
Alpha Leon (Destined Luna)

"I don't need a weak mate, Ashley. It's time to reject you" Ashley felt her wolf protest bitterly at the word, rejection. "I, Alpha Leon Stone rejects you Omega Ashley Cambrian as my mate and Luna". Leon said coldly to the naked woman on his bed. Ashley suddenly felt a sharp striking pain in her chest and she cried in pain holding her chest as she watched Leon leave the room angrily. Ashley Cambrian, a weak Omega of the blue park finds her life in a mess when she realizes she is the destined mate of the strongest and most cruel Alpha, Leon. Her romantic world of being loved by her mate comes crashing down as Leon rejects her because of her rank. Leaving the marriage wasn't an option as she was used as a collateral of peace between her pack and the Dark pack fortress. What happens to Ashley when she isn't accepted in her new home? Would she be able to get Leon into accepting her? Or would she end up being caught in a web of conspiracies?

Olayide_Mercy · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Nine

Ashley's POV

I ran as fast as my bare feet could take me, looking back and running ahead with my sprained ankle, all I could think of was to get help, a vehicle moving out of the city wouldn't be bad.

 It was getting dark and that was a bad sign as I was vulnerable. I must admit that I was possessed by rage earlier, how could Leon refuse to let me go after his promise. I didn't know how long I locked myself up in the room but it only dawned on me that I was out when I felt the spine shivering cold.

 I really wanted to go back but my hardheadedness wouldn't let me and I knew it wouldn't be long before they realize that I was gone and considering the powers of Leon , finding me would be a piece of cake but I wasn't going to give up.

Unfortunately for me, it started snowing heavily.

"Oh no!" I cried as I looked around for shelter but couldn't find any. I was on a thin white gown and it wouldn't take long for me to freeze to death.

Ding, ding

I heard a loud bell ring," that should be a church or something" I said, trying to encourage myself but as I tried taking a step,I realized that my legs were numb and I couldn't move.

"Help me" I said as I tried to warm my legs but I started feeling lightheaded and then I passed out.


"Ahhhh" I screamed as I woke up from my sleep, profusely sweating.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Father, she's finally awake"

I heard three strangers say as they moved to stay on the bed while I shrinked in fear, placing my hands on my chest as I looked around the unfamiliar room , everywhere was covered with candles and furnace.

"Are you okay,my child?" An elderly man dressed in a priestly garments walked unto me.

I nodded my head, too shocked to speak.

"I'm Father Cole and this are my daughters, Gia and Zara" the priest said to me.

I looked at the two girls who looked alot like their father. Zara was more older than Gia but she had a baby face. I and Gia should be around the same age

"Who is Leon? And why are you so frightened by him?" Gia suddenly asked 

"Huh? What the hell is she talking about?" I thought in my head 

"Gia??" Zara and Father Cole scolded her but the girl wouldn't stop.

"Common, tell me about him"

"Who's Leon?" I decided to feign oblivion.

"What? You don't know Leon? Then why were you calling onto him even in your sleep?" Gia kept asking.

"Curse you Leon" I silently whispered. " I just had a bad dream , I don't know why I called a name I didn't even know " I lied covering it all up with my charming smile

"That's all for now, let's leave…." Father Cole said looking at me with a smile

"Ashy, my name is Ashy" I said

"Let's leave Ashy alone for now" he said

"Wait!" Gia suddenly stopped them from leaving. "Why did you faint outside in a cold weather ?"

"I ran away from my abusive master and..." I stopped talking while wearing a very sad face 

"Ohh, we are so sorry " Zara apologized. "Gia, stop questioning her"

"We'd shelter you till you're safe from your master's hands" Father Cole said 

"I'm sorry" Gia said as they all left

I felt bad for calling Leon an abusive master, he wasn't my master and definitely wasn't abusive, at least not the way I made it sound.

I got distracted as Zara came back in with thicker clothes for me to change into after taking my bathe.

As I ran the water over my body, flashes of my dream came running to my head. I could feel Leon's tight grip on my arm and neck.

I held my hands together, "it's just a dream, Ashley. Leon would never find you again"

I had dinner with the priest family and I had my questions, "wasn't a priest supposed to be celibate? How come he has children and where is his wife?"

The dinner was fun, it reminded me of my time with Mom, Williams and Bradley and Karen. I wondered if Zara and Gia also missed their mom.

But that wasn't my business, all I wanted was to get better and plan my next move.

I had a surprisingly peaceful sleep but the loud noise I heard downstairs made me shiver in fear. 

"Has Leon finally caught me?"

Just as I was about fleeing through the window, the door was flung open and Leon walked in, his eyes red with anger.

"No! No!! No!!! " I cried and tried to run but Leon caught me and held me tightly by the arm, the exact way he held me in the dream

"Leon! Please let me go. Please"I begged but it felt like I was talking to a stone as Leon didn't answer me

I saw the priest and his daughters on their knees, Zolan and Xander were watching over them and then Leon pushed me to a side and grabbed Father Cole by the neck.

"No! No!! Leon please don't hurt him" I cried and shouted at the top of my voice 

"How dare you lie to me?" Leon's voice echoed with rage. 

"I didn't lie to you, Alpha. I didn't know the lady was your woman and she told us her name was Ashy" Father Cole said

Obviously, Leon must have asked about Ashley and they told him they didn't know anything about her. 

"This is all my fault, please. I told them my name was Ashy not Ashley" 

It seemed like my explanation wasn't working as Leon still held onto Father Cole's neck.

"Zolan please,help me" I finally had to ask before Leon kills the priest.

Leon suddenly dropped the priest down harshly and started walking to me.

"You must really enjoy asking help from others while I'm available to help?" He said before carrying me on his shoulder and walking outside. 

It was then I noticed it was pouring heavily outside.

"Leon please,drop me. It's raining" but my wicked mate paid no attention to me and he kept walking, leaving both Zolan and Xander behind.