
Chapter .6.

Neither the clock- or I - win the next morning.

Before the hour of five could ring, and before my eyes could open minutes ahead to beat the alarm- I was awoken by a sudden weight on my legs.

My body reacts on instinct, springing up and shooting forward to the source of the weight.

A snarled laughter fills the air- and suddenly- I'm fighting.

Wrestling against the invader.

I find their arms, stopping them before they could wrap behind around my neck in a chokehold.

They fly off me, falling from the bed and onto the floor.

I look down and scowl at the sight of Lilah sprawled on the ground.

She is laughing, rolling with tears in her eyes as she clings to her side.

"Really?" But I can't stay annoyed at her long for waking me up.

A sigh from the doorway has me looking up, a smile spreading on my face as Aunt Quinn walks in- her head shaking in disbelief at her twin.