
CHAPTER 114 They Will Pay for Their Crimes

  Narcissa perched on the edge of the table as she studied Ann silently. The uncomfortable silence extended until the muted sound of voices echoed faintly from outside of the corridor and drifted into the room.


  "Ah! It looks like our first guest is here!" Narcissa exclaimed excitedly as she slipped off the table and stretched her arms out languidly before her.


  "Now, not a word little princess, I don't want you to spoil the surprise!" She giggled as drew her fingers across her lips.


  Ann tried to open her mouth to respond but suddenly found that she was incapable of movement, not only that, a painful fire seemed to be coursing through her veins. She wanted to scream and her muscles fought to writhe against the pain, but they were unable to. 


  Narcissa smirked as she sauntered towards Ann, running her finger down her cheeks as she stared intently into her eyes.


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