
Chapter 24

Wolf, I called softly. I need your help. Obediently, my animal half rose up to join me. What’s the plan? she murmured, her voice nearly too quiet

to hear.

We’ll try the easy way first, I replied. But if all else fails,

we’ll break the unbreakable and see what happens.

The wolf sipped my intentions out of our shared mind as

if they were a long drink of cool water. Then she hummed her assent. It’s worth it, she agreed, to save Lia. Of course it was worth it. I closed our shared eyes and inhaled a few deep breaths, then reached out with as much force as I could muster in search of the tangle of intangible energy that bound me to my pack mates.

There was Lia, alone once more. And now that I pushed more energy into the effort I could also catch my pack mate’s connection to the sleeping Savannah. Lia had obviously taken the other girl under her wing and connected her cell mate to our clan through sheer force of will.