
Chapter .13.

Forget Stardust. You are Iron.

Your blood is nothing but ferrous liquid.

When you bleed you reek of rust.

It is iron that sits in your heart and fills your veins.

And what is iron, really, unless it is forged?

You are iron.

And you are strong.



Eager eyes watch the female as she struggles to catch up to the herd.

I thought the elk very stupid creatures to continue onward and not feel the threat that loomed behind them.

But the wolves never slaughtered.

They only took what they needed- living on what they had to, in order to survive.

There would be no point in killing the herd, and the truth was- I wasn't even sure after watching the first hunt- if they could take down a fully-grown elk who was in the prime of health.

Instead, they preyed upon the weak and sick- those that were easy to pick off.

The female is obviously ill.