
Alpha Damien’s Cursed Mate

Saved by Alpha Damien when she leaped off the cliff, Safira didn’t expect to find her second chance mate just as she rejected her fated mate. Wolfless and cursed, she didn’t think she would be worthy of his love but Damien thought otherwise. Will Safira learn to accept herself for who she was and accept Damien’s undying love? Find out in Alpha Damien’s Cursed Mate! PS: There will likely not be any smut chapters in this novel. But lots of steamy, lovely, and angst filled moments! The restricted rating is more for the themes of death that would likely occur in the novel. ^.^ Hello there lovely old and new readers! This is author ValestriaMoon here. I’m so excited to share my latest book with all of you. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do! If you’re keen on reading my other works, I have 3 other novels for you to check out: 1) The King’s Mistress (Completed) 2) The Dragon King’s Heart (Completed) 3) New World New Life (Completed) This lovely new cover is done by Sapphrix on IG! Thank you for bringing Damien and Safira to life! T^T

ValestriaMoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

Are You Sure?

It was settled, in three days, Safira would have a sparring match with some of the wolves from Obsidian Howl. Based on the results, a decision would be made on her entry to Obsidian Howl.

Safira anticipated it, but deep down, she was worried about something else too. She wondered what happened back at her old pack after she disappeared. Surely Greyson would be worried about her disappearance.

But another fear ran through her veins. Markus. Was he still after her? Or perhaps he assumed that with the wounds he had inflicted, she was already dead. It was Damien who saved her from certain death and for that she was eternally grateful.

Recalling the events of that fateful day was heartbreaking for her Safira. But it had been replaying in her mind over and over again. She reached her hand out to touch the locket she had.

Thank the Goddess that the locket was still intact. It was the only item she had of her birth parents, losing it would be losing a part of her identity.

"Damien, are you sure about this? We don't even know who or what she is."

Safira caught on to the sound of a voice. It wasn't Damien's and yet she felt like she had heard it before. It clicked in her mind, it was one of the few who had been there when she first woke up.

Out of curiosity, Safira sneaked closer to the half-open bedroom window and listened closely. She had gotten better with her sneaky moves as her wounds were healing. She covered her mouth with her hand to avoid from giving away her position.

"Are you questioning me, Seth? I thought you of all people should know that I take things very seriously, especially this."

There was a pause in the conversation for a little as if both men were deep in thought. They plotted carefully before they spoke their next words. But one thing was for certain, Safira knew they were talking about her.

"Alpha, Damien. I've known you since we were pups. This… this is so unlike you. Forgive me for being blunt but how can she be your mate?"

Safira widened her eyes in shock. It took everything within her not to confront them about what they were saying. A million different thoughts swam through her mind. For a moment, she wondered if they were even talking about her at all.

"I'm sure of it, and Yukon is too. He's been going crazy since we caught her scent. Even if I'm blinded, Yukon wouldn't."

He must have been referring to his wolf. Yukon. She was going to remember that.

"But…" Seth was still having his doubts. He looked from side to side before leaning in closer to Damien as he whispered, "A second chance mate? Damien, you know how rare that is."

A cold shiver ran down Safira's back. Her eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. Her eyes fell to her knees as she brought them close. She recalled how painful the rejection had been with Markus.

It was a pain she never ever wanted to feel ever again. But losing a mate, that must have been unbearable. It was uncommon for one to lose their mate young as a result of death. After all, there had not been many large scale packwars in two decades.

It was also said when an Alpha loses their mate, they would weaken over time. Depending on their devotion to their mate, it could be fatal. Most choose to step down from their position in favor of a stronger leader.

But Damien didn't look like he was weakened in any sort of way. Safira replayed every interaction they've had up to this point. He had never once shown any weakness.

"I know it's rare but the Moon Goddess has brought her to me. I do not intend on forsaking her."

"Even when she doesn't have a wolf?" Seth protested.

He placed a hand on Damien's shoulder as he continued, "Hate me all you want, Damien. But you're my closest friend. When you made me your Beta, you made me promise to always provide you with sound council."

Damien nodded, "And you have never failed to do so, even when you knew it would incite my anger."

Seth nodded, "Which is why, I want you to keep an open mind for what I'm about to suggest."

Safira didn't need to see their faces to know that it was taking everything within the Beta to say what he was about to next.

"Perhaps a chosen mate would be a better fit as your Luna, Alpha."

Safira bit the inside of her cheek as she waited in anticipation to hear Damien's response. Though they had only known each other for a very short period of time, she could feel herself slowly developing feelings for him.

These were feelings similar to what she had for Markus, yet very different at the same time. But there was a small voice at the back of her mind constantly asking the same question ever since she found out she was not his first fated mate.

What if he was doing all this just for his own survival?

After all, having a mate, a Luna, would help balance him and keep him grounded. Perhaps the pull he felt was mostly from his wolf. What if he didn't harbor any feelings for her at all?

Damien's words snapped her out of it completely.

"That's out of the question," Damien said with absolute certainty.

There was no hesitation in his voice. Not even a sliver.

"She doesn't have a wolf, Damien. Have you ever considered why?" Seth lamented.

"She has one, I'm sure of it. She just hadn't found hers yet," he replied dismissively.


"Enough, Seth, I don't want to hear anymore of this. She will prove herself worthy, I know it," He stepped closer to Seth and said in a lower voice, "I say this to you, not as your Alpha, but as your closest friend. I meant what I said about Safira. She's the one for me, I'm sure of it."

Seth let out a sigh as he took a step back and nodded. He knew how stubborn Damien could be. Furthermore, the Alpha was right most of the time and had always made sound decisions. Why would this be different?

Still, as his Beta, and his closest friend, he was protective. The Alpha protects his own, he has to care for his pack. Who would protect him?

Just as Seth was about to turn and leave, he noticed something was wrong with Damien. His eyes could not even focus, and his breathing grew heavy.

"Damien? Damien!" Seth yelled with worry.

Oh no! What’s happening to Damien?

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