
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 72: Double Date

We walked to the restaurant near the park as Scarlet is more relaxed now. We had fed so many squirrels it made Scarlet giggle a few times. A squirrel stayed on her shoulder for a whole hour. No matter how many times she moved the squirrel didn't even leave her side. It was very adorable and I just couldn't believe it. Jey looked completely calm but he stayed beside Luke. Giving Scarlet some space but still near her. It was very cute but goddamn. I hope everything goes well for these two. Scarlet loves to give gifts and spoil a man. I just hope he can teach her she can get pampered and spoiled as well.

While me on the other hand. I do not wish to be pampered and spoiled. I want to remain the way I am. Be independent if anything happens. Scarlet has been independent all her life. She needs some pampering once and a while. I noticed a few people watching something and it was something about sports. Football. Oh my the other team is way ahead. It's already half time and they are losing by a lot. I felt a hand hold my own and I snapped my attention to the culprit. Luke was smiling at me as he held my hand. I didn't feel our bond this time. Maybe because I am use to it by now. Maybe. We finally reached the restaurant and it looked slightly busy but we can see the seats available outside though.

It is a beautiful day so it can be nice to eat out once in a while. Under the now setting sun. It is giving of these beautiful light blue orange and some pink colors as the sun is setting. I can already see the north star start to appear slowly. Luke had gone ahead leaving me with Scarlet and Jey. Jey staring at her while she had her arms crossed and giving him her back. I hear Luke call out to us and we all looked at him. A server was beside him a giant smile on his. I felt completely confused. This isn't a big restaurant. Fancy or anything expensive.

Does Luke own this business as well and I don't know about it? We went and followed Luke and the server to one of the outside VIP tables they have. We were near their fish tank this time. Last time I was here with Luke I kept staring at the fishes whenever I had the chance. Beautiful colors. All I wanted to do was just think of a way of scuba diving to be able to see some marine life in the future. Would that be a bad idea? I looked at Luke as he pulls my chair and allows me to sit down first. I saw how his eyes glanced to Jey as he then looks at me.

Oh god please do not teach Jey this things. If Jey tries to do all of this to an angry woman like Scarlet it can go either two ways. Good or horribly wrong. I placed my purse on my lap while Scarlet placed her beside her. While holding it. She does have anxiety so she keeps her hands busy by scratching a bit the cloth of her purse. Relieves her stress a bit. I just can't understand it though. Scratching the material of a purse feels annoying for my teeth. But I do bite my tongue when I feel completely overwhelmed.

I sighed out as I felt my body close to the table and I saw how Scarlet allowed Jey to pull her chair and she sat down. Him pulling her closer to the table as well. Scarlet glances at me. Signaling me basically. I just accept it quickly and I looked at Luke.

"Luke... I think I left the phone in the car... Can you go get it please? I would really like to take pictures for our memories" I tell Luke with a gentle smile

He looks at me with happy eyes "Alright... Anything else?"

"I think I have cash in case we leave some tip but make sure that the cash isn't visible if you see it" I tell him gently

"Jey... Damn I think my wallet is in the car... Can you go get it as well?" Scarlet tried to shoo him away as well as she fake looked inside her purse

Jey looks at her and before he could even respond Luke grabs him while saying "Alright... We'll be right back... If I can't find your phone love you can use mine"

I looked at him and I say "Ok..."

The restaurant had happy type of music. Pop music. I stared at the two men walk away and I saw Luke's lips moving meaning their whispering to each other. Lucky. I wish I had super hearing like they do. I have to wait until they are out the door before Scarlet and I start talking. Scarlet has something in her mind and she doesn't want to talk about it with Jey present. It was kind of adorable as she kept her eyes on him. I could see the longing in her eyes. She is already missing him and he will be back soon. Though we are around other humans so they are unable to just run at their speed to get out things.

I saw Luke speak with the waiter and the music had gotten a little bit louder. Not too loud like a bar or party but at least in a way you can understand and hear the lyrics of the song clearly. Lady Gaga's Poke Face is on right now. Been a while since I last heard it. I looked at Scarlet as she also placed her purse on her lap. We noticed people passing by and so we stayed quiet a little bit longer. The silence between us getting thick. Even though we are listening to music in the background. Scarlet is a talkative person when she is with me.

She doesn't talk much with others with fear of them she is some kind of crazy woman. But I actually don't care if she talks a lot. She can get easily distracted if I don't remind her what she is talking about. Though I am the same. I saw something move at the corner of my eye and I quickly got my attention to it. It was a beautiful white husky. It didn't have that pink nose most Albino animals have. Meaning the husky is just pure white. Fluffy white coat. Beautiful. Beside it was another dog but slightly smaller. Chihuahua? That's just adorable. Even though those small dogs are like little demons.

"So... I have been thinking about all of this..." Scarlet snaps me out of my trance of dogs

I looked at her eyes as she was looking down so I speak "Everything will be alright... As long as we have each other... I can help you all the way"

She looks at me with big eyes "Really?"

"Of course really... Why would you doubt that?" I asked her as I felt my heart heavy

I don't want to lose my best friend but she speaks gently "I just thought you didn't need me anymore and that Jey would take me away... Or Luke takes you away"

She is getting panicked and I placed my hand on the table and I say "We promised each other! To never leave each others side until a child is born from our wombs"

The relief in her eyes can be seen as she says with a gentle laugh "I doubt we would be that far apart if we get pregnant..."

It made me smile and I say "Oh girl don't worry... Even if we get pregnant that don't mean I will leave you alone either way... We won't be that far apart either but children do need a large yard... Even more if you have more than three as you always dreamed of"

It made her laugh a bit and I just smiled but our little moment got interrupted by two males sitting down beside us "Hello ladies... Is it ok if we sit here?"

"You have already sat down so there is no point in asking..." I tell them as I crossed my arms

"Oh don't worry we won't do anything you both don't like" the second male responds as he looks at Scarlet

I can see the disgust in her eyes "Look... We are waiting someone either way... Can you both leave..."

The male places his hand on Scarlet's leg making her glare at him "No girls needs to wait on any man... Don't worry we'll take care you"

I felt a hand on my own and I tried snatching it away "Don't touch me..."

The disgust visible. This two are taking advantage of the situation but I just hope Luke is not in a killing mode. Better yet. I hope Jey is a bit more patient about this arrogant males. This man held my hand tightly and I tried pulling away once again. But nothing. I noticed the waiter walking towards our table already with a second person by their side. I stared at this mans hand in disgust as I so wanted to rip it off of his body so badly 'Since when do I think like this?' I think Luke's possessiveness is getting to me.

I glanced at Scarlet as the male was smiling at her.

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