
Chapter 5

Bright light shone on my face.

“Rise and shine, sunshine,” came Sasha’s annoyingly perky voice. I rolled over and pulled my covers over my head. “Go away.”

“We have lunch and then orientation, remember?” Every muscle ached. “I don’t care.”

“Are you going in your pajamas?” She yanked on my

comforter. I grasped it with more force. “Take notes for me.”

“I can’t. We don’t have any of the same classes.”

“As long as I can find my way around when they actually

start, I’ll be fine.”

“Come on.” She pulled the cover off me.

I glared at her, but then had to cover my eyes from the

awful brightness.

“Get in the shower. I’m not going alone.”

“Take Landon.”

“He’s not a freshman.” Sasha pulled on my arm. “You’re

my roommate.”

“Technically, everyone who lives in the Waldensian is a


“You’re the only one who shares a room with me,

girlfriend. Get in the shower before I throw you in.”