
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Duties Darling

Ethan Kane

The next morning I helped Emma get ready for the day. Of course we bad professional help who had the job of getting their queen dressed, but, I, as a loving mate took matters into my own hand to help dress her.

"So my darling, are you ready to share some of the Royal duties with me and do some paper work? " I asked as I combed her hair, till they were all de tangled.

"Yes, I am, though I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be, seeing to that I have zero knowledge in Wolfie paper work" She said as she applies the lip gloss on her lips.

"Darling, I'm sure you will be of wonderful help to me, considering the fact that, your presence is what helps me get through the day" I said as I leaned down to kiss her lips, eating all of the strawberry gloss lf her lips.

"Ethan, I just put that gloss one me, you can't eat it off like that" She said as she giggled

"My apologies my queen, but your lips looked so kissable that I could not resist." I said as I bent down to kiss her again. Yup, I was treading on thin ice, seeing to which, she had just applied the gloss again and I had kissed it off.

"Ethan... " She whinned

"In my defence, the taste of your lips is just so addictive" I said and she smiled.

"I guess I'll just change the flavour of my gloss" She said as she picked up the one saying cherry.

She applied it and once again I kissed her.

"I prefer strawberry over cherry" I mumbled as I kissed her till we both saw stars.

She giggled and reapplied the cherry gloss

"Maybe I'll buy more cherry gloss so as to prevent you from eating it, like this" She said, as she stood up and pecked my lips.

"Darling arnt you forgetting something? " I asked as she made her way to her shoes.

"And want might that be? " She asked as she strapped the saddles on her feet

"I love you" I said as I back hugged her when she stood up

"I love you too" She whispered as o began to trail kisses down her neck and back up to her jaw, paying extra attention to my mark.

After a few more kisses, I reluctantly let her go and held her hand as I led her to our Royal office where tones of paper work awaited for us.


On reaching the office, I gave her a short tour.

"This is my desk and right next to my chair is yours, we will be sharing the desk since I want you close by to me, over there is where Zander works and over there is where where David works. Chris and Brian do not work in the offices, they train the younger pups so that Zander can train them when they get older. "I said and she nodded.

Today we had breakfast in the Royal office, even though she protested, I made sure she aye an extra two pancakes... She is  queen for Lords sake and she should eat like one.

Right now we were sorting out paper work, I was signing them while Emma kept them in their respective folders.

Zander and David were busy trying to check possible recruits in the Royal army.

I kept stealing glances of Emma, making sure she was comfortable, I know she would never admit that she was uncomfortable, but thank god for the fact, that unintentionally her body would show hints of exhaustion. After the day of her getting sick due to over excerting herself, I have been paying more attention to the signs of her body telling her to drop and rest.

By the looks of it, she was comfortable and was not exhausted. She was sipping on some coffee while I tidied up the desk a bit so that we could move on to the next stack of papers.

I looked around and saw both the other men in the room busy with the papers, so taking it as a sign of the goddess above, I pulled her in for a kiss, earning a soft smile from her with her face adorning the colour red. Zander and David left to help Chris and Brian train the warriors, so it was just me and her, I lifted her up and placed her on my lap.

"Ethan, someone might catch is, don't you think this position is scandalous? " She asked

"No, I have my wife on my lap, it is not scandalous, and also this is common in the wolf world. Male wolves love to keep contact with their females and right now that's exactly what my body needs, I need you close" I said and she nodded.

We snuggled up as I scanned through the applications when the danger bell rung, I sniffed around and realised that a fire had broke out, our office was just next to the kitchen, I immediately grabbed Emma, and ran out.


"Zander where is the fire starting point?" I asked

"The Royal Kitchen on the floor where your office was. " He replied

"Is everyone out? " I asked

"Yes sure, everyone is out, the floor on which the fire broke out, I being repaired, now that the fire is out

" Cause of fire? " I asked

"A stray pigeon flew in and  created a chaos in the kitchen, one of the maidens, while showing it knocked over the oil and the fire from the stove caught on it" He said

"Make sure everyone is okay. Then tell them to rest, today we shall order the food from the restraunt." I said and Zander nodded

"Come darling, let's go back to our chamber"I said as I picked her up and walked up the stairs.

After putting her on the bed, I made sure she was comfortable and I began to stand up

" Where are you going? " She asked as she sat up straight staring at my soul

"Royal duties darling" I said

"Wait I'll accompany you, as a queen I also need to check on our subjects"she said as she stood up and wore her heels again.

" Darling it's alright you rest, I can take care of it, you don't need to over excert yourself and get sick"I said

"Nonsense, I'm. Stronger than what you see " She said as she stood up and walked to the door, with me trailing behind her

"She needs to rest the , the human encyclopedia stated that she has less stamina than us wolves. She will get sick if she over excerts herself" Said Atlas.

"I know, I tried but she isn't listening, but don't worry, I will make sure to keep her in good shape" I said and Atlas bummed his agreement

For us wolves I had only worked for about 5 hours but our hours were equivalent to human two hours meaning she worked for 10 hours in human world. She is definitely tired,  she has to be.

I watched as she talked to all the subjects and comforted them. She finally exhales and motions to me that she wishes to retire to our chambers.


"Darling I told you to take it easy, now look at you, you're hardly able to move a muscle. " I said as I laid her down massaging her back.

"But I'm a queen, it my duty to look after the well being g of our kingdom and it's people" She groaned as I massaged her lower back.

"Darling being a queen does not mean that you need to over burden yourself, I can hane most of it, all you need to do is do a few things" I said as I began to massage her right leg.

"But, you also worked for 7 hours straight, and your fine... I'm not weak" She said as I began to massage her right foot.

"Darling, Im a wolf, our one hour is equivalent to 2 hours in human world meaning darling you worked for 14 hours straight without any break.... You'll get sick at this rate. " I said as massaged her left leg.

"Oh my god... Really... Why didn't any one tell me... Oh my... No wonder I feel spent after all that.... I mean I worked 8 hours daily in my realm and never got tired whereas over here I got tired by working only 7 hours... My god... You should have told me" She said as I ribbed her head

"Sorry babes... My mistake... I apologize, now why don't you rest while I make us some dinner.

" Yeah, a nap sound good and food sounds even better" She said as she forced herself to stay awake to say those words

"Sleep darling, I'll wake you up when all is ready" I said as I kissed her forehead and got up, ready to prepare a meal for my girl


"What are we preparing for Emma " Asked Atlas as he magically awoke within me.

"I was thinking of burgers and fries with some sald and soda. " I said

"A chocolate truffle cake for desert? " He asked

"Yes that can be arranged" I replied

"Then make it, I have paws while you have hands" He said and I rolled my eyes

I took out the ingredients and began to make some burgers and then I took out the oil and began frying the fries.

Following the recipie book, I made the cake and even managed to decorate it without burning the kitchen. I then started making the salad.

I went to the dining table and spread rose petals around and also lit up some candles before setting the food. I set the record player on some soft romantic music.

I walked back to our room and woke my baby up

"Darling, wakey wakey, dinners ready" I said as I peppered her face with kisses.

She hummed, shifted and then finally woke up. She smiled seeing me and made grabby hands. Laughing a picked her up and took her to our romantic date.

"Wow Ethan all this looks, so good. " She said as she let her eyes wonder around

"Glad you like it , darling" I said as I set her down on the chair and I say opposite to her.

I watched how she picked up a fry and began to eat it while occasionally stealing glances of me and I of her. When it was time for desert I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that my baby was a messy eater, she literally had the chocolate icing on her nose, I took out a napkin and cleaned it for her and then carefully broke a morsel for her with the fork and fed it to her. Soon we were done so I took hold of her hand and placed her feet on mine while we swayed to soft romantic music.

"Darling, I have been meaning to tell you this, I may have broken into the human realm and brought back something known as a t.v along with some app called Netflix and also may have had my best technicians to get electricity in this castle, so now the castle has heaters to keep you warm" I said

"Really! " She exclaimed as she looked up at me, I nodded and watched as I watched her smile get bigger.

"Wolfie darling, then it's final we will have a movie night tonight" She said

"Alright babes, let me lead you to the place where I have kept that intruding box known as a t.v." I said as I led her to the room.

I watched as she operated that box and saw how it came to light and then she surfed through what I assume were movies till settling done on a movie called 'Wolverine'

Snuggling up with her we watched the movie and to be honest it was so fun, I mean that box is definitely a good invention... I just learnt that that tiny box has millions of movies in it, waiting to be watched. One movie a day sounds reasonable. I looked down and saw her asleep, I smiled as I picked her up and brought her back to our room.