
Chapter .49.

Salvation lies in the strangest of places,

and finds us at the strangest of times.

Bravery is knowing that it is okay to hurt

when we accept the salvation placed before us,

it is okay to be afraid and it is okay to tremble.

Do not fear the fall

when it is the leaping

that will set you free.

~Tyler Knott Gregson


I sit up when I hear the door opening.

Red hair and green eyes are staring at me.

I close my eyes and blink twice before I take in the light brown hair and matching eyes.


He stands in the doorway, smiling softly at me before walking closer.


He sits down at the foot of the bed, and slowly reaches for my hand.

I let him take it. Normally Mark knew that I didn't like contact. But I knew something was different. Something told me he needed this. And maybe, in a way, so did I.