." The boy beamed proudly.

"So, how's the flight?" The man next to Fraze asked. "Didn't expect you to be here until Monday."

The man shrugged and puts the little boy on the floor as he leaned over. "Breeze is over the patio with Auntie Michi." He points at the opening and the boy literally ran wobblingly towards the pointed direction. "They sure grow up so fast." He spoke with love as he beamed at the little boy before looking at the two men. "Well, Zeke wanted to end the meeting early cause his mate's throwing a fit over something."

"A pregnant mate is always a priority." The other man nods in agreement. "I will kicked this doofus' butt when he thinks he could bail when I'm in labor."

"Hey, if you could kick my behind while pregnant then what makes you think you can't take care of yourself then?" Fraze sneered.

"Typical answer." The man rolled his eyes.

"Hey, we're twins. I know when you can or can't handle things on your own." Fraze shrugged. "And besides, you're one sexy beast when you get all demanding."

"Such the sweet talker as always." Phyrnk smirked as he wraps his arm around Fraze' shoulder.

"As much as I like to see you two going all lovey dovey all day, I have a lot of things to do. So, uhm, where's Arthur?" Khal asked. "I need to pay my respects to the Alpha after all."

"He'll be back in awhile. He had to talk to...uhm..." Phyrnk looked at Fraze before turning his gaze back at Khal. "...to his mom."

"Oh." Khal made an o shape with his mouth as he nodded his head in understanding. "And Morning Star?"

"With his mate...", Fraze rolled his eyes as if Khal was asking something stupid. "You know him. He might not say a thing and go silently mysterious at us and all but he does care."

"Yeah, Arthur sure is lucky to have him." Khal smiled as he nods his head.

"Or was it the other way around?" Phyrnk smirked. "I'm sure, there's a middle ground here."

"Well, not all of us was chipper upon knowing that. Remember when Achilles found out that Arthur wasn't his mate..." Fraze smirked with a glint of mischief in his eyes upon recalling that day. "He sure was so disappointed that day."

"Yeah, we all thought they would end up together on how attached they were when we were kids." Phyrnk sighed. "Well, fate sure is fickle."

"You mean love's fickle." Khal rolled his eyes. Before catching a glimpse of a beautiful latina waving over their direction with a smile. "Mate's calling, guys. Better tend to the missus."

"No problem man." Fraze patted the man's back before pushing him forward. "Stop later for drinks. Well, if Michi allows you, that is." He smirked.

"Funny." Khal smacks Fraze' shoulder playfully before walking away. "I'll phone you guys later. Nice being back!" And the man waved his goodbye.

"Likewise!" Fraze yells back before looking at the guy beside him with a knowing smile. "Soooo..." He started.

"Oh, hell no!" Phyrnk groans as he pushes the smirking man from pinning him down. "I know that look! We're in public doofus! And we literally did it not a few minutes ago..." He seethed.

"Not even for this..." Fraze grabs his mate's hand and guides it behind him towards his ass with a smirk. "You can't say to these babies. I know you want it, babe."

Phyrnk gulped as his face was flushed red and his eyes gleaming in heat but managed to push himself off his mate and walk off. Fraze shrugged with a knowing smirk on his lips before following his twin towards the stairs.

Meanwhile, outside the pack house at a hill beyond the garden of the pack's west side, the moon was shining at its fullest. It's splendored light made the rustling leaves and the swaying blades of grass seem to glisten at each contact with its light. It was a serene evening at the pack lands to say the least.

A woman with a beautiful long raven hair sat quietly at the chair that seemed to be purposely placed there for picnics or just merely for decoration. Her dark skin was smooth as it seem to glow in the moon's rays. She smiles at the sight before her not far from the foot of the hill.

"Believe me you're not." The man beamed as he combs the stray of lock of hair from the other person before him. "You look great in everything, love. Come on. Where's that arrogant confidence you have a minute ago?" The man smiled teasingly as he earned a disapproving grunt from the other person.

"Well, I have to make a first good impression. Ain't I?" The other person rolled his eyes while running his hand over his leather vest with a disdain look over his face. "Forget about it! I'm changing this!" As he started to strip off the black clothing. "This isn't going to work."

"But that's your ..." The man frowns in concern. "Love, you need to calm down. She will love you."

"You're just telling me that to calm my nerves." The other person glares as he clenched the clothe between his fist. "I'll just wait for you here... I bet she won't mind."

The man smiles as he cups the other persons cheek. The moon seems to radiate a glow over the man's oddly colored eyes. The other person narrows his eyes with a scowl.

"Come on, Love." The man smiled. "You know I wouldn't lie to you."

"Smooth talking like always." The other person looked away. "That only work on women, dumbass. Don't take me like any two piece female."

The guy chuckled and snaked his arm around the other person's hip, pulling him closer. The other person irked and jerked up surprise as a pair of lips touched the exposed skin.

"I'm not." The guy mused as he looks at the other person.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." The other person rolled his eyes as he pulled himself off the guy's grasp. "Fine. You won."

"Thanks Love." The guy smiled and leans over to kiss the other person but the other person pressed his palm in between them.

"You're boyband charm won't win this one." The other person smirked.

"Oh, Love. That hurt." The guy smiled. "Well, thank your bad boy charm then..."

"Bad boy charm?"

"Hmm..." The guy hummed and started walking up the hill but paused a few steps before turning back while extending his hand over. "Shall we?"

The other person crossed his arms with a scowl.

"Don't expect me to fall for that cliché." The other person taps his foot with a raised brow.

"Well, I could carry you up like a bride." The guy smirked back as the smug smirk over the other person drops as well as the color of his skin.

"Don't you dare!" He points as he backs off as the guy advances slowly with mischievousness in his eyes. "Don't you fucking dare, Arthur!"

Arthur lunges down as the other person dodges with a pin of a hair. The two started chasing each other around like kids, laughing as they run around the hill. With a leap Arthur caught the other person and pinned him to the ground.

"Fucking... Ha... Hell..." The other person yelled out of breath while trying to stop laughing. "Get the fuck off me! You're freaking heavy!"

"Try me." Arthur chuckles as he wrapped around the other person's chest as he buries his face over the other person's chest. "You didn't complain when I was pinning you..."

They stopped when a shadow stopped over them. Both looked up with pink cheeks as a beautiful woman looked down at the two with much amusement.

A loud snack was heard as Arthur flinches away.

"Ow! That hurts." Arthur winces as he stood up and glance shyly at the woman who was beaming brightly at him then at the other person who was glaring daggers at Arthur.

"Then you know when to not push your weight over me, dumbass!" The other person scolds as he caught a glimpsed of the woman before instantly looking away while scratching the back of his nape. "Sorry."

"What for -" Arthur raised a brow.

"Not you." The person glares before coyly looking at the woman. "Uhm... Sorry." He looks down with a tint of red on his cheeks.

The woman smiles with a nod. She looks at Arthur and spreads her arms and Arthur smiles back and closed their gap into a hug. She pulled away from Arthur and placed a loving kiss over his cheek. She smiles at him and jerks her head over towards the other person who was standing awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry mom." Arthur laughed nervously as he grabbed the other person's hand and felt it was sweating and cold. He plants a kiss over his cheek unexpectedly making the other person look at him. Arthur smiled and the other person took a breath in and smiled at him. "This is my -"

"Good evening ma'am." The other person injected as he reaches out his hand and was about to pull out when the woman clasped it with both her hands. It was oddly warm to that person as it somehow calmed his nerves. She smiles at him and he smiled back. Arthur seemed happy at the sight before him. "Uhm, I'm... I'm Zamiel. Your son's, Arthur's husband." Zamiel gulped as Arthur gave their intertwined hands a tight reassuring squeeze. "I.. I'm glad to meet you, ma'am."

"Mom!" Rather rolled his eyes playfully. "He's my husband." Zamiel looked at him confused as Arthur shook his head. "Sorry, Love. I forgot."

"Like you always do." Zamiel points out. "Sometimes I wonder if you're still 23." The woman chuckles as she covered her mouth.

"Funny, Love." Arthur apologized with a smile. "Actually, mom said you had a nice pair of ass." And this time Zamiel's cheeks flare up that Arthur pulled him over and buried Zamiel's head over his shoulder. "I told you mom, he gets easily embarrassed."

The woman raised a brow with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. I know he has a nice ass." Arthur rolls his eyes as Zamiel buries his head even further into Arthur's shoulder. "You don't have to rub it in, mom. We take turns okay. It's not like you don't even know." Arthur was rubbing Zamiel's back with his cheeks now as red as the the other guy. "Love, you alright?"

"What do you think?!" Zamiel groans as he glares at Arthur. "How am I suppose to react to your mom taking about my ass like that?! And don't even get me started on that last bit. I know you were talking about us having sex."

"Heh, I can't deny that. Guilty as charged." Arthur smiles back as Zamiel pulls out and straighten his shirt. "Besides, just take it as a compliment. It doesn't take much for a Moon Goddess to compliment someone else's ass everyday. And for me, I'm damn proud that this sweet babies are mine." Arthur smirked.

"Just shut up." Zamiel groans as he looks at Arthur's mother. "I'm sorry -"

Zamiel paused and saw the woman standing staring at the sky with her raven black hair flowing beautifully at the cold, nights wind.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Arthur started.

"That's gross." Zamiel fake gagged as Arthur elbowed his side.

"You know what I mean." Arthur smirked.

"Yeah." Zamiel smirked. "Just want to get under your skin, that's all."

"Love, you can get under my skin anytime." Arthur smiled suggestively.

The woman combed her her with her left hand as she looks at the two men with a loving smile. She reaches out her free hand over Zamiel and nodded her head. Zamiel looked at Arthur before accepting her hand. It was still oddly warm.

She reaches out and clasped Zamiel's jaw and closes her eyes. A warm sensation was felt against Zamiel's skin that made him close his eyes as well.

"Love you can open your eyes now." Zamiel heard Arthur's voice and felt the warm, strong hands if his lover. "Mom wanted to say something." He slowly opened his eyes and saw the woman before him smiling.

"Nice to meet you, my son-in-law, Zamiel." She spoke ,making Zamiel blink twice confused as he heard her speak.

"It's weird, I somehow could hear your mom's voice in my head." Zamiel looked at Arthur confused. "Don't tell me -" Arthur smiles back as Zamiel looked at the woman in front of them.

"I never would ever imagined that my little boy would snatch one, what's the word, ah yes, sexy specimen as you." She gave a mischievous look going in her eyes that she directed at Zamiel.

"Mom, that's my husband you're talking about." Arthur drawled. "And please, I know he's sexy, but keep your hands to yourself." He grabbed Zamiel's hips possessively.

"Don't act some pathetic lovesick wolf! I'm not something you can be possessive at!" Zamiel scolds as he pried Arthur's hands off.

The woman laughed, her voice vibrates like sweet honey. The two men looked at her with confusion.

"My apologies. Or was it sorry that mortals use to say." She wipes a stray tear off her eyes as she started to compose herself. "It's just, you two are act like Arthur's fathers."

"We certainly aren't." Both men growls as they crossed their arms.

"But aren't you your father's son." The woman smiled, looking at Arthur. The young man sighed and uncrossed his arms.

"Yeah." Arthur nodded. "I guess, I might got Papa's and Dad's quirks."

"And you young man." The woman looked at Zamiel. "You do have that spark in you like your parents have when they were young."

Zamiel looked surprised and slowly scowled as he looked the other way.

"I never had that, spark, you mentioned." Zamiel spat with such disdain. His eyes narrowed into slits as if he was trying to look at a distance. "It's nothing I can change."

"But I'm sure Arthur found something in you that's worth something to put faith in." The woman states as Arthur snakes his arms arms around Zamiel's waist again and rests his chin over his right shoulder. Zamiel looked at the smiling guy and can't help but smirk back. "So, let's talk about babies!" She sudden bursts out.

"Mom!" Arthur whines as he cups Zamiel's ears but the buff man was already deep crimson by the time raised his objection.

"What? Zamiel's not a wolf so I can't give you two a child." She reasons out. "And besides you two already have done enough to make children."

"Can we just talk about this sometime in the future, please!" Zamiel groans as covers his face, red from embarrassment. "I'm not ready to discuss this right now."

"But..." The woman pouts but Arthur shook his head, his cheeks pink from embarrassment as well, trying to lessen the discomfort his lover is feeling at the moment.

"Not now mom." Arthur said as he rubs Zamiel's back slowly.

"Fine." The woman rolls her eyes as she held Zamiel's hands and slowly lowers them. She smiles and closed her eyes. "Just take your time."

Zamiel nods and she lets go of his hands as she started to walk a few steps forward. She combed a stray hair to her ear as she hummed a lullaby.

"It's time." She spoke and looked at both men. Both men nodded and approached the beautiful woman as they enveloped her in a hug. "I'm happy."

"Me too." Arthur sobbed and released the woman as Zamiel followed suit.

"Nice meeting you ma'am." Zamiel spoke.

"The pleasures all mine." She smiles. "Remember, I'll always be watching."

"Just don't when you know." Arthur scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"He means it's creepy, ma'am." Zamiel explains in a poker face. "I mean he might go celibate knowing that you're always watching him."


The woman chuckled and shook her head. She nofs afterwards as she placed her right hand over her lips. She started to fade slowly into a thousand firefly like glow. She opened her eyes and placed a loving touch with her hand over each man's chest. They looked at her with a smile as she smiles back.

The fireflies scattered throughout the night as the moon seems to shine more brightly that night. Peering down at the world from the heavens.

"Have I ever said I loved you?" Arthur asked, eyes still fixated at the sky.

"Huh? What's with the sudden question?" Zamiel smirked, eyes looking up at the stars.

Arthur shrugged.

"Nothing. Just crossed my mind." Arthur mused.

"Well, if you should know..." Zamiel started, looking down. "Everyday... Every hour or minute or second you have the chance to. It's hard to forget if you keep reminding me."

"I love you." Arthur smiles as he looked at the man over his side.

"You know you're a jerk." Zamiel glares at Arthur but a smile is pinned on his lips. "But yeah, love you back, dude."

"Argh!" Arthur groaned. "It's less romantic when you can me a dude. Its like I'm your college roommate or my Best Friend."

Zamiel snickered.

"Well, because you are!" Zamiel states the obvious. "You where first and always be my friend. Being a couple now doesn't change that and the feelings I have for you." Zamiel smiled and cupped Arthur's chin and slowly brought his lips closer. "And you know what?"

"What?" Arthur asked through half lided eyes.

"I love you too."