
Chapter .43.

Gold child,

lion boy;

tell me what it's like to conquer.

Fearless child,

Broken boy;

tell me what it's like to burn.

-oh darling, even rome fell//p.s.


I taste blood.

I taste and see it as he comes closer.

We both walk in our circle, no longer caring about the formalities of showing off.

Let it be over.

I'm pleading with my mind for him to give up.

I want him to give up.

He spits, red mixing with his saliva. Only a few punches thrown, a couple of well-placed pushes received, and already the world was spinning.

Probably for a different reason as I feel nausea come over me. I can't fight it. It will give him an opening, but my body convulses on its own as I vomit whatever food I had left.

Just as I had predicted, he comes in my moment of weakness, kicking my side. I choke, still heaving but unable to stop.