
Chapter .24.

Watch me.

I will go to my sun.

And If I am burned by his fire

I will fly on scorched wings


I'm sorry my little moon.

The words rang over and over in Daisy's head as they sat in Stephen's office.

Grace was breathing hard. Daisy pulled out a small packet of herbs that she carried with her and handed some to her. "Eat this. The stress of the event is not good for the pups."

Grace nodded and chewed on the herbs, making a face at their bitterness. Daisy watched to make sure Grace swallowed before turning to Jackson, Stephen and surprisingly Doctor Schulman and Jackie. She didn't know what doc or Jackie were doing here, but she figured their presence related something to do with Jay.

Stephen sighed and put his head down. Jackson gave him a small pat of reassurance. "So it's happened again," Jackie said. Daisy glared at the group, tired of being left out.