
Alpha Levi

The men reached me and my heart was beating so quickly I felt as if it would pop out of my chest. "This is her." The alpha's husky voice called out. "My luna." When Naomi turns 18 she finds out that she has to attend the mating ceremony where she meets her mate, Alpha Levi. With becoming the alphas mate, she has to become luna of one of the biggest packs in the continent. the first of a long series

happynotvxbss · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Levi's POV

As soon as my canines sunk into Naomi's in deliciously tempting neck electric shocks rolled through me.

She tried desperately to knock my body off hers but, she wasn't strong enough, she didn't even come close. It was one perk of having a human mate; you can always dominate their body no matter what.

My wolf purred in satisfaction, hopefully this would put him at ease. Whenever I was too far from Naomi he constantly worried about her and made it harder for me to take care of pack issues.

No matter wether or not she wanted to be marked she had to be. It was the solution to half the problems we had. It would put my wolf to ease, make my job easier, make us closer and push us closer to mating.

I tried to give her time to accept the bond so that the marking would be more passionate rather than painful but, she fought it.

..So I had to resort to a different method.

I grabbed her arms and held them down while I pulled my canines out of her neck. She let out a small whimper as I licked the fresh wound.

As soon as I finished the first thing I did was look through her head. I know she wouldn't want me doing this but I had to find out how she really felt about me, not just what she said about me when she was angry.

There was some anger, mostly because I used alpha command on her and spanked her.

But the strongest emotion was sadness. She missed her mother and felt like an outsider around the pack.

My wolf whined and I pulled back from her. My heart aches for my mate. She was taken from her mother too young, she technically is still very young.

Once I got farther from her she slapped her hand on her neck and rubbed the area where my mark laid. "What did you do!?" She yelled at me with tears filling her eyes.

"I didn't want this.. I don't want this." She whispered to herself.

The one thing I wanted most was to comfort her and tell her everything was okay. But it is hard to be one's savior when you are also the person they hate the most.

I turned my back toward her and ran my hands over my face. I couldn't stay here and watch her cry, I wouldn't.

"I'll be back." I stated before walking away from my upset mate. I didn't want to admit it but, I knew she'd rather be by herself than around me.

I'd give her space then come back later and have a talk with her. I was no longer gonna force the mate bond on her because the pack wants a heir, Naomi is a mere human girl who is too young to carry a child anyways.

Anyone who disagreed with me could take that up with me.

I sighed and opened the door to the pack-house, my warriors by the entrance bowed their heads in respect.

"Alpha!" A squeaky voice came from the left of me. Before I knew it a little boy was hugging my leg and smiling at me with a couple teeth missing.

It was Charlotte's little brother, Michael.

I returned the smile and picked him up, holding him on my side. "Alpha! I haven't seen you in a-gazillion years where have you been?!" The boy threw his arms up in exaggeration.

"I've been with Luna Naomi," I spoke, "she's been having.. issues fitting in with the pack so I've been helping her."

Michael's face made a 'O' shape and he nodded. "I thought my sister was supposed to be Luna.. that's what she told me.." he trailed off at the end of his sentence.

I took a deep breath and nodded, "that's what was supposed to happen after Charlotte turned eighteen and shifted but, I found my soulmate so there will be no need for that anymore." I smiled at him.

"Oh! I can't wait to meet my mate, she'll be the prettiest!" Michael laid his head on my chest. I began walking toward my office and nodded.

"I bet she will be beautiful and she will have a golden heart just like yours." I set him down on his feet in the hallway in front of my office, "now, go play with the other kids while I work." I ruffled his hair and waved goodbye.

He ran off and I watched to make sure he didn't fall, he was very clumsy. After I was sure he was safe I entered my office and my eyes laid on Charlotte, who was sitting in my chair.

"Hey Alpha! I wasn't sure if you were gonna come today or not but I decided to show up. I'm glad I did!" She perked up from out of chair and gave me a bright smile.

It was very obvious Charlotte was trying hard to make me claim her but she just didn't interest me anymore, not after I met Naomi. It was true that I was going to make her my Luna if I hadn't found my mate but, I did so she was no longer needed.

"Right.." I replied to her, "what did you want to talk about again?"

She walked closer to me and spoke, "my first shift. Zach and Amaya think it'll be today or tomorrow. My wolf is practically restless!"

I nodded and scratched the back of my neck. "That's great. I'm happy to hear that, Charlotte, I'm excited for you." I walked past her and sat down in my office chair, opening my computer.

I heard her take a deep breath before turning around and maintaining her large smile. "I was thinking.. if it's not too much of a hassle for you.. could you shift with me that night so that I don't have to be alone for it?" She asked, "We could go for a run by that pond we visited that one time.."

My whole body tensed from that sentence. That moment was at least one year ago, I had taken Charlotte out for a picnic near a pond. My father had suggested that I get closer to her, just in case I needed her to be my Luna for if I never found my mate.

We ended up getting extremely needy for each other and almost took each other's virginity's before my wolf stopped me.

I have been grateful that my wolf stopped me that day ever since I met Naomi. I want her to be my first just as I will be her first.

I cleared my throat and replied. "I will see if I can free some time, Charlotte, but I have to be with my mate."

The smile on her face diminished and she crossed her arms. "But Alpha! She disrespected you! Right in front of you, she kissed another male! She's unloyal to you. I have never thought about another boy ever since you promised you'd make me your Luna."

"Well, that promise is officially broken. I have found my Luna and I no longer need you. You can search for your mate after you shift and live happily with him." I gruffly announced staring right into her eyes.

Her mouth was ajar and tears filled her eyes. She ran out of the office and slammed the door. Although it hurt speaking to a pack member like that, she needed to be put in her place. She was no more special than any other pack member and she was definitely not more important than Naomi.

Naomi is the only important person to me now.