
Chapter .7.

My love,

I know you feel heavy-

your heart is the Sun

& you carry the sea;

it is not easy being your own universe,

it is not easy to carry the stars,

in a world full of darkness.


We are lucky really.

Lucky that we have a pack doctor.

Small packs like us don't usually have one.

Most of the time we have to rely on other packs to send their doctors.

Sometimes I wonder why pack doctors even are excluded to just one pack. Why there can't just be a system where every pack can have help.

But packs are greedy. And they want what others don't have.

So we are lucky.

Lucky that one of our females went to visit her cousins and came back with a doctor.

Lucky that he decided to come to our pack instead of taking away another number of our own.

"He has weakness of the lungs. It's most likely caused by a severe case of pneumonia."