
Chapter .54.

You can't go back and change the beginning,

but you can start where you are

and change the ending.

~C.S. Lewis


I awake to an empty bed. And a note.

I eagerly grab it.

I loved Atlas's poetry.

I frown at the word on the bottom.

A location.

Sighing I get up and put on my white winter jacket and jeans, adorned with red winter boots. It was still cold outside, but the warmth was slowly spreading.

The pack house was clear- wolves staying in since it was the weekend.

Sandra waves at me, her same smile on her face as she tosses a breakfast bar my way.

I grab it from the air, and wave my thanks, as I walk out the door.

I sigh as I take in the chilly morning.

Another cold front. But this time it wasn't so bad.

I walk towards the clinic, curious as to what this scavenger hunt will bring.